Thursday, December 26, 2019
Advertising Industry. Case of Turkey - 2163 Words
ADVERTISING INDUSTRY Case of Turkey As well known from our History classes advertising dates back to the Christian Era when advertising methods were outside signs which were paintings on the walls of a buildings. Archaeologists have found signs in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii which advertised travelers to go to a tavern situated in another town. In 1440’s invention of a movable-type of advertising or printing press took a big part in advertising development firstly in US. Although expensive due to undeveloped country and scare means of transportation and distribution and communication, advertising emerged due to certain types of manufactures, who thought of the idea of bypassing wholesalers, retailers and use of catalogs. Mail†¦show more content†¦According to Akan (2007), Turkey ranks as the 20th country in the world based on the size of its economy, with a GNI of 342 billion USD according to 2005 figures (World Bank, 2006). After a severe economic crisis in 2003 which shook all parts of the e conomy, the economy bounced back and the economic growth rates of 7.8% and 5.4% in GNI were realized in the consecutive years of 2002 and 2003. Following the economic liberalization policies starting in 1981, Turkey joined in customs union with European Union member states in 1996; and in December 2004 the European Council took the decision to open accession talks to Turkey as of 3 October 2005 (Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey website) which instigated a number of changes in the economic and legal structure. Per capita advertising spending is 15 USD in Turkey, which is considerably lower than the European Union average of 150 USD. Also, while advertising spending as a percentage of the GDP is about 1% for most countries around the world, it is as low as 0.45% in Turkey, according to 2005 statistics. Furthermore, the level of development is the most important factor underlying the level of advertising activity in a country, giving rise to an increase in trade with mor e product and brand alternatives, and larger firms with higher advertising budgets (Sà ¶nmez, 2006). Furthermore, Akan (2007) in her article mentions structural changes in advertising industry. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
California University Education A Fading Dream Essay
Universities in California, especially UC Berkley and University of Southern California are ranked so high in the nation that foreign students yearn to study in California in order to get more chances to work in well-known companies such as Apple and Silicon Valley. The quality of schools and education people can get decides how many chances and how many possibilities to be close to success. According to Jennifer Medina, â€Å"During a 1960s renaissance, California’s public university system came to be seen as a model for the rest of the country and an economic engine for the state†. The uniquely structured California education system, which provides students with higher education and convenient transfer, attracts an increasing rate of†¦show more content†¦According to what Maxwell wrote, â€Å"Higher-education official note that students have endured tuition increase and program cuts during other lean times†Universities have difficulties in providing e nough classes for students due to the shortage in professors so that choosing suitable classes becomes increasingly tough. When most of the foreign students cannot attend the required classes, they have to take useless classes in order to reach the requirement banned by immigration legislation that foreign students have to take at least twelve units courses per semester. It is hard to believe that a university can be helpful in education if students cannot take classes they need or want. Also, fewer and fewer chances are provided for students to get into commendable universities since the cut in budget for universities leads to the enrollment decrease of universities. â€Å"UC leaders likely will follow in the fall 2004 with plans to freeze enrollment growth for freshmen, transfer students, and graduate students. That decision would block entry for an estimated five thousand eligible students†(Maxwell 208). Even though the California education system enables college students who did not get an offer from UC after high schools transfer to UC as long as they are qualified by required GPA, which is much easier way to get into their dream school, the budget cut makes universities accept fewer transfer students soShow MoreRelatedIllusion Or Dream : The American Dream1170 Words  | 5 PagesIllusion or Dream The American dream is a fluctuating ideology that motivated and took charge of many generations from the construction of this country. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
My Favorite Film free essay sample
My favorite film I have many hobbies such as sports, foods, games and especially movies. I like watching movie. I have a lot kinds of movie such as horror, romantic, war, historical, musician, etc. I always spent many leisure to watch all its. My habit is always looking for famous movies on the internet. Most favorite film what I like best is The Incredible Hulk. The Incredible Hulk is super hero film based Marvel Comic character The Hulk. Content the film is about The Hulk-The monster has terrible power. The Hulk is Dr. Bruce Banner (Edward Norton). He is scientist. One day, in the chemistry experiment, he effected by gamma ray ‘cause he wants to saves his colleague. So, he became a monster called The Hulk. It opened a heart-breaking long story. He cannot control The Hulk. He lost his girlfriend. Too many rascals look for him to take the secret. We will write a custom essay sample on My Favorite Film or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many leaders think The Hulk is profession of United States army. He must move and to be fighting with the monster inside him. The Incredible Hulk film is different other super hero film such as Iron man, Thor, Batman, Spider man, etc. It has more human culture than that. The hulk isn’t just a monster he’s also a green hero. He fights to save his girlfriend and the world. He has a heart. He is not haughty like Iron man. He’s stronger than the god like Thor. He doesn’t want to injury people but they afraid of him. They call him a monster. They keep away from him. He doesn’t belong to here. I love the Hulk. I don’t know why I like him. Maybe the story about him is very moving or he has the terrible power. This summer, the Hulk will come back in The Avenger film. It’s very interesting. You can see heroes in this movie such as Thor, Iron man, Captain America, Black Widow. Have you ever watched the Hulk? You should watch it.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review Essay Example
The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review Paper Essay on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword You will today become boring too Japanese literature? You Give already books about Japan? You are not averse to plunge into the exciting atmosphere of medieval Japan? I enjoy martial arts and fencing? We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Are you crazy about adventure novels? you read out to the holes Scaramouche by Raphael Sabatini? you dureet, show you the book by Haruki Murakami? Then, urgently, headlong RUN head to the nearest store and buy, or immediately operate the Download Master ROCK !!! in the hour of the hare six in the morning the tenth day of the fourth IU syatsa 1149 litter which four porters were carrying on their shoulders, reached the foot of the mountain behind the temple Seiken-ji in the seaside town of Okitsu What is the history of Tadamori-but-Yoshi is painfully reminiscent of the unforgettable Scaramouche is a fact. there are uncle, have a favorite girl married off to a noble prince, a brother-priest who ran on and so on. e. If it would be possible to do a scene stencil, then I I would say that David Cheney used as the saying goes the whole hog. Single visible change this action transferred their French 18th century to Japan 12-century Despite the fact that Cheney is losing outright in all respects and as the narrator and his skill Sabatini, compare. it with such flair as the Eiji Yoshikawa, the author of books based on real historical events and characters, will outright ridicule, read Honor of the samurai is surprisingly easy and quite interesting. Even the fact that the plot does not leave any mysteries does not affect the reading. What can I say finally. The book is worth a look to spend her evening, relax and enjoy. And sometimes it happens that it is only on the books and is required.
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