Sunday, May 24, 2020
Irony and Love the Center of Disgrace Essay - 1152 Words
Disgrace is a novel by J.M. Coetzee, which tells the story about a fifty-two years old professor, David Lurie, who by committing a series of mistakes falls into a profound state of disgrace. The main theme of this book is irony, which can be plainly defined as the outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been expected. Irony is genially employed to create a sense of satire and mystery throughout the novel. Another theme exposed in this book is the presence and absence of love, not only the love to a companion but to everything and everyone else. In this book there is a close relationship between iron and love; however, there are shown many types of irony, and love, and both themes are interlaced carefully within the novel.†¦show more content†¦Another example is, when David, in an effort to absolve his affair with Bev Shaw, his daughter’s friends, convinces himself that he has done some sort of charity work. He, also showing verbal irony, tells himself th ings that are not in accordance with what he actually does. For example, when Soraya, a prostitute, left their arrangement, he said he was going to let her go and move on; anyhow, he sends a private detective to find out where she leaves. Additionally, when he goes to his daughter’s farm, he exposes how annoyed he is with the animals and the country life, however, he offers himself to help Petrus, Lucy’s assistant, with the work on the farm, and to help Bev with the animal clinic. Even though he further tells himself the repulsion and how disgusted he feels by women who do not make an effort to look good when he meets Bev, he goes on and has sex with her. There is also irony of situation present throughout the entire novel. For example, after David’s affair with Melanie is reported to the board of the school, he instead of apologizing, which is what is expected, declares himself guilty and states that he does not regrets it at all. 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