Tuesday, December 17, 2019
California University Education A Fading Dream Essay
Universities in California, especially UC Berkley and University of Southern California are ranked so high in the nation that foreign students yearn to study in California in order to get more chances to work in well-known companies such as Apple and Silicon Valley. The quality of schools and education people can get decides how many chances and how many possibilities to be close to success. According to Jennifer Medina, â€Å"During a 1960s renaissance, California’s public university system came to be seen as a model for the rest of the country and an economic engine for the state†. The uniquely structured California education system, which provides students with higher education and convenient transfer, attracts an increasing rate of†¦show more content†¦According to what Maxwell wrote, â€Å"Higher-education official note that students have endured tuition increase and program cuts during other lean times†Universities have difficulties in providing e nough classes for students due to the shortage in professors so that choosing suitable classes becomes increasingly tough. When most of the foreign students cannot attend the required classes, they have to take useless classes in order to reach the requirement banned by immigration legislation that foreign students have to take at least twelve units courses per semester. It is hard to believe that a university can be helpful in education if students cannot take classes they need or want. Also, fewer and fewer chances are provided for students to get into commendable universities since the cut in budget for universities leads to the enrollment decrease of universities. â€Å"UC leaders likely will follow in the fall 2004 with plans to freeze enrollment growth for freshmen, transfer students, and graduate students. That decision would block entry for an estimated five thousand eligible students†(Maxwell 208). Even though the California education system enables college students who did not get an offer from UC after high schools transfer to UC as long as they are qualified by required GPA, which is much easier way to get into their dream school, the budget cut makes universities accept fewer transfer students soShow MoreRelatedIllusion Or Dream : The American Dream1170 Words  | 5 PagesIllusion or Dream The American dream is a fluctuating ideology that motivated and took charge of many generations from the construction of this country. 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