Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Immigration does not hurt the Economy essays
Movement doesn't hurt the Economy articles Movement doesn't hurt the Economy A day or two ago in financial matters class somebody (no names) referenced that movement was awful for the economy. Despite the fact that I had another theme arranged I concluded that I compose a whole paper dependent on my conclusion regarding the matter. Which is, I thoroughly oppose this idea. Since the establishing of the states individuals have come here from each nation on earth. Regardless of whether it be getting away from a severe government, or just to locate a general better lifestyle, individuals move to the United States. A few people say that when an outsider comes here, they are not used to our lifestyle, and along these lines lose our lifestyle and economy. They state that they cause more mischief to the steady, charge paying residents of the U.S. at that point they do. I can't help contradicting these individuals for a couple of reasons. In spite of the fact that outsiders may cause a couple of issues, and probably won't have any desire to promptly follow our principles and laws, most in time do. Aside from a couple of transient issues, for example, not settling their charges, drawing on government assistance, and expanding a previously jam-packed society, foreigners in the long run accomplish more useful for our general public and economy than awful. No the Government doesn't lose cash as a result of workers. In the event that anything we get more cash-flow. The possibility of cash passes hands from government to business to shoppers and back again if a littler sum is being moved from industry to customers this implies an enormous segment of that circle is holding cash. Goodness sure they may not pay their duties by any means, or pay them mistakenly, yet that isnt as large an arrangement as it sounds, we have a lot of U.S. residents who do precisely the same thing. At that point obviously the are under the table wages, however those under the table occupations can prove to be useful for all of us. What number of U.S. brought into the world underage youngsters would get paid a few dollars an hour to take out the waste and clean toilets. Those may be employments that they are spending that could go to local conceived... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Placoid Scales on Sharks and Rays
Placoid Scales on Sharks and Rays Placoid scales are the small intense scales that spread the skin of sharks, beams, and different elasmobranchs. Despite the fact that placoid scales are like the sizes of hard fish, they are altered teeth and are secured with hard polish. They develop out of the dermis layer and this is the reason they are called dermal denticles. Placoid scales are stuffed firmly together, upheld by spines, and develop with their tips confronting in reverse. This gives the fishs skin a harsh vibe. The capacity of these scales is for security against predators. In certain sharks, they may likewise have a hydrodynamic capacity, helping them swim all the more productively and discreetly. The placoid scales are molded with the end goal that little vortices structure, lessening erosion as the shark swims. They likewise direct the water around the fish. The Structure of Placoid Scales The placoid scales develop out of the dermis, with the level rectangular base plate implanted in the skin of the fish. Like our teeth, placoid scales have an inward center of mash made up of connective tissues, veins, and nerves. Like the mash cavity of a tooth, it is breast fed by a layer of odontoblast cells that discharge dentine. This hard, calcified material structures the following layer. The dentine is secured by finish like vitrodentine, which is delivered by the ectoderm. When the scale ejects through the epidermis, no more lacquer can be kept on that bit of the scale. Various species have various types of spines create to help the scales. The spines give the scales their harsh surface. It is unpleasant to the point that it has been utilized as sandpaper by different societies structure numerous hundreds of years. The types of fish can be recognized by the state of the scales and spines. On certain sharks, they are molded like a duck foot. Scales in hard fish develop as the fish gets bigger, yet placoid scales quit developing after they arrive at a specific size, and afterward more scales are included as the fish develops. Shark Skin Leather The intense idea of the placoid scales makes shark rawhide calfskin, called shagreen. The scales are ground down so the surface is harsh with adjusted bulges. It can take on color hues or be left white. It was utilized in Japan to cover blade handles, where its unpleasant nature was acknowledged to help structure a decent hold. Different Types of Fish Scales Ctenoid scales are another sort of toothed scales, however the teeth are just along the external edge of the scale. They are found on fish, for example, roost that have sharp blade beams. Cycloid scales have a smooth surface and they are found on fish with delicate blade beams, including salmon and carp. They are adjusted and show development rings as they develop with the creature. Ganoid scales are jewel molded and they don't cover, yet they fit together like bits of a jigsaw puzzle. They are seen on gars, bichirs, and reedfishes, and they act like covering plates.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Admission Decisions Category #1 The Waitlist COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Admission Decisions Category #1 The Waitlist COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The hot topic on email, the phone, and information sessions is, “When will decisions start to be released?†The Admissions Committee is still feverishly reviewing applications and as stated in previous blog posts, hopes to start releasing decisions in early March. I understand that “early†is not an exact term, and it matches the fact that I do not know the exact date yet. I can tell you that this blog will be the first place where you can find out when decisions start to be released. As a reminder, we do not release all decisions at once. The majority of our decisions will be made soon but a decent percentage of applications take additional time to review. Once we start to release decisions we do move to what you could call “rolling release.†In other words, after the first large batch of decisions goes out we will start to release the decisions as they are made. The one question I cannot answer from an individual applicant is, “When will MY decision be released?†The Committee has a system set up and that system does not accommodate individual requests for a decision. I understand it is difficult to wait, but you will have to be patient and understand that we work as quickly and accurately as we are able. I thought I would take a few entries to describe the basic categories of decisions. The categories are not complex and you could probably guess them, however providing an overview might help with digesting your letter when you view it. Let me start with the waitlist category. Do note that we do not release decisions in a specific order, the categories can be mixed. Admission to SIPA is competitive. Sometimes the Committee must make tough decisions between applicants that might have similar backgrounds, qualifications, and potential. While the Committee might agree that a candidate is certainly qualified for the program, the strong number of candidates and limited number of seats means that we cannot make an offer to everyone we feel is admissible. Therefore, we will place a limited number of qualified candidates on the waitlist. Just like waiting for a decision requires patience, waiting for waitlist updates requires patience. We will give admitted candidates until May 2nd to pay their deposit, and we likely will not have a strong feel for the number of accepted offers until after May 2nd passes. The Admissions Committee does meet frequently to gauge the response to our offers and I will send out email updates to those on the waitlist after each meeting. There is no specific waitlist window so to speak, we have made offers to candidates on the waitlist as early as late April and as late as early August. Circumstances in life can change and if candidates that have accepted an offer and pay a deposit inform us that they will not be able to come, it might open up a seat to someone on the waitlist. We cannot predict if or when this might happen. If you are placed on the waitlist you will be given the opportunity to tell us whether you wish to remain on the waitlist. Instructions will be provided in the waitlist letter. I can say that candidates admitted from the waitlist will not be offered any scholarship funding from SIPA in the first year. More information on funding will be provided in a future entry on the admit category. One final note about that waitlist is that we do not have a strict rank order. The size of the waitlist changes over time as candidates notify us that they no longer wish to be considered. When it comes time to consider candidates from the waitlist, files are read once again. Although a “full read†might not be necessary, Committee members will review reader comment sheets and reference particular parts of the file that were highlighted in the comments. As the reading is done we get a feel for the overall landscape of those on the waitlist and make decisions as appropriate. I am working on two more entries on admission categories that will be posted soon so stay tuned.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Irony and Love the Center of Disgrace Essay - 1152 Words
Disgrace is a novel by J.M. Coetzee, which tells the story about a fifty-two years old professor, David Lurie, who by committing a series of mistakes falls into a profound state of disgrace. The main theme of this book is irony, which can be plainly defined as the outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been expected. Irony is genially employed to create a sense of satire and mystery throughout the novel. Another theme exposed in this book is the presence and absence of love, not only the love to a companion but to everything and everyone else. In this book there is a close relationship between iron and love; however, there are shown many types of irony, and love, and both themes are interlaced carefully within the novel.†¦show more content†¦Another example is, when David, in an effort to absolve his affair with Bev Shaw, his daughter’s friends, convinces himself that he has done some sort of charity work. He, also showing verbal irony, tells himself th ings that are not in accordance with what he actually does. For example, when Soraya, a prostitute, left their arrangement, he said he was going to let her go and move on; anyhow, he sends a private detective to find out where she leaves. Additionally, when he goes to his daughter’s farm, he exposes how annoyed he is with the animals and the country life, however, he offers himself to help Petrus, Lucy’s assistant, with the work on the farm, and to help Bev with the animal clinic. Even though he further tells himself the repulsion and how disgusted he feels by women who do not make an effort to look good when he meets Bev, he goes on and has sex with her. There is also irony of situation present throughout the entire novel. For example, after David’s affair with Melanie is reported to the board of the school, he instead of apologizing, which is what is expected, declares himself guilty and states that he does not regrets it at all. 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J. 1948); Figure 3.6 Courtesy of ATT Archives and History Center, Warren, NJ ; Figure 4.1 The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum, London; Figure 4.2 adapted from Performance evaluation and control: supporting organizational change in Management Decision Vol. 39 No. 10 MCB University Press (Johnson, P., et al. 2001);Read MoreMonsanto: Better Living Through Genetic Engineering96204 Words  | 385 PagesTrust and the Australian Conservation Foundation. On the other side, the government is solidly pro-forestry (it is a conservative union-inï ¬â€šuenced Labor government), and the pro-forestry Forest Protection Society (and there is no evident intention of irony in the name) is a vocal pressure group. GUNNS: A COMPANY WITH CONNECTIONS The two brothers Gunn started a building business in northern Tasmania in 1877 and soon turned to milling their own timber. They prospered and quickly became leading sawmillers
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Voip ( Voice Over Internet Protocol ) - 1586 Words
Electronic Submission Coversheet TO BE COMPLETED BY STUDENT By electronically submitting this work, I certify that: †¢ This assignment is my own work †¢ It has not previously been submitted for assessment †¢ Where material from other sources has been used it has been acknowledged properly †¢ This work meets the requirement of the University’s ethics policy Student Name: Seyedbabak Rezai Student Number : Q10928669 Faculty: Maritime Technology Level of study: 4 Course title: Bcs Computer Systems and Networks Unit title: CNP400 Assignment title: VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Assignment tutor: Jomo Batola Word count: 1000 Learner request for feedback: TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF Tutor feedback: Areas of†¦show more content†¦It is very important to know what type of connection is suitable for the users to communicate. VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a service that allows users to interact, send and receive the users voice. VoIP is considered as a service and in order for it to function correctly; the network administrator must consider the entire users situation. This service allows us to make phone calls to land lines and mobile phones around the world over Internet packets. Like anything else, VoIP has its benefits and drawbacks and ways to improve the service. A solution is introduced as IRIS at the end of the research with a conclusion. VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol has the same result as a normal telephone line but the main difference is in the architecture design. VoIP services communicate over a digital network rather than traditional telephone line. Data is being sent and received as â€Å"packets†. Packets are not encrypted and other users might be able to listen to the users conversation. In this case the administrator needs to set the servers default to encrypt the packets. When two users are having a conversation on the phone, bandwidth is very important. Normally a VoIP service that has been installed on a GSM network uses 531 Kilobytes/min (or 8.85 Kilobytes/Sec) of the networks bandwidth. From this, we know now this service cannot take place on a 56 kbps dial-up
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Are The Kinds Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(119) " was practiced universally because it was a inexpensive and convenient manner to free society of nutrient wastes \( e\." Water is one of the chief beginnings in the Earth. It is a really of import resource for people and the environment. Our blood consists of H2O and we can non populate without H2O. We will write a custom essay sample on What Are The Kinds Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now We need H2O in our life daily because it is a line of life. We chose this study about the H2O pollution because the H2O is really of import component we need to populate, but human, mills and ships play an of import function in H2O pollution. Clean H2O is increasing devastation because people do non care what throw in the H2O and the Earth is traveling to acquire destroyed. If destroyed clean H2O, life will be much worse on the land and the lone 1s who can forestall this from go oning and for us. Definition: Water pollution can be defined in many ways. Normally, it means we have built one or more substances in the H2O up to the extent that they cause jobs for the animate being or human being. This stuff is chemical, physical and biological alteration in the quality of H2O has an inauspicious impact on our lives. Was detected by H2O taint in the research lab, where they are analyzed little samples of H2O for assorted contaminations. It can besides populating beings such as fish that is used to observe H2O pollution. Changes in behaviour or growing show us that the H2O in which they live contaminated. Labs besides use the computing machine so find if the H2O has no drosss Classs: Point Beginnings of Water Pollution: The beginnings of H2O pollution and discharges include municipal H2O intervention works, drainage and industrial installations. Can the municipal intervention works point beginnings of pollution, sewage contribute to the signifier of oxygen-depleting substances and stuffs nutrient caused wellness hazards in the countries of imbibing H2O and swimming. Some illustrations of the non-point H2O pollution are exchange agricultural and exchange urban countries from excavation, and building locations.. Non Point Source Water Pollution: In contrast to the pollution from a beginning other than the specific industrial workss and sewerage intervention, ( NPS ) pollution comes from many beginnings is widespread. And do taint of atomic power beginnings by rainfall or thaw snow, and during the motion on the land. While the overflow moves, it picks up contaminations and carries off natural and semisynthetic, and eventually deposited in lakes, rivers, wetlands and coastal Waterss and groundwater. 40 % of all lakes and watercourses of H2O contaminated with a really used for fishing or swimming in the United States. Oil and unsafe toxins and pathogen taint of waterways and imbibing H2O, and can kill worlds, animate beings and workss. Non point beginning pollution is the taking staying cause of H2O quality jobs. The effects of nonpoint beginning pollutants on specific Waterss vary and may non ever be to the full assessed. However, we know that these pollutants have harmful effects on imbibing H2O supplies, diversion, piscaries and wildlife. Groundwater pollution: The groundwater pollution is the 1 of the H2O pollution and its importance parts to explicate it because groundwater is the importance beginning for the people in most universes and I will desiccation the beginning for pollution of groundwater. One of these possible beginnings of groundwater pollution: Natural: The pollution of natural substances by taint grounds such as the presence of gustatory sensation and odor in the H2O Wellss, the presence of musca volitanss in the H2O and find of unacceptable consequence in the degrees of substances found in H2O. Besides this causes the natural dirt or stone status. To prevention this job by if possible, avoid countries where there are jobs in groundwater, usage of treated H2O and Change to public H2O supply, if executable. Agribusiness: Pollution of groundwater by chemical spills, fertilisers and pesticides.So I will explicate the fertilisers, Contamination Evidence by High nitrate degree in good H2O trials this it causes over fertilisation and Ill- timed application. To Prevention by fertiliser usage in times that needed by the works and clip when hive awaying carnal manure to ease the airing of the Earth. Industrial: Such as building digging this show by Spills and alteration in colour, gustatory sensation and odor or the presence of drosss in H2O Wellss near. This job causes: Fuel and chemical spills, inordinate dust and chemicals are falsely. To Prevention by follow the cleansing processs and utilize fuel and risky stuffs harmonizing to the recommended actions. Residential: Such as infected systems this Contamination Evidence is appearance waste above surface land and sensing presence bacteria addition of. This Causes failing in the installing or care and disposal of family chemicals such as pigment waste. For trade this job by proper installing tools for the exchange of wellness, cheque and clean tools every 2 to 4 per twelvemonth and non dispose of chemicals in wellness systems. Causes of H2O pollution: Oil spills Oceans are polluted by oil on a day-to-day footing from oil spills, everyday transportation, run-offs and dumping. Oil waste can foul the ocean. They are coming from leaking storage armored combat vehicles and grapevine leaks, and the Wellss. Oil spilled from ships and oilers includes the transit fuel used by the vass themselves or their ladings, such as rough oil, fuel oil, or heating oil. It is estimated that about 706 million gallons of waste oil enter the ocean every twelvemonth. Drilling and production operations and spills or leaks from ships or oilers typically contribute less than 8 per centum of the sum. The balance comes from everyday care of ships ( about 20 per centum ) , and natural ooze from the seafloor ( over 8 per centum ) . Marine Dumping Many mills are dumping of waste into coastal Waterss such as plastics and other stuffs. These wastes take a long clip to degrade and they are really harmful to marine life. The disposal of wastes into H2O by worlds was practiced universally because it was a inexpensive and convenient manner to free society of nutrient wastes ( e. You read "What Are The Kinds Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples"g. , cleaned carcases, shells, etc. ) , rubbish, excavation wastes, and human wastes ( or sewerage ) . This Industrial Age brought with it the new job of chemical wastes and byproducts: these were besides normally disposed of in the H2O. By the early 1970ss, marine dumping began to be viewed as a serious environmental issue. Industrial waste Industry is a immense beginning of H2O pollution, it produces pollutants that are highly harmful to people and the environment. Many industrial installations use fresh water to transport away waste from the mills and into rivers, lakes and oceans. There are 370,000 mills use large saddle horse of fresh water to transport off many types of waste. The waste H2O is put into watercourses, lakes, or oceans. Besides, the hot H2O from mills will increasing H2O temperatures and do thermic pollution. The addition of temperature change the sum of O dissolved in the H2O. That will kill some works and carnal species and others species will overgrowth. Pesticide A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substance intended for preventing, destructing, driving or extenuating any plague. Pesticides are a serious unsafe to wildlife and marine life. At high doses they non merely kill insects and other invertebrates, but birds and mammals every bit good. Many pesticides are soluble in H2O.The higher the solubility of the pesticide, the higher the hazard. High degrees of rainfall increases the hazard of pesticides polluting H2O. Pesticides that get applied to farm Fieldss and waysides and place run away into local watercourses and rivers or run out down into groundwater, polluting the fresh H2O that fish swim in and the H2O we worlds drink. In the Midwestern United States, a part that is extremely dependent on groundwater, H2O public-service corporations spend $ 400 million each twelvemonth to handle H2O for merely one chemical-the pesticide Atrazine. Global Heating An addition in H2O temperature can ensue in the decease of many aquatic beings and interrupt many marine home grounds. For illustration, a rise in H2O temperatures causes deceasing of coral of reefs around the universe. This can ensue in great harm to coral reefs and later, all the marine life that depends on it. Temperature alterations in coastal and Marine ecosystems will act upon being metamorphosis and alter ecological procedures such as productiveness and species interactions. Speciess are adapted to specific scopes of environmental temperature. As temperatures change, species ‘ geographic distributions will spread out, species that are get downing to migrate or vie with other species for resources.Species that are unable to migrate or vie with other species for resources may confront local or planetary extinction. Measurement of H2O pollution: For the analysis of H2O and measured in several ways such as taking sampling, physical, chemical and biological. I will be explicating this ways of measuring of H2O pollution. Physical testing Trials physical Joint H2O includes heat, focal point solids and turbidness. So will explained turbidness. Turbidity is sum of particulate affair that is suspended in H2O. Turbidity measures impact dispersing that suspended solids on visible radiation: badness light big scattered, rose turbidness. Materials which grounds H2O to be Turbid include: clay silt divided finely publish organic and inorganic runing vehicles organic colored plankton objects microscopic Chemical testing Can be found on samples of H2O utilizing the rules of analytical chemical science. Published several trial methods are available for organic compounds and inorganic alike. Often used methods include pH, biochemical O demand, chemical O demand, foods ( nitrate and phosphorus compounds ) and metals ( including Cu, Zn ) , pesticides. Biological testing Be proving ways to utilize workss and animate beings and indexs for supervising the wellness of H2O and microbic environment. Consequence of H2O pollution: 1-Effects of Oil Pollution and Antifreeze Oil is the most unsafe H2O pollutants as oil spilled into the H2O cause in the formation of gluey bed on the surface which lead to the issue of an unpleasant order and this causes the violent death of the beings that depend on this beginning of imbibing H2O. 2-Contaminated Ground Water Effects Groundwater the chief beginning of imbibing H2O on the Earth, and the taint of this H2O is a major menace to human life is cause human exposure to disease may hold serious cause such as disease and decease in the liver and kidney jobs, malignant neoplastic disease and other diseases. 3-Effects of Agricultural Water Pollution The usage of fertilisers and chemicals is defined by husbandmans to better and develop farms and agricultural Fieldss to assist workss turn, but there is a danger of the stuff in that it leaked into the dirt and when rain Aogerian H2O above the surface of this rich dirt these chemicals it is washed to the cloacas and rivers and lakes, which leads to the accretion of contaminated deposits in these Waterss. 4-Fertilizers and other chemicals Melting compound of nitrates in the H2O and metal Cd found in fertilisers used for harvests to the outgrowth of diseases in worlds such as being diarrhoea and diseases of the liver and kidneys. And inorganic stuffs such as quicksilver, lead stuffs, lead to jobs related to gustatory sensation and odor and alter the colour of the H2O. The pesticides and PCBs toxic substances used in pesticides that are found in places, agribusiness, are besides found in merchandises such as wood preservatives. 5-Effects of Thermal Water Pollution This happen because they wash the machine of the factors in the H2O of lakes and rivers. This machine really hot so its heated the H2O, and this is job is that H2O reduces the ability of the system on the continuance of O and raises the growing of warm-water species. 6-Effects of Heavy Metal Water Pollution Heavy metals such as quicksilver and lead found in H2O beginnings. Solutions: As we saw antecedently there are many effects of H2O pollution, and to cut down this effects or seeking to forestall this jobs we must happen some solutions such as: Water pollution control in the place, utilizing stuffs from non-toxic cleansing merchandises are free from toxic substances and to forbear and to cut down to the extent possible the usage of pesticides in the place and gardens. Always dispose of pigments, motor oils and toxic chemicals in ways that a healthy and safe. 3- Always protect and clean groundwater as the chief beginning for imbibing and irrigation systems and forestall the reaching of a chemical. 4- Raise consciousness of the extent of H2O pollution measure and demand that the Government promote more sustainable agriculture techniques. Decision: Water is really of import component we need to populate and it is portion of our lives. Oil spills, industrial waste, pesticide and planetary heating are cause H2O pollution. These will destruct the H2O we drink and will destruct our lives. To forestall H2O pollution we should supply rigorous punishments for people or mills who try to foul the H2O. To reason, we should maintain our environment clean to populate safe without any pollution by do n’t utilize more pesticides and do n’t throw the trash on the H2O such as the industry trash. How to cite What Are The Kinds Of Water Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Literary Analysis of Rip Van Winkle free essay sample
â€Å"Rip Van Winkle†is a magical fiction written by Washington Irving in the early nineteenth century, and, of which the main character is Rip Van Winkle exactly. What made me be interested in the mystical story, was not only the developing plot that went on compactly, but also the various description of all the setting in the story which made the plot of the entire story seemed to contain much more emotional coloring. One day, after a long time stroll to the peak of the Kaatskill Mountains, Rip Van Winkle was exhausted because of keeping haunting as his favorite pastime even when the nightfall came. â€Å"Panting and fatigued he threw himself, late in the afternoon, on a green knoll, covered with mountain herbage, that crowned the brow of a precipice. From an opening between the trees he could overlook all the lower country for many a mile of rich woodland. †Here Washington Irving described the surrounding setting of Rip Van Winkle right after he was panting for breath as feeling tired at the time. We will write a custom essay sample on Literary Analysis of Rip Van Winkle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This description is just appropriate for both the atmosphere and plot that were going along in the story. A person was so tired that he even has a heavy breathe and when he sees the graceful natural scene presenting in his sight at that time, he must be comfortable as a feeling and wants to have a nice rest at once. So Rip Van Winkle lay musing on the scene and the mood of this part of story is presented as leisurely and comfortable for Rip Van Winkle enjoying the beautiful scenery. Not a long while from Rip Van Winkle appreciating the natural setting, the plot of story goes to a wide transition when Rip Van Winkle heard a voice from a distance hallooing his name but there was nothing but just the evening closing in. And what made the atmosphere became so fearful and suspenseful was the description in the story that â€Å"At the same time Wolf bristled up his back and giving a low growl, skulked to his master’s side, looking fearfully down into the glen. Rip now felt a vague apprehension stealing over him; he looked anxiously in the same direction and perceived a strange figure slowly toiling up the rocks and bending under the weight of something he carried on his back. He was surprised to see any human being in this lonely and unfrequented place, but supposing it to be someone of the neighborhood in need of his assistance he hastened down to yield it. †This quote of the description that fully expresses a certain feeling of terror and eerie which has the same effect on the mood of story. The narration of the reaction of Rip Van Winkle’s dog which â€Å"bristled up his back†and howled could be considered as a really lively depiction to show the unusual actions of animal, which is a population that also has vital signs as human. As a result of using the side description effectively by Washington Irving, the major mood of each part of the story was clearly revealed such as the quote above. As Rip Van Winkle followed the old stranger and saw a group of weird people playing a novel game, there is still a description that â€Å"Nothing interrupted the stillness of the scene, but the noise of the balls, which, whenever they were rolled, echoed along the mountains like rumbling peals of thunder. †and â€Å"that his heart turned within him, and his knees smote together. His companion now emptied the contents of the keg into large flagons and made signs to him to wait upon the company. He obeyed with fear and trembling†. This two quotes indicates a strong expressive force by portraying a silent and depressive surrounding environment so that to make the noise of rolling balls prominent for the figure and simultaneously, for the reader that from their heart when reading the description. Therefore, what the readers’ feeling was like is the same as what the mood of this part of story displaying. That is, the depressive depiction has an affection of making the environment of story seemed dreadful and frightens both the character and readers. In conclusion, the description that went through the entire story is, as I said in the beginning of essay, diversiform and remarkably true to life for not only expressing the primary plot of story, but also builds up the most changeful mood for each different scene. Among all of the Romantic authors, Washington Irving is one of the most outstanding one who has done well in describing a scene of story that reveals the mood distinctly to indicate the main idea of story.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
MAMA MAMA!!!! Essays - DraftMaxima De Holanda, Corazn En Condominio
MAMA MAMA!!!! 1.- Mama, mama, ya no me gusta mi hermanito. Calla y sigue comiendo. 2.- Mama, ya no quiero conocer a mi abuelito. Calla y sigue escarbando. 3.- Mama, ya no quiero ir a europa. Callate y sigue nadando. 4.- Mama, ya no quiero piscina. Calla y sigue escupiendo. 5.- Mama, mama por que papa corre tanto?. Callate y recarga la ametralladora. 6.- Papa, papa que es un degenerado. Calla y sigueme lamiendo... 7.- Mama, en la escuela me dicen mentiroso. Callate que ni vas a la escuela... 8.- Mama, en la escuela me dicen mafioso. Ma?ana mismo voy a arreglar eso... Bueno mami pero que parezca un accidente... 9.Mama, mama, en la escuela me dicen peludo. Callate y peinate la cara!! 10.Mama, huele a muerto... Mama, huele a muerto... Mama. Mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! 11.- Mama, mama, en la escuela me dicen antipatico. Como? NO REPITO!!!! (M. Harris). Padre e Hijo San Pedro estaba con ganas de echarse una miada y le pide a Jesus que le cuide la puerta del cielo por un rato. En eso llega un viejito y Jesus le pregunta: -Abuelo, que hacia usted en la tierra? -Bueno, yo era carpintero, tenia unas longas barbas, muchas canas, y un hijo que todo el mundo adoraba, en especial los ni?os! Super emocionado, Jesus abre los brazos y dice: -PAPA!!!!!! Y el viejito todo emocionado: -PINOCHO!!!!!! y Eva dijo Jaimito se estaba quedando dormido en clase un dia, as? que la profesora le dijo a su compa?ero de detras que le pinchase con un bol?grafo cada vez que se quedase sobado. Al cabo de un rato, la profe pregunta: - A ver, Jaimito, quien cre? el cielo y la Tierra ? El de atras le pincha a Jaimito, que se despierta y dice : - ?Dios ! - Muy bien, Jaimito. La clase sigue, y al cabo de diez minutos Jaimito esta otra vez quedandose dormido, asi que la profesora pregunta de nuevo : - ?Jaimito, qui?n es el hijo de Dios ? El de atras le pincha mas fuerte, y Jaimito casi salta de la silla gritando: - Jesus !! - Muy bien, Jaimito. La clase continua, y Jaimito vuelve a dar unas cabezadas, asi que la profesora vuelve a preguntarle: - Jaimito, dime, ?qu? le dijo Eva a Adan despues de que Dios les expulsase del paraiso ? El compa?ero de detras de Jaimito le pega un puyazo con todas sus ganas, asi que Jaimito se levanta y le dice: - ?Si vuelves a clavarme esa mierda, te la arranco y te la meto por el culo, so cabr?n ! Por la "p" La maestra le pide a Jaimito que pronuncie una oraci?n donde todas las palabras empiezen por "P": Jaimito dice: Pido permiso para pasar por puente partido. Dice la maestra: muy bien jaimito. A ver tu Luisito Responde Luisito: "Pido prestado pinceles para pintar paisajes pintorescos" Muy bien Luisito. A ver pepito: Pepito responde "profesora Petra Perez Prieto pide Pepito pronuencie palabras principien por P...... Interrumpe la maestra y dice: Muy bien pepito tienes 20 Pepito continua su oraci?n: Paciencias pendejos, Profesora Petra Perez Prieto pide Pepito pipi para polvito, Pepito poco pendejo pone preservativo pipi para prevenir pre?ar profesora Petra Perez Prieto por puta. La monja que pasea con sus internas. Una monja iba caminando con un grupo de alumnas internas por el parque y de pronto ve un hombre desnudo tirado por el zacate boca arriba. La monja preocupada piensa que sus alumnas no deb?n ver esta vulgaridad y por lo tanto decide sentarse sobre el hombre y taparlo con su h?bito. Al poco tiempo despues comienza a dec?r. Hay San Marcelino, algo siento que no adivino. Hay San Pantale?n, me esta rompiendo el calz?n. Hay San Fern?ndo, siento que me estoy mariando. Hay San Bernardino, siento que me orino. Hay Santa Teresa, que hermosa cabeza. Hay Santa Irene, que grande la tiene. Hay Santa Br?gida, que cosa m?s r?gida. Hay Santa Marta, le calculo m?s de una cuarta. Hay Santo Tom?s, ya no aguanto m?s. Hay San Alejo, me esta rompiendo el pellejo. Hay San Ciriaco me la meto me la saco. Hay San Timoteo, que sabroso guineo. Hay Santa Magdalena, que rica melena. Hay San Clemente, me turba la mente. Hay San Benito, que es esto tan bonito. Hay San Antonio, que esto no sea el demonio. Hay San Juan, siento calambres que vienen y van. Hay San Orlando, siento que me estoy regando. Hay San Marcos, ya estoy sintiendo los charcos. Hay San Vicente, siento algo muy caliente. Hay Santa Canuta, me estoy volviendo una puta. Hay San Agust?n, esto es el f?n. Hay San Jerem?as, me siento aqu?
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Grammatical gender Essay Example
Grammatical gender Essay Example Grammatical gender Essay Grammatical gender Essay An analysis of cohesive devices in reading texts in English 11 / Hoang Tra My PART 1: I TRODUCTIO 1. Rationale Among all skills which students need to master in English, reading is considered to be very important because it helps students to get materials for other skills. To learn reading well, it is necessary for students to comprehend sufficient language base, one of which is the cohesion in the text. Because of the importance of cohesion in comprehending a text, this small study on discourse analysis of cohesive devices is decided to be carried out. . Aims of the Study: The study aims: to describe and analyze lexical and grammatical cohesive devices in the new English textbook 11; to give some suggestions for teaching reading skill for 11th grade students. In order to achieve the aims stated, the study is meant to find out the answers to the two following research questions: 1. What are the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices used in reading texts in English textbook 11? 2 . How can the findings help English teachers and 11th grade students to improve reading skill? 3.Scope of the Study Because of the lack of time and the paper size, it is unable for all the issues of discourse to be analyzed. The study focuses on the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in reading texts in the new English textbook 11. 4. Significance of the Study The study contributes to verifying the correctness and significance related to linguistic theories in discourse analysis by analyzing discourse in one specific textbook. In addition, the practical significance of the study is to help 11th grade students and teachers in reading skill by applying the knowledge of cohesion. 5.Methods of the Study: descriptive, statistical and analytical methods 6. Design of the Study The minor thesis consists of three parts: 2 Part 1 is The Introduction Part 2 is The Development which is divided into three chapters: Literature Review, Methodology and Major Findings and Discussions Part 3 is The Conclusion 3 PART 2: DEVELOPME T CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Discourse and Discourse Analysis 1. 1. The Concept of Discourse Discourse is defined in various ways by different scholars and authors, however, the definition given by Halliday and Hasan (1976) is regarded as the simplest and the clearest to follow.Halliday and Hasan (1976: 38) state that discourse is language that is functional. It means that discourse is â€Å"language in use†. 1. 2. Text and Discourse In the view of Halliday and Hasan (1976: 23), â€Å"text†is employed to refer to â€Å"discourse†; they see â€Å"text†as a â€Å"semantic unit†characterized by cohesion. Sharing the same ideas, Brown Yule (1983) support that text is the representation of discourse and the verbal record of a communicative act. In other words, they all view the notion of text is the representation of discourse, text is the form of discourse and they have a close relationship. 1. 3.Spoken a nd Written Discourse Spoken and written language can be also distinguished by different functions. According to Brown and Yule (1983: 13), the function of spoken language is mainly to establish and maintain human relationship whereas written language has functions to store information from time and space and to permit words and sentences to be examined out of their original contexts. 1. 4. Discourse Analysis In the view of Brown and Yule (1983: viii), discourse analysis is concerned with a broad range of activities including many disciplines from sociolinguistics, philosophical linguistics to computational linguistics.To be clearer, Brown and Yule (1983: 1) write, â€Å"the analysis of discourse is, necessarily, the analysis of language in use. As such, it cannot be restricted to the description of linguistic forms independent of the purposes of functions which these forms are designed to serve human affairs†. 1. 5. Context in Discourse Analysis According to Nunan, D (1993: 7 ), context is the situation in which discourse is embedded. Context may be understood as all factors and elements that are non-linguistic and textual which affect spoken or written communication interaction..However, in the view of Malinowski (1923) and Halliday M. A. K (1985: 52) context is divided as â€Å"context of situation†and â€Å"context of culture†. 4 1. 6. Register and Genre in Discourse Analysis According to Halliday and Hasan (1976: 41), register is language variety according to use. Register is featured by â€Å"field†, â€Å"tenor†and â€Å"mode†. The concept of genre is defined in terms of culture context. Eggins (1994: 32) defines genre as follow: Genre, or context of culture, can be seen as more abstract, more general – we can recognize a particular genre if we are not sure exactly what the situational context is.Genre, then, can be thought of as the general framework that gives purpose to interactions of particular types , adaptable to the many specific contexts of situation that they get used in. 2. Cohesion 2. 1. The Concept of Cohesion Cohesion is defined in the relation with text. It is concerned with the grammatical and lexical relationship among different factors in a text. 2. 2. Cohesion vs. Coherence Cohesion is a formal network which connects or links many parts of a text together by grammar or words. Meanwhile, coherence is the connections which bring interpretation of linguistic messages. 2. 3. Aspects of Cohesion 2. 3. 1.Topical Cohesion Topic is concerned with the description of sentence structure which contains the topic or theme and the comment or rheme. 2. 3. 2. Logical Cohesion Hoa, N (2000: 28) indicates that â€Å"logical cohesive devices are also powerful sentence connectors. They demonstrate the logical relationships holding between sentences, thus creating or expressing cohesion. †Cohesive devices can be divided into some types as: And, Enumeration, Addition, Transition , Summation, Apposition, Result, Inference, Reformulation or replacement, Contrast, Concession, and Comparison. 2. 4. Types of Cohesion 2. 4. 1. Grammatical Cohesion 2. . 1. 1. Reference In the view of Halliday and Hasan (1976: 32), reference is a semantic relation and â€Å"since the relationship is on the semantic level, the reference item is in no way constrain to match the grammatical class of the item it refers to†. The two scholars also distinguish reference into 5 three types: anaphoric, cataphoric and exophoric. Reference items in English include three types: personal reference, demonstrative reference and comparative reference. 2. 4. 1. 2. Substitution Halliday and Hasan (1976: 89) divides substitution into three main types namely: nominal, verbal and clausal substitution. . 4. 1. 3. Ellipsis In Halliday and Hasan’s point of view (1976: 142), ellipsis is â€Å"the omission of certain elements from a sentence, allowed by context†2. 4. 1. 4. Conjunction Halliday and Hasan (1976: 242-243) divide conjunction into four types including additive, adversative, casual and temporal. 2. 4. 2. Lexical cohesion 2. 4. 2. 1. Reiteration Reiteration is regarded as a significant feature of textuality. Reiteration can be divided into five subtypes, namely repetition, synonym or near-synonym, super-ordinate and general words. 2. 4. 2. 2.Collocation According to Halliday and Hassan (1976) â€Å"word combination†or â€Å"word co-occurrence†is known as collocation which brings a particular sense or meaning. Collocation has two subtypes: grammatical collocation and lexical collocation. The first one usually contains a lexical content word and a grammar function word. There are four main types of grammatical collocation: V + Prep, Adj + Prep, + Prep, Prep + . The second one is restricted by word pairs. Lexical collocation do not contain preposition but consist of various combinations of nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.They can be se en in following common patterns: Adj + V, Adv + Adj, + . , Quant + ,V+ , + V, V + Adv, V + Adj, V + 6 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 1. An Overview of the English Textbook 11 1. 1. The Role of the English Textbook in English Language Teaching English textbooks give primary supplements to teachers to plan their lessons appropriately and perfectively. 1. 2. Description of the English Textbook 11 English 11, including sixteen units for two semesters, follows the theme-based approach and is developed on six broad themes, that is, You and me, Education, Community, ature and Environment, Recreation and People and Places.Each theme, in its turn, is broken into subthemes or topics which are used as titles for sixteen units in English 11. 2. Research Methodology 2. 1. Materials for Analysis All materials used for analyzing in this study are extracted from sixteen reading texts in English 11. 2. 2. Methods of the Study This study aims at investigating the frequency of the use of cohesive devices in r eading texts in English 11 to obtain the data for the study, some steps below are followed. Steps 1: Determine the Research Topic Step 2: Determine and Define the Research Questions Step 3: Build the framework for he study Step 4: Collect the Data Step 5: Analyze the Data Step 6: Give Conclusions and Suggestions for 11th Grade Students in Learning Reading 2. 3. Data Collection Procedures After deciding on the research topic, research questions and building the study framework, the researcher has taken time to collect the data. The methods of descriptive and statistical have been used to gather the data. 2. 4. Data Analysis Procedures Analytical method has been restored to when dealing with data. 7 CHAPTER 3: MAJOR FI DI GS A D DISCUSSIO 1. Grammatical Cohesion 1. . Reference Reference Anaphoric Cataphoric Exophoric umber of items 422 53 120 Percentage 70. 9 8. 9 20. 2 Total 595 Table 1: The percentage of different types of reference 1. 1. 1. Anaphoric Reference The total pattern of markers takes up 241 items. All seven patterns of markers appearing in anaphoric reference are definite article, personal pronoun, demonstrative pronoun, comparative adverb, comparative adjective and demonstrative adverb. The table below shows the data of seven patterns in 16 reading passages in the English 11.Anaphoric reference Definite article Personal pronoun Demonstrative pronoun Comparative adjective Personal determiner Comparative adverb Demonstrative adverb umber of items 126 171 27 7 86 5 0 % 29. 9 40. 5 6. 4 1. 7 20. 4 1. 2 0. 0 422 Total Table 2: The percentage of different types of reference words for anaphoric ties 1. 1. 2. Cataphoric Reference Cataphoric reference Definite article Personal pronoun Demonstrative pronoun Comparative adjective Personal determiner Comparative adverb Demonstrative adverb umber of items 35 4 4 3 1 3 3 % 66 7. 5 7. 5 5. 7 1. 9 5. 7 5. Total 53 Table 3: The percentage of different types of reference words for cataphoric ties 8 Cataphoric refer ence accounts for the smallest part of reference, however, it is vital to vary the direction of reference and create the cohesion of the text. Surprisingly, the definite article takes up the largest ties with 35 ties accounting for 66%. . 1. 1. 3. Exophoric Reference Exophoric reference Definite article Personal pronouns Demonstrative pronouns Comparative adjective Personal determiner Comparative adverb Demonstrative adverb umber of items 92 14 1 7 5 0 1 % 76. 7 11. 0. 8 5. 8 4. 2 0. 0 0. 8 Total 120 Table 4: The percentage of different types of reference words for exophoric ties Exophoric reference refers to objects or events which are out of language and it can be understood by all people without relation to the meaning of the text. For this reason, it does not have much value in connecting the text together. 1. 2. Substitution Type of substitution Nominal Verbal Clausal umber of items 15 0 1 % 93. 8 0. 0 6. 2 Total 16 Table 5: The percentage of substitution in English 11 Substitu tion occupies a very low frequency of occurrence.There are only 16 ties of substitution in 16 reading texts. Surprisingly, nominal substitution takes up 15 ties, representing for 93. 8% of total. 1. 3. Ellipsis Sixteen reading passages in English 11 consist of 29 ellipsis items including all three classes namely nominal, verbal and clausal, which are presented in the table below: Type of ellipsis Nominal Verbal Clausal umber of items 18 6 5 % 62. 1 20. 7 17. 2 Total 29 Table 6: The percentage of ellipsis in English 11 9 Firstly, in sixteen reading texts, nominal ellipsis occupies the largest percentage with eighteen items, representing for 62. %. Secondly, verbal ellipsis takes up only six items, accounting for 20. 7%. These six items occur in four units: 5, 6, 7 and 16. Lastly, clausal ellipsis accounts for the smallest number with five items for 17. 2%. Five elliptical items appear in unit 1, 2 and 3. 1. 4. Conjunction Type of conjunction Additive Temporal Causal Adversative umber of items 183 66 13 27 % 63. 3 22. 8 4. 5 9. 4 Total 289 Table 7: The percentage of conjunction in English 11 At the first look, it can be seen that additive conjunction occupies the biggest percentage of the total.Additive conjunction takes up 183 items, accounting for 63. 3%. Temporal conjunction, which is used in rather high percentage, comes second with 66 items, accounting for 22. 8% of total. Adversative conjunction comes third with 27 items, representing for 9. 4%. Causal conjunction presents the lowest frequency of use with only 13 items, representing for 4. 5%. Causal conjunction stands at the lowest rank of conjunction with only 4. 5%. 2. Lexical Cohesion 2. 1. Reiteration Reiteration Repetition Synonym/ near-synonym Super-ordinate General word umber of items 709 111 188 27 Percentage 68. 10. 7 18. 2 2. 6 Total 1035 Table 8: The percentage of reiteration in English 11 As shown in the table, among the four types of reiteration, repetition is the most frequentlyused device w ith the percentage of up to 68. 5%. Super-ordinate ranking second takes up 18. 2%. Synonyms or near-synonym comes third with 10. 7%. General word accounts for the smallest portion of total with only 2. 6%. 2. 2. Collocation Collocation is divided into two types: grammatical and lexical collocation. Basing on the statistics from the analysis, the total of collocation patterns in sixteen reading passages in 0 English textbook 11 are 421 ties. Lexical collocation takes up 361 items, accounting for 85. 7% while grammatical collocation occupies only 60 items, representing for 14. 3%. 2. 2. 1. Lexical Collocation There are 361 lexical cohesion items used in sixteen reading passages in English 11, equivalent to 85. 7%. Lexical collocation can be analyzed basing on the data illustrated in the table below: Types of collocation Adj + N V+N N+N Quant + N V + Adj Adv + Adj V + Adv V+V N+V umber of items 121 91 74 48 8 2 7 1 9 % 33. 5 25. 2 20. 5 13. 3 2. 2 0. 6 1. 0. 3 2. 5 Total 361 Table 9: T he percentage of lexical collocation in English 11 2. 2. 2. Grammatical Collocation Grammatical collocation often consists of a lexical content word and a grammar function word. An overall picture of lexical collocation can be seen as follow: Types of collocation V + Prep Prep + N Adj + Prep N + Prep umber of items 33 10 15 2 % 55 16. 7 25 3. 3 60 Total Table 10: The percentage of grammatical collocation in English 11 3. Summary According to statistics above, the gap between grammatical and lexical cohesion is very big.While grammatical cohesion makes up 39%, lexical cohesion occupies 61%. The imbalance between grammatical and lexical cohesion is due to the ways of word combination. 11 PART 3: CO CLUSIO S 1. Conclusions Basing on all the statistics and analyses on the grammatical and lexical cohesive devices in sixteen reading passages above, the researcher comes to conclusions as follows: Firstly, these texts are highly cohesive. This can be proved by the number of cohesive ties us ed in 16 reading texts.The total number of cohesion ties used in sixteen passages is 2385, so in a text, there are about 150 cohesion ties, accounting for a half of it in terms of word count. Secondly, the use of cohesion in one text is different from others. Thirdly, the use of lexical cohesive devices is much more than grammatical cohesive devices in sixteen reading passages. Fourthly, with respect to grammatical cohesive devices, reference, conjunction, substitution and ellipsis are seen in their most common features. In terms of reference, it accounts for the highest rate in all sixteen reading passages.In terms of conjunction, its use in sixteen reading passages is special because in each text, some typical types of conjunction are employed. In terms of substitution and ellipsis, they present for a very small percentage, this proves the simplicity of sixteen reading texts because the high frequent use of substitution and ellipsis can make the texts more difficult and complicate d to understand and without the knowledge of substitution and ellipsis, students may misunderstand and misinterpret the text. Fifthly, with respect to lexical cohesion, reiteration and collocation are seen in their most popular features.In terms of reiteration, repetition seems to be overused while a very small percentage of synonym/ near-synonym, antonym, super-ordinate and general word are employed in these sixteen reading texts. In terms of collocation, lexical collocation occupies more percentage than grammatical collocation because of different ways of combination. 2. Suggestions 2. 1. Suggestions for English Teachers and Learners English teachers should provide students with knowledge of cohesion which is considered to be an effective means to help them in reading skill.Furthermore, English teachers are suggested to raise students’ awareness of the importance of cohesive devices. English teachers can also take advantage of cohesion in teaching vocabulary. Finally, whene ver students do the exercises related to cohesion knowledge, teachers should remind them. By this way, students can apply cohesion in dealing with the exercises of the same types. Basing on the statistics given above, some significant features of reading texts in English 11 are drawn out and some suggestions for 11th grade students are proposed.Firstly, reference is used in a very high rate in these reading passages, and anaphoric should be paid more 12 attention because of its value in connecting texts together. Secondly, substitution and ellipsis are used in small percentages in these reading texts. In terms of substitution, teachers had better remind students when dealing with unit 4 and unit 13. Because ellipsis occurs many times in four units: unit 1, 5, 6 and 7, students are advised to think about them when learning these units. Thirdly, conjunction is used to organize the structure of the reading passages.In reading process, 11th grade students should consider the ways the te xts are written in. For example, in unit 1 and 7 all the ideas are constructed by listing. Lastly, in reiteration cohesion, synonym or near-synonym is regarded as the most important issue to 11th grade students. English teachers can apply synonym and super-ordinate to teach new words. 2. 2. Suggested Cohesion Exercises for English Teachers and Learners Cohesive devices can be seen in various forms of reading exercises or reading tasks. Two most significant forms of reading tasks for cohesion are gap-filling and true-false.Besides gap-filling and true – false exercises, there are also various forms of exercises. The first one is multiple-choice. Secondly, finding equivalents exercises are also employed to treat with synonym and antonym words. The last one is matching exercise, which designed to solve with vocabulary. 3. Limitations and Suggestions for Further Studies Firstly, because there is no content-focus in these reading texts, the results of this research can not actuall y show the most typical features of the reading texts as a whole, but in themes or in units only.Secondly, due to the limitation of the paper size, on discussing each type of cohesion, only some examples from one or two units are proposed. Lastly, applications of cohesion in other skills such as speaking, listening, writing have not been stated. Due to the constraint in time, all the issues of the related to the study cannot be covered. I do hope to develop this topic with a larger range of topic as follow: The study of grammatical cohesive devices in English 10, 11 and 12. The study of lexical cohesive devices in English 10, 11 and 12. The study of cohesive devices in reading texts in English 10, 11 and 12.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Finance Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Finance Week 3 - Essay Example Investors that are risk averse will invest a lot of their resources in common stocks due to the fact that common stocks have a higher potential of equity appreciation. Investors that do not apply the diversification principle can lose a lot of money if the particular sector of the market they invest in goes down. It is never a wise idea for investors to place all their eggs in the same basket. Diversification ensures that investors spread their securities around different sectors of the market. Managers can utilize the diversification principle to increase their cash flow position. A way to use investing to increase cash flows is by purchasing blue chip stocks that have a history of paying dividends every year. Another way for managers to improve the cash position of a company is by investing in bonds that pay coupon payments and in preferred stocks that pay yearly dividends. Firms may also improve their cash flow position by selling commercial paper in the marketplace. The most common form of commercial paper is corporate bonds. â€Å"The right diversification strategy can give you the best odds of weathering whatever economic storms may hit the market in the future†(Caplinger, 2012). Caplinger, D. (2012). This Diversification Strategy Will Make Your Portfolio Safer. Retrieved November 9, 2012 from
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper - Essay Example t disease, high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol, diabetes, back pain, respiratory problems, kidney disorders, gallbladder problems, osteoarthritis, excess fatigue, sleep apnea, metabolic syndromes and urinary incontinence. There are various factors that could lead to obesity or an accumulation of body fat which occurs due to an imbalance in the calories consumed and burnt by the body. Other contributing factors include a lack of physical activity, increased consumption of fat, sugar, alcohol intake, overeating, chronic use of corticosteroids, hormonal imbalances and other related metabolic problems (Body composition and Health, 2002). Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating have serious effects on the physical and mental health of individuals and in extreme cases can also lead to life-threatening problems. This is mainly because such disorders do not exist for a particular period of time; rather they have the potential to become lifelong disorders in cases where they are not treated. In such cases they could affect the mental, emotional and physical well-being of individuals and also put tremendous strain on their relationships with other people. In the case of anorexia nervosa, in which individuals starve themselves the body becomes severely depleted of vital nutrients and hence there is a slowdown of metabolic process in order to conserve energy. As a result a number of medical problems arise some of which warrant immediate medical attention. The health consequences of anorexia nervosa includes an abnormal decrease in heart rate and blood pressure which increases the risk of heart failure, bone density reduction, loss and weakening of muscles, severe body dehydration increasing the risk of kidney failure, increased fatigue and general body weakness, dryness of skin and hair with hair loss and growth of lanugo all the body in an effort to maintain body temperature (Health Consequences of Eating Disorders, n.d; Eating
Monday, January 27, 2020
Marketing Plan For Farmish Frosty Milk Marketing Essay
Marketing Plan For Farmish Frosty Milk Marketing Essay The product I intend to launch is flavoured milk named as farmish frostys milk which is mainly aimed towards young children, housewives who are the main purchasers of domestic items. But due its different flavours frosty can also cater to adults like people working in offices, as a refreshing drink, even the male population, people who are into sports activities need a refreshing drink, this can add as an energy supplement. Most of the hassle using involved in making milk with different flavours initially would be eliminated with our special flavours already added to the market shelves. The new formula with which we have introduced our product encourages the entire household to indulge in buying the frosty bottle themselves irrespective of age or gender. Frosty has emerged as a brand which pays great heed to the value of great health to our society and has produced a brand which provides an individual with energy in no time. According to a research externally a 15 ml pack of strawberry tango provides enough energy at the end of a rigorous work out to provide the individual to jog for another half an hour. Gone are the days when an individual had to take four types of vitamins every day because now with the introduction Frosty will surely become: Frosty Your daily energy supplement Frosty low fat aims at targeting the diet conscious segment of the market whereby now it becomes a complete health solution for an individual. This variety aims at providing the dieters with alternate drinks. Before, the dieters had to look at expensive milk drinks that did not even provide the basic weight control and the energy provision requirement. Frosty flavoured milk drinks consider its customers as their factor of success therefore before the launch the company conducted focus group testing and also included children in this test, as they are also a key customer group. 3. STRATEGIC PLAN AND FOCUS 3.1 Vision Statement We have just launched our company few days back in U.K and it is forecasted that the consumers will react to this product positively, reason being that the consumer has always looked for quality taste and flavoured milk, although exists in the market, those which are imported items as well as local, but with our differentiated features and natural extracts from fresh fruits and constant quality checks, we are confident that we will take up the position of market leaders in this particular product category. We forecast that frosty milk will be much consumed by place and people like: Schools Shops Supermarkets Homes Recreational parks Airports Such places are in dire need of products that provide the end result instantly; hence frostys flavoured milk, as the name says it all will provide instant energy to the tired and exhausted travellers or small kids who are traveling may need a refreshing drink. Travellers for instance, may want something that boosts their energy level. At the moment our forecasts tell us that we are just concentrating to the upper middle class and the middle class but later on we will also cater to the lower middle class and lower class, once we generate enough money to meet our costs. 3.2 Mission Statement The company aims to become a key competitor in the flavoured milk industry by being an innovative and pioneering organization, conducting business with sense of responsibility and pride, keeping customers satisfaction as a prime objective. The apprehensible standards to be set to deal with our customers, governing agencies and suppliers by being honest, fair and principled. 3.3 Goals and Objectives 3.3.1 Goals Being categorized as a market challenger we have the advantage of trying new techniques, which have not been tried before. This means that through innovative and creative brainstorming, goals set can be achieved 3.3.2 Objectives Specific In order to achieve the position of leader in the industry and hit a targeted profit we are looking to have a well enough business model / plan. Measurable After calculating sales, expenses and profit margin we assume to make some money at the end of particular period as business have to make some money out of it. So we forecast about our business in that month for the upcoming time. Achievable As every company have some Goals and objectives , we also want to achieve something out of our business. For example : In return we are looking for  £2000 2500 per month. Realistic Every business have some realistic goals that is achievable too. For example if some want to make  £5000 of profit in certain week. Yes , they can if they have some realistic business plan / model. Time related If we are looking to do business of about  £30,000 40,000 a month, for that we have to give some time in order to create such strategies that make our production fast as well as the distribution channel more efficient and effective. 3.4 Core Competencies / Competitive Advantage The key success factors that Frosty has are the USPs which make it different from the other fruit milk drinks. Firstly the experience that the company has in the juice industry has helped the company as it has the information regarding the beverage market. Apart from this the company has developed some really unique flavours, which promise to give the customer a real worth for their money. The flavors are a blend of fresh fruit and some ingenious recipes. These recipes are kept secret. The pre-product launch survey that we had carried out in different households and areas of the city proved that our Frosty provides highest energy and taste and boosts the individuals strength. 4. SITUATION ANALYSIS 4.1 Evaluation of Marketing Tools and Techniques In order to evaluate marketing tools and techniques I adopt the following three techniques Porters five forces. SWOT Analysis Marketing Audit Bargaining power of suppliers Local suppliers are mostly threatened as there is possibility from well settled retailers to import the same product from any foreign country in well enough quantity to shatter the market. In our case this kind of things may happen but we could able to stand in the market. Bargaining power of buyers In this high technological and fast moving environment most of the customers have well enough knowledge about market and that products so most of the time they But in our case this is not the problem as we are the common individual to introduce this product as we can tackle this task. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths: Frosty flavoured milk will be the first flavoured milk drink of the country that will be wholly produced by local raw materials, this has been achieved through the stronger ties that the company has with its local suppliers which will be providing the company with fruits that will be processed in the Frosty processing plant. As far as the milk is concerned Frosty also has an edge over its competitors, as it owns the largest network of dairy farms. One of the strengths of the company is also its most successful product of fruit juices. WEAKNESS: One of the major weaknesses of Frosty flavoured milk drinks that affect its competitive position is the low brand recall. We have just launched the product and heavy spending has been incurred in order to encourage buyers to buy more and potential buyers to try the product for the first time. We certainly know that in order to strengthen the products position the name of the product has to be on every buyers tongue. Opportunities: Frosty flavoured milk drinks will be packaged and will allow the company to take advantage of the growth opportunities of around not just some areas but all over the U.K. The company will be selling in ready to carry packs that will be made by recyclable plastic and tetra pack special packaging material called T-550 which keeps the product safer for longer. This package suits the lifestyle of not just children and teenagers but also sportsmen. Another key opportunity that the company sees is that the spending patterns of the people are changing from spending less to spending more. This means that Frosty will be targeting a market, which is spending more money due to more disposable income. Threats: The threat however that we face is that we are investing in the fast moving consumer goods market and we see that in the future due to excess competition extreme measures may have to be taken in order to survive the cut-throat competition. Another threat that Frosty faces is the threat of other beverages that may position themselves as being in competition with Frosty. So in this case frosty would have to position itself safely in order to survive indirect competition from companies such as Coke and Pepsi. MARKETING AUDIT It Involves companys analysis in both aspects internally and externally Internal External environment of the company Internal Audit: PROMOTION It includes determining the combination of tools that is advertising, publicity, personal selling, and sales promotions. Also we can determine, how to measure effectiveness, the image to pursue, the choice of media the format of messages if ads should be timed throughout the year or during peak periods or not. Promotion is any form of communication used to inform, persuade and/or remind people about an organizations or individual goods, services, image and ideas. Promotion planning is systematic decision making relating to all aspects of an organization or individual communications efforts. Since Farmish is introducing Flavored Frosty Milk, customer must first be informed about the product and its attributes. After creating awareness, promotion can be used to develop favourable attributes of the flavoured milk. With an audience category, Farmish can identify to opinion leaders, people who influence others. In addition, it should also fully understand and use the mechanisms of word of mouth communication, the process by which people express their opinion and product related experience to another person. Farmishs promotional plan will lay maximum stress on Frosty and its attributes such as excellent quality and taste. Its main objective would be of moving consumers from awareness to purchase. It will also seek to communicate its overall image of the market innovator, introducing different enticing flavours. However, the main purpose of promotional activities will be aimed at creating an image in the consumers mind that when they consume the milk they will be refreshed and will enjoy the alluring flavour. PRICE The aim is to give good value for money through good competitive prices, which result in consumer satisfaction. The pricing objective is to optimize the profits of the company and to get the return on investment. The price of the milk is lower than the price of foreign brands with comparable quality and the same quantity. Although local brands cost less but the quality offered by Frostys is greater. Pricing Method: The basic method for pricing the product is cost-plus method or strategy where a fixed percentage is added to the cost in order to determine the price at which the product will leave the company. Pricing Strategies: Primarily two pricing strategies are used in order to achieve the overall marketing objectives and the pricing objectives: Competition-Based Pricing: In order to meet competition it is essential that prices should be competitive as compared to other brands of similar quality. Penetration Pricing: This pricing is done in a way so as to attract consumers to buy the product that will enable the company to penetrate into the market and gain market share. One way to do this is by lowering the pick-up price of the product, which makes it more easily reachable for the consumer. Introducing smaller bottle sizes with less weight can lower pick-up price. Retail Prices of Farmish Frosty Milk 150 ml bottle  £0.40 P 250 ml bottle  £0.90 P 1 litre pack  £1.40 P SALES PROMOTION Sales promotion involves paid marketing communication activities that stimulate consumer purchases and dealer effectiveness.. The 3 main objectives of sales promotion is to, Generate trial and repurchase, Build market share and, To build brand image and positioning. Advertising would create a specific image in the mind of the consumer i.e. positioning. Similarly sales promotion will be carried out in a way so as to further the quality perception of the product. Sales promotion helps attract customer traffic. For example, if Farmish would offer free samples on trial in stores to draw customers. Since Farmishs Frostys Milk is a consumer product, their success depends upon satisfaction, trust and goodwill. They believe, they can best serve the needs following a consistent, fair and sensitive program of consumer communication. For that reason we set up a help line 0800-8067840 DISTRIBUTIONS Distribution decisions include determining whether to sell via intermediaries or directly to consumers, how many outlets to sell through and whether to control or cooperate with other channel members. We planned to distribute the products on our various outlets covering all over the United Kingdom. To make sure that the customer gets the milk in its original premium form, therefore we focus to distribute Frostys flavoured milk twice a week amongst the outlet. DISTRIBUTION CHART FLOW FOR FARMISH FROSTYS MILK Warwickshire Warehouses Distributors Retailers Wholesalers Consumers Personal Sales Force Institutions External Audit : Competitors: Frosty flavoured milk does not consider itself as extension to the segment consuming milk. But it sees itself as a key competitor in the flavoured milk drink industry. Our competitors are currently well settled in the market and have a major share of the market. With the launch of Frosty flavoured milk it will come in direct competition with the local and foreign rivals such as Vanilla flavoured Milk by ASDA, Yazoo drink by Friesland NESQUIK by Nestle. Frosty aims to position itself as a brand with a different image than its competitors. Frosty thinks that it should make sure that a fun image of the product is created in the minds of the customers. Frosty through its creative slogans wants to create this image. Our company considers Yazoo as the market leader in the flavoured milk industry with a high market share of the urban markets and an innovative approach of providing the customers with the new tastes. The product that we launch will have a similar approach to that of Yazoo in providing the customers with a range of totally new flavours. Nestle is as market challenger to Yazoo and is giving Yazoo a tough time with respect to increasing market share. If the leader offers a price advantage then Frosty would also do the same. It goes with any changes in packaging. Through the companies sources it has attained information that suggest that the Yazoo is planning to launch its flavoured milk in family size bottles. This information is enough to launch a major offensive against this move. This means that by the time Yazoo would launch its family size packs we would be already in the market and may even have an advantage of claiming the idea as our very own Demographics: The demographic environment mainly provides a brand structure for our company to place our product. In other words, it greatly facilitates in the market positively for products and determining its possible competitors. Almost many social classes consume flavoured milk; age and gender factors do not have a significant impact on this milk. And it could be somewhat broadly and easily categorized. Individual belonging to all sexes, and ages consume our milk. The Frosty Flavoured Milk is best been suitable for the following: Young Children Teenagers Married woman for small children Adults Old-age people Psychographics: There are people who belong to middle and upper middle-class. Modern time-conscience, busy people, students, and children who want to work hard and believe in achieving their goals, our Frosty Flavoured Milk will be source of satisfaction, energy and refreshment, and more importantly convenience and timeliness on their busy lines. The astringent and hygienically maintained flavours give its refreshing quality. Many people are not aware of the criteria of Mutual-Drinking which applies to Frosty flavoured Milk that has good quality and flavour balance, and does not need any artificial aroma. 4.2 Company Analysis Focus: The companys main focus is to attain the position of a leader itself in the Industry. Culture Our reputation for quality, taste and nutrition is best and we are also being trust by our consumers on what we do. We are also looking forward to get delighted by our consumers because of the new and innovative products that we have yet to create. Strengths As far as the milk is concerned Frosty also has an edge over its competitors, as it owns the largest network of dairy farmers Weaknesses One of the major weaknesses of Frosty flavoured milk which also affect its competitive position is due to having the low brand recall and in order to strengthen the products position the name of the product has to be on every buyers tongue Market share Currently in this highly competitive environment we are having 10-12% of market share but our aim is to acquire at least 30%-40% of the flavoured milk market share by the year 2011. The high margin would attain us the desirable market share and have all the possibilities to make our way towards the top ranking in the market. 4.3 SWOT Analysis Internal Environment of our company Frosty flavoured milk will be the first flavoured milk drink of the country that will be wholly produced by local raw materials, this has been achieved through the stronger ties that the company has with its local suppliers which will be providing the company with fruits that will be processed in the Frosty processing plant. One of the major weaknesses of Frosty flavoured milk drinks that affect its competitive position is the low brand recall The external environment of our company The company will be selling in ready to carry packs that will be made by recyclable plastic and tetra pack special packaging material called T-550 which keeps the product safer for longer Another threat that we are facing is from other beverages that may position themselves as being in competition with Frosty. So in this case frosty would have to position itself safely in order to survive indirect competition from companies such as Coke and Pepsi 4.4 Industry Analysis 4.4.1 Competitor Analysis Market position Farmish Frosty is producing flavoured milk; thus, we are competing with all the players in the. Milk industry like Countrys life organic milk, Nestle Milk flavoured milk brands like FRIJJ, Milka, Rose Milk etc. Hence our competition is highly existing and established milk brands in the market. Farmish Frosty hopes to position its flavoured milk in a totally different perspective than that of its competitors by offering convenience for all household individuals. Market shares SWOT 4.4.2 Collaborators Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc. 4.4.3 Customer Analysis Number Type Value drivers Decision process Concentration of customer base for particular products 4.4.4 Porters Five Forces 4.4.4 Porters Five Forces 4.5 Climate/Environmental Analysis Macro-environmental STEEPLE analysis: Social and cultural or demographic Technological Economic and Supply/Demand Environmental (natural) Political Legal Ethical 5. MARKET-PPRODUCT FOCUS 5.1 Marketing and Product Objectives 5.2 Market Segmentation Target Market In order to approach our target consumers, Farmish divided the market out in different segments. These segments were taken to be the potential markets having the most return. Segmenting was done under the following core elements. Geographic Segmentation: In the geographic segmentation, we first went for the population factor. We started our launch from the main parts of UK. We launched frostys milk first in London where we aimed at the renowned retail stores and super stores like Asda Tescos and then in Manchester and Birmingham.. This was a good start as we have gained sales instantly. After only a matter of two to three months we gained 15% market share in London. Greater market share in London was due to the cosmopolitan city. Demographic Segmentation: In the demographic segmentation, our primary concern was the Age factor. In that, we are willing to address the youngsters from the age of 5 and above. Usually milk is associated with young children, so in our initial launch we targeted the young children and also the teenagers. Other than that, we are also concerned for the family life cycle; we chose families, which were primarily young married couples with young children as our potential targets. We preferred these families to belong to the upper and middle classes. We also preferred educated people with good buying power. Income was another factor we took into consideration, as we are not focusing on the rural or suburban areas, but more on the urban cities, mainly the upper middle class segment. As the population distribution and usage pattern shows that flavoured milk as a product is mainly consumed in the upper class, upper middle and middle -middle class. So frosty will also penetrate in this particular segment with different marketing programs. Individuals who greatly value quality, convenience and time, those who are trend following, energetic and outgoing also come into our target as our proposition. The family life cycle limits should also be increased to cover all the following categories as well. Bachelors Young married Young married with young children And families with young children Behavioural Segmentation: Consumers justify the consumptions of milk for the benefit of releasing fatigue and lethargy, as milk gives an individual a feeling of refreshness and instant energy, in a way recharging a person. By behavioural factors we can easily depict what sort of consumers would be best fitted for our flavoured milk. It is of interest to note that the role of flavoured milk can vary differently during different parts of the day categorized as follows: Breakfast Drink: Our milk will be aimed towards the morning drinkers of milk, usually school going children, as energy drink. It serves an energizer and with our special flavours, given the amount of energy they bring, using strawberries, mango, vanilla etc, add to a part of a young child growth and is also good for the body as a whole. Is can also be used by teenagers, as the trends today are changing and much of our culture is being influenced by the western culture and we find that having milk and juices in the morning as at breakfast time has become a normal norm. Mid-Evening Drink: during the evenings frostys milk can also be used as an instant energizer to those individuals who are into sport activities, people who do vigorous exercises. Over here, we can even segment on the basis of health conscious people who want to maintain a healthy diet and cut on high fat food, for that as well, we have our separate line for low fat flavoured milk, which comes in all flavours. So clearly we can say that our product will be catering to both males and females who play sports. The only difference being that males want something refreshing to quench their thirst and females want an energizer drink which is low in fat, so out flavoured milk with cater to the needs of both the genders. Many school going children would also want the milk as part of their after play, coming to their mothers and asking for a cold glass of flavoured milk. Night Drink: can be used to relieve oneself from the daylong tension and fatigue. Even adults can have this drink before going to bed, as it tends to soothe ones mind with the days long work. We can segment our markets on the basis of consumer usage rate, those individuals who are more loyal to flavored milk can be targeted with more diligence and we can use appropriate strategies to attract potential consumers towards our product. Psychographic Segmentation: In the Psychographic segmentation, people who are conscious of their life styles should also be brought in the target market. The concept of leading a casual life with flavoured milk as a daily refreshment drink should be introduced. Flavoured milk should be made a substitute for other drinks such as juices and fizzy drinks for the consumers who are food value conscious. With our frostys milk being introduced in tetra packs as well as cans it would add to the lifestyle of the elite class, and would also be easy to carry around for young children as a snack pack for their lunch periods. 5.4 Point of Difference Because of our close ties with our suppliers and our own dairy farms the acquiring of the raw materials is easy and cheap which gives us an edge over the competitors and gives us an advantage in pricing our products this makes that we can lower our price and still gain the same advantage 5.5 Positioning
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Asian Diaspora Essay -- English Literature
Asian Diaspora Asian diaspora, or the personal and cultural implications of leaving one's homeland, is a central and reaccuring theme for Asian American writers. Diaspora is Greek for "the scattering of seeds" (, and its ancient denotation has taken figurative meaning today as a feeling of seperation and detachment. In both Fae Myenne Ng's Bone and Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's Leaving Yuba City, a thematic thread of "scattered parts", outsiderness, and otherness link the characters in each, as well as the two seperate works, together. This diaspora affects each generation of immigrants in a slighly different, but no less signficant, way. As an aspect of diasora, W.E.B. DuBois's notion of "double consciousness" in The Souls of Black Folk, takes the shape of a personal duality for the characters in Bone and Leaving Yuba City. Their lives looking through DuBois's "veil" creates personal struggle in the character's relationship with America, maintaining two unique cultural identities simultaneously. The characters in Ng's novel Bone work to conceive a third identity, one that maintains old traditions while being "Americanized." This stuggle is not exclusive to the first generation Chinese immigrants, Leon and Mah, but has profoundly impacted their American raised children, Leila, Nina, and Ona. However, the consequences of this conflict is different between the generations. Leon cannot settle into one place but is "suddenly here, suddenly gone" (54). Leon's stray jobs are often on a ship, and Leila concludes that the draw of the "hollow and still center of the ocean" for him is "completion" (150). The cause of Leon's absense, or vacancy of personal wholeness, is his Chinese self trying to chan... ...haracters in Leaving Yuba City and Bone are connected through common seperation from their homeland, or dual selves seen in all generations. This common diaspora creates a unique and painful family dynamic for the Leong family; their incompleteness binds them together. For Sushma in "Leaving Yuba City", she does not feel seperation from homeland, but lives denying a fundamental part of herself, which is much like a homeland. Their is an incongruance or seperation between the person others can see, and the person she really is. Sushma personifies DuBois's "veil." An extremist view of diaspora is "The Maimed Dancing Men", having ghost limbs, and being physically incomplete. Ng and Divakaruni portray the same desperate and painful feelings that come with a seperation from both your homeland, and self, showing these two are inseperable and fundamental to one's wholeness.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
E2020 Course Work
Assignment 10: Promotion and Advertising In Section 10, you learned about promotion and advertising of a business. Now, you'll apply what you learned to your company idea. 1. Will your company use advertising as a promotional strategy? If so, which types of advertising will you use? If not, why not? We will use advertisement. We will use word of mouth and a good community. 2. Will your company use public relations as a promotional strategy? If so, describe at least two ways you will communicate with the public. 2-6 sentences. 2. 0 points) Yes we will use public relations as a promotional. We will give promotional items and gear out ot popular internet personas. Also we would do AMAs on Reddit. com 3. Describe at least two things your company could do in order to try to get publicity. TIP: If this includes press releases, describe what the release or releases would be about. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) We would hold live streams answering questions and talking with fans. Get a articl e in Gameinformer. 4.Choose a type of advertisement (newspaper, magazine, outdoor, radio, Internet, and so on) to research, and then answer the following questions. a. Find the Web site for a company that sells this type of advertisement (such as newspaper, magazine, outdoor, radio, Internet, or another type of ad). What is this company's name? (0. 5 points) Google adwords. b. Describe at least one type of advertisement you can purchase from this company, including any details about the size, length, color, or other features of the advertisement. (2-6 sentences. . 0 points) You can buy online advertisement. You can do a couple of sentences. It is pay per click. c. How much does this type of advertisement cost? (1-2 sentences. 1. 0 points) It will cost around 16 cents per click d. Do you think this type of advertisement would be effective for your company? Why or why not? (2-5 sentences. 2. 0 points) No I don’t. The amount of people who actually clicks it would be low and the amount who buy are lower. 5. Choose a different type of advertisement to research, and then answer the following questions. . Find the Web site for a company that sells this type of advertisement (such as newspaper, magazine, outdoor, radio, Internet, or another type of ad). What is this company's name? (0. 5 points) Yuma sun b. Describe at least one type of advertisement you can purchase from this company, including any details about the size, length, color, or other features of the advertisement. (2-6 sentences. 2. 0 points) They have newspaper ads and you get photos and words c. How much does this type of advertisement cost? 1-2 sentences. 1. 0 points) it cost 22 dollars. d. Do you think this type of advertisement would be effective for your company? Why or why not? (2-5 sentences. 2. 0 points) Yes a lot of people like to support local efforts. 6. Describe at least 2 features of your product or service. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) We create fun and immersive games. Inexpensive a nd high quality. 7. Describe at least 2 benefits of your product or service. (2-4 sentences. 2. 0 points) It will allow you to spend hours in one game.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood - 1328 Words
What will the future bring? What will happen as feminists speak out, women work out of home, pornography spreads and is battled, and the desire for children dwindles? Perhaps life on Earth will improve. Maybe women will have the rights they demand, porn will be defeated, and people will respect women’s bodies. Maybe mothers will miraculously have the perfect number of children: just the right amount to keep the population within its limits. Or perhaps a deterioration will occur, as Margaret Atwood predicted in The Handmaid’s Tale. Atwood’s setting is futuristic, compelling, and terrifyingly believable. Her main character relates to the readers as real people. Her themes laced in the plot, from exposition to resolution, stem from conflicts with other characters, inner struggles, and heart wrenching losses. Readers are captivated as Atwood intertwines her literary elements, and warns the audience of a possible reality. Margaret Atwood tells the tale of a handmaid, and Atwood enlightens those partaking of her vision to the potential of such a degenerate future. The Handmaid’s Tale is set later in time, still on Earth, not too far from the present, with an extremely contrasting society functioning in the same buildings, such as a school gymnasium, where the protagonist reflects on her knowledge of the games and cheerleaders having â€Å"... skirts, then pants, then in one earring, spiky green-streaked hair,†over time. Obviously a description of current trends, the fact that she isShow MoreRelatedThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1357 Words  | 6 PagesOxford definition: â€Å"the advocacy of women s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes†(Oxford dictionary). In the novel The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood explores feminism through the themes of women’s bodies as political tools, the dynamics of rape culture and the society of complacency. 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The story is set the present tense in Gilead but frequently shifts to flashbacks in her time at the RedRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1256 Words  | 6 Pageshappened to Jews in Germany, slaves during Christopher Columbus’s days, slaves in the early 1900s in America, etc. When people systematically oppress one another, it leads to internal oppression of the oppressed. This is evident in Margaret Atwood’s book, The Handmaid’s Tale. This dystopian fiction book is about a young girl, Offred, who lives in Gilead, a dystopian society. Radical feminists complained about their old lifestyles, so in Gilead laws and rules are much different. For example, men cannotRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1540 Words  | 7 Pages Name: Nicole. Zeng Assignment: Summative written essay Date:11 May, 2015. Teacher: Dr. Strong. Handmaid’s Tale The literary masterpiece The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood, is a story not unlike a cold fire; hope peeking through the miserable and meaningless world in which the protagonist gets trapped. The society depicts the discrimination towards femininity, blaming women for their low birth rate and taking away the right from the females to be educated ,forbidding them from readingRead MoreThe Handmaid s Tale By Margaret Atwood1667 Words  | 7 Pagesrhetorical devices and figurative language, that he or she is using. The Handmaid’s Tale, which is written by Margaret Atwood, is the novel that the author uses several different devices and techniques to convey her attitude and her points of view by running the story with a narrator Offred, whose social status in the Republic of Gilead is Handmaid and who is belongings of the Commander. Atwood creates her novel The Handmaid’s Tale to be more powerful tones by using imagery to make a visibleness, hyperbole
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