Monday, September 30, 2019
There is an undeniable call for male instructors in the instruction system particularly at the primary and secondary school degree. Over the last two decennaries with the proliferation of the feminist motion and a paradigm displacement in male/female functions, work forces have appeared to dwindle out of the learning profession go forthing it a female dominated sphere. In fact, it appears that more and more work forces are non inclined to go instructors for legion grounds, some of which are rather valid ( Paton, 2010 ) . So where does that go forth the instruction system and the hereafter of our immature male childs? Well harmonizing to Gold and Reis ( 1982 ) , it is non needfully in a really bad province. It is argued that both male childs and misss can develop into lovingness, intelligent, good disciplined grownups irrespective of the gender of their instructors, and that the most of import thing is the attitude of the instructors toward the kid and overall engagement in the kid ‘s life. This statement though, is refuted strongly by Mac Donald ( 2007 ) who suggests that immature male childs have been affected by the diminution in male instructors in their developmental old ages ( considered to be preschool age 2 to 12 old ages ) . A powerful statement that male childs are able to derive more than merely academic accomplishment from male instructors is made when he suggests that male instructors act as function theoretical accounts of manhood and maleness which are really critical for immature male childs. In telling his ain experience and the looks of others he interacted with, he notes how some of the male instructors and male principals he had were able to animate masculine traits such as physical strength, vibrant wellness and a spirit of healthy competition. Mac Donald ( 2007 ) elaborates farther by indicating out how his male high school principal was able to command regard, and yet be a friend. He besides statedHeHehhhhhhh that his male instructors were able to represent maleness which engenders service and forfeit, encouragement and affableness. Male instructors by illustration Teach cardinal qualities of maleness which besides includes self- subject, THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 3 resiliency, aspiration, leading, the bravery to face hardship, every bit good as the ability to move resolutely and forcefully when conditions warrant. Harmonizing to Collins ( 2009 ) , a individual regarded by others, particularly younger people, as a good illustration to follow is a function theoretical account. Based on feedback from instructors of other schools and what I have observed in my ain school I have inferred that adult females by and large are incapable of successfully act uponing immature males on their ain. At first glimpse this might look to be a male chauvinist or even chauvinist statement but the primary authorization figure for immature male childs that are now a threat in some of our schools are preponderantly female instructors and/or individual female parents, aunties or grandmas. This could bespeak that even with the best attempts and purposes, immature male childs are non reacting positively to the influence of these dominant adult females in their lives. Clark ( 2009 ) expresses that assorted surveies concur that the presence of male instructors at the primary and secondary school degree has significantly declined over the last 20 old ages. One ground for this is that work forces have the perceptual experience that the nurturing of immature kids is a ‘woman ‘s function ‘ . There is besides the belief that some work forces shun the instruction profession due to frights of false sexual maltreatment allegations ( paedophile craze ) and deficiency of male opposite numbers at particularly the primary school degree. Although there is division as to the exact benefits of male instructors, the research from the Training and Development Agency for Schools found that male childs are less riotous in lessons taught by work forces. Clark ( 2009 ) besides points out that a research conducted by the Training and Development Agency for Schools ( TDA ) claimed that male childs taught by adult females are more likely to interrupt lessons and neglect their surveies. Fifty-one per cent of male childs in primary schools said they would be more obedient in category if taught by a adult male and 42 per cent said they would work harder. THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 4 An article by Staff ( 2008 ) , sum uping the consequences of a study on 800 plus work forces by the TDA revealed that they found that more than a 3rd ( 35 % ) felt that holding a male primary instructor challenged them to work harder at school. Those questioned besides said that male instructors were more accessible. Half ( 50 % ) were more likely to near a male instructor about intimidation, a similar proportion ( 49 % ) were more likely to near them about jobs with school work, 29 % went to them with jobs at place and 24 % were more likely to inquire them inquiries about pubescence. Even as this study may deduce that female instructors ‘ functions may hold besides been of import, it emphasizes the demand for male instructors in the school system which allow immature male childs to experience that it is good to make good in school. In my experience as a secondary school instructor, I have noticed that boys react more positively and inadvisably to correction given by male instructors as opposed to female instructors. One might reason that this might be strictly incidental. However, unless a female instructor exhibits masculine authorization manners or inordinate force every bit far as possible, they appear to accomplish minimum or ephemeral consequences when covering with particularly riotous and hard male childs. Because of this, boys are by and large disengaged in academic activities because most of the female instructors merely do non hold the capacity, desire or energy to cover with them. Staff ( 2008 ) quoted Dr Tanya Byron, a clinical psychologist and broadcaster, by stating: â€Å" Male primary school instructors can frequently be stable and dependable figures in the lives of the kids that they teach. They inspire kids to experience more confident, to work harder and to act better. †Simply put boys learn more when they are instructed by male instructors. Not merely do work forces hold a positive impact on academic accomplishment in male childs but besides they being indispensable in portraying and patterning maleness and manhood is critical ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . As made evident in appraisal of many of these immature male childs, they come from places where THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 5 they have small or no male function theoretical accounts. The unfortunate tendency in this present society is one that has left many households without a male parent and hence, confusion in the heads of these immature kids as to who to pattern or look up excessively, the male instructor hence, might be that merely positive male function theoretical account in their lives ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . Thinking back on my ain experience, I remembered that I saw my male instructors in primary school as superior authorization figures. I believe that those male instructors allowed me to put a high value on my instruction and encouraged me to desire to win. Hence, by the clip I reached the secondary school degree my signifier instructor ; a male provided support and way, as I was really focussed on my school work at that point. Should we so conclude that the male presence in instruction is more of import than the female influence? Or does stating we need more male instructors mean that we do non necessitate female instructors? Decidedly non, it is non a inquiry of male versus female, but there is a demand for more positive male presence and equity in the gender fluctuation of instructors at the primary and secondary degree to shut the gender spread or gender divide ( MacDonald, 2007 ) . Pelletier ( 2004 ) through research findings noted that there was more prevalence of category repeat and academic hold in male childs than misss. This hold was largely attributed to gender fluctuations in larning the linguistic communication and direction by female instructors. This weaker academic public presentation of male childs appeared to hold great influence in their calling ends and willingness to remain in school. One of the major subscribers to bettering academic accomplishment in male child was accommodating educational attacks to the alone acquisition manners of male childs. Male instructors tend to include games and competitory activities that boys respond to more positively. Another factor cited as influential was: the male teacher-student relationship ( which requires the instructor to interact on a societal degree with the male childs ) . Holland ( 1996 ) suggests that one of the major issues environing academic failure in immature male childs THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 6 is the fact that they are surrounded by preponderantly female instructors, therefore it is ingrained in their mind that school work is something for misss to make. They seldom see males in their environment prosecuting in academic activity and hence there is struggle with their maleness. What immature male childs need are work forces who are systematically at that place for them, who model good behaviour and values, and who are consistent in their attention for those that they love. They do n't necessitate work forces who have checked out of constructing relationships and those who are nil more than sperm givers ( Heard, 2009 ) . I believe that because immature male childs are at a critical phase in their development and non burying the deficiency of male presence in their lives the male instructor function theoretical account seems to be in the best place to represent those qualities. Toysoldier ( 2010 ) notes, that the demand for positive male function theoretical accounts for immature male childs is non a new scenario. In fact it is rather surprising that so much money is put into rectification installations that purportedly deal with riotous male behaviour when the support and societal focal point should be prior to this effusion of negative and baleful behaviours. Much of the delinquent behaviour is a consequence of non being able to suit into the academic system and therefore turning to criminal behaviour which is frequently mimicked in the bad male illustrations they have. Boys respond positively to consistent authorization and way. They need reinforcement when they exhibit good behaviours and necessitate to be invariably encouraged to seek a healthy life style and must take duty for all the picks they make. In the modern society they have been in a quandary of holding to utilize video games as their chief beginning of masculine mold and they are besides bei ng bombarded by this thrust for work forces to be ‘more feminine ‘ or ‘in touch ‘ with their muliebrity which is non the solution to the job of low academic accomplishment or being end oriented. Browne ( 2007 ) concedes that for most immature boys the demand to stand out academically is non seen as the ‘male thing ‘ . Browne suggests that at the secondary school level the most of import influence in a male child ‘s life is peer influence. If the general thought of his equals is that larning and academe is a waste of THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 7 clip so it is most likely that he would follow the same attitude. Whilst some male childs are able to develop get bying schemes to stand out academically, most seem to be unable to make this at a immature age. The power of equal force per unit area can merely perchance be pre-empted by self-asserting male function theoretical account instructors. At the secondary school degree most male childs are holding a rush of maleness and would dispute both instructors and parents. Browne says that the instructor ‘s conflict is so against testosterone, the equal group and the street where the civilization is ne'er to endorse down to authorization no affair what. Without male instructors as an alternate function theoretical account, the influence of equals and street civilization is almighty. Boys want to be portion of a nine or pack. Browne ( 2007 ) notes the importance of instructor preparation to cover with the issues that male childs have. It is of import to associate to each male child one on one, to extinguish the strong group dynamic that exist in equals. Looking at intercession patterns to cover with aberrant behaviours is indispensable to turn toing the academic involvements of immature male childs. The first manner of operation should non be to direct male childs place ( to watch telecasting and other unthinking activities ) when they engage in riotous behaviours but a recommendation is to allow them travel into reding Sessionss with male function theoretical accounts. Having more work forces in schoolroom shows immature male childs that there is an alternate option and that it can be cool to larn instead than be aberrant. Harmonizing to Wright ( 2009 ) surveies reveal that stripling male childs need to cognize that they are of import to a adult male whom they respect in order to develop self assurance and a strong sense of individuality. â€Å" To be a adult male you must see a adult male †, immature male childs need good work forces to assist them go good work forces. Most male childs are left to calculate out manhood entirely because of the predomination of females in their adolescent old ages. Basically boys grow when they are surrounded by a strong male function theoretical account ( Manfre, 2010 ) . THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 8 Some surveies even suggest that female instructors favor misss and really present and implement some of their prejudices with regard to what they consider ideal behavior: soundlessness and obeisance. Hence, masculine male childs are seen as violative and sometimes even treated with ill will ( Gold and Reis, 1982 ) . Gold and Reis continue by stating that in states where there are a higher proportion of male instructors, surveies reveal that the reading abilities of immature male childs are enhanced. It was besides found that boys underachievement in reading in the US is linked to the current gender instability in the instruction system ( Gorman, 2010 ) . Here we may be able to place the importance of the socio-linguistic factor, in that a male child is able to react to male communicating because it reflects similarities intrinsic to his ain linguistic communication. The engagement and engagement of work forces in the instruction profession at the primary and secondary degree is in great demand. Many pedagogues at the direction degree are assiduously working at enrolling competent males ; strong function theoretical accounts that can transform the lives of kids and more significantly immature male childs they interact with. One of the stereotypes is that work forces are n't seen as being able to foster and care for kids as adult females do, nevertheless, this is non the world. Many kids are soon turning up without positive males in their lives and holding male instructors are an chance to offer a great alteration and influence that gives a different position to the kid ( Terrell, 2009 ) . From a philosophical position, if it is desired that boys adopt behaviours that make them exceeding work forces they need to be exposed to matching doctrines from the same gender. It is undeniable that boys need work forces. Men play a critical function in the development of immature male childs and more so positive work forces. A sense of ego regard, unity, ego assurance is fostered when a immature male child has a adult male he looks up to pattern and interact with. It is impossible to supply all the bing immature male childs with a present, positive father-however ; they can hold a good male to emulate ; a male instructor function theoretical account. Presently, some adult females in our society intentionally take to raise kids without male parents while some THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 9 do no pick in the affair. However, based on all the findings and analysis of the reading and research, it is clear that immature male childs are in despairing demand for male teacher function theoretical accounts in their lives. I would desire to propose a few recommendations that are non needfully alone, but might be able to somehow relieve some of the jobs immature male childs experience. First, most intercession plans would necessitate male instructors who are willing to volunteer their clip and commit to the procedure. Some plans that can be developed include: 1. Mentoring inaugural during or after school for which male instructors can utilize to leave positive masculine traits ( honestness, unity, finding, committedness to task etc. ) 2. Let some sporting activities which would affect male instructors playing with and against immature male child ( s ) to further strength, support and chumminess. 3. Male instructors should even eat with their male pupils which would let them chance in advancing a healthy feeding life style for immature male childs by illustration and treatment. 4. Religious direction and supplication groups conducted by male instructors would supply a resource for immature male childs pa rticularly those who are in crisis and need religious encouragement and supplication. There is a despairing demand for immature male childs in our present society to hold regard for themselves and others, to derive self assurance, to be strong morally and spiritually and to be comfy with their individuality as male. I think because there is a shortage in male function theoretical accounts at place and in the community where immature male childs live, male instructors are likely the best hope as function theoretical accounts for immature male childs â€Å" It is easier to construct strong male childs than to mend broken work forces. †– Frederick Douglass. THE NEED FOR MALE TEACHERS AS ROLE MODELS FOR YOUNG BOYS 10
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Business-to-consumer and Business-to-business relationships
The business-to-consumer type of relationship is considered as â€Å"economic transactions conducted between individual consumers and organizations†(van Slyke, Belanger, & Comunale, 2004). There are several differences between this type of marketplace, the business-to-consumer (B2C), and its other counterpart, the business-to-business (B2B) marketplace. It has its corresponding impact to Cavalier Products that needs to be considered before venturing into this type of business relationship. As mentioned earlier, there are differences between the B2B and B2C type of relationship along several lines.First, the clients of the two are different where in the B2B, it is businesses or organizations and in B2C markets, the clients are individual consumers (Wright, 2006). Approach towards these two types of clients is different where in the former, buying behavior is considered to be more rational and in the latter, it is influenced by biases and personal preferences (Wright, 2006). Th e approach in terms of marketing and the selling strategy would be different when dealing with these two types of clients.Second, the volume of sales is entirely different for that of the B2B and B2C business types. It is known that the sales, and consequently the profit derived, is far greater in the transactions that arise from the B2B as compared to the B2C because of the differences in the demand (Moore, Petty, Palich, & Longnecker, 2008). The demand for the B2B is far greater because of the larger needs of the organizations as compared to individual customers who would not consume as much as what businesses consumer.This is especially true for the office equipment and materials where there is a greater amount needed for such in an office than for an individual consumer. It also takes a longer time for the individual consumers to consume a specific quantity compared to the businesses who would consume more at a faster rate. However, it remains that both of these lead to profits for the company but with corresponding business risks. It is best to conduct an initial study regarding the profitability of a B2C business endeavor through simulation and projection.There are several means through which this could be done without incurring significant losses. From a personal standpoint, there is a feasibility of such but the problem lies mainly with the delivery of goods especially for distant areas which require long transportation and careful handling for the equipment. This is especially true for purchases made for small quantities only and would require a large cost for handling and shipping.This requires additional distribution centers in the region where the company intends to launch its B2C business. There should be safety nets installed in order to prevent losses and failures when it comes to the inability of the company to meet the demands of the customer as expected because this would also affect the image it has in its B2B relationships. There should als o be a thorough understanding of the company’s capabilities in meeting the volume of demand from both the B2B and B2C clients.When there are sufficient clients, it is deemed better to sell to businesses because of the continuous demand for the products and the volume required by these organizations. It is significantly large for the company and would save on shipping and handling. A B2B relationship would also be easier to handle because the clients are lesser, compared to a B2C market, and would make marketing easier to formulate and implement. Thus, it has been shown that there are differences and similarities in B2B and B2C markets, which primarily lie on the volume and nature of clients.These are important considerations when venturing into any of the two markets in order to maintain the reputation of the company. References Moore, C. , Petty, J. W. , Palich, L. , & Longnecker, J. (2008). Managing small business: An entrepreneurial emphasis (14th Ed. ). Mason, OH: South-W estern Cengage Learning. van Slyke, C. , Belanger, F. , & Comunale, C. (2004). Factors influencing the adoption of web-based hopping: The impact of trust. ACM SIGMIS Database, 35(2), 32-49. Wright, R. 92006). Consumer behavior. London, UK: Thomson Learning.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Festival and events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Festival and events - Essay Example In addition, we have also approached for additional funding from the Virgin Australia Airlines Pty Ltd that offers sponsorship based on their internal evaluations for events that deliver community benefits that align to the direction of the company. In this note, the company agreed to donate $1000 to sponsor the night trivia. Further, the Toyota company also sponsored the event by donating $1200. Further, we were keen in controlling the costs of organizing the event by ensuring that we select a venue that is cost effective. Our choice of venue for the event is Apple cross Anglican Church where it is possible to reduce the total cost for holding the event while still making the guests to have fun. The main hall areas in the Apple cross Anglican Church can host a maximum of about 230 guests at a cost of $20 per hour after 6pm for non-profit events. In addition, the venue has other additional offers such as tables and soft drinks. Further, we have approached the Sound Guys Company where we have obtained discounted sound system at a cost of $70 for the event. All these additional resources make the cost of holding the event in the venue to be within our limited budget. In order to attract a large number of guests, we have organized some prizes and gifts that will be given to the participants of night trivia. For instance, we have approached Dymocks book shop who agreed to donate different types of books in order to support the event. In addition, we have also approached Coles Supermarkets who agreed to support the night trivia by donating food hampers that will play great part in attracting more participants. Further, we were able to get some gifts such as soaps, perfumes and lotions from Elizabeth Shop that will also constitute the prizes to be given out. In order for the participants to win the gifts, the trivia will be organized in such a way that groups in
Friday, September 27, 2019
International and Members of the International Court Essay
International and Members of the International Court - Essay Example The provision for the law is such that any culpable individual cannot escape the wrath. It is therefore still better if the US wants to take the initiative of subjecting the suspects to a trial. The sentiment of the Saudi government through their minister for defence can be lawfully interpreted as giving the suspects a feeling that either they are not responsible for the alleged crimes or that in the event that they are, then the US government has moral and legal authority to adjudicate on the matter. There may be no established structures within the US and Saudi government which clearly indicates the channel that should be pursued in such a case, and that it entirely depends on the goodwill of the Saudi government to surrender the suspect which in this case are their citizens to be tried in a foreign land. The prosecution in pursuit of the American system become appreciated on grounds that they are the complainant, just on this fact, they have the moral authority to try the suspects using their jury. On the other hand, the Saudi government may be right as giving another country a leeway to try citizens of your country is an act of surrendering sovereignty to foreigners. In the light of sovereignty, the Saudi government are legally in order to avert possible extradition of her citizens for a trial through a system they cast sufficient doubt in. the fact is even accentuated by the fact that no legal extradition arrangement exists between the two countries. In the event of extradition, it is legally proper that there should be a formal and effective arrangement that provides for a course of action in the event that such is necessary (Stanbrook, Ivor, and Clive 97).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
How significant were the neandertals to the evolution of anatomically Essay
How significant were the neandertals to the evolution of anatomically modern humans - Essay Example Neandertal fossils date back to 130 000- 30 000 BP throughout the region of Eurasia. Their fossils were morphologically different from modern man in that they were ruggedly built with thick chest (Lahr 130). The Neandertals were very strong and muscular; an adaptation that helped them to survive in tough conditions. According to Hublin, the Neandertals spent most of their lives in caves given that their reign was during a period of long glacial maximum. Although referred to as ancient cavemen, recent archaeological studies have pointed out that the Neandertals were intelligent considering the fact they used stone tools and sometimes fire. (Ponced et al,13767). Thus, new evidence suggests that although the Neandertals were slightly physically different from the anatomically modern man, both shared a lot of characteristics. According to Roebroeks, anatomically modern man came into direct contact with the Neandertals about fifty thousand years ago (p. 438). The neandertals and modern ma n were forced to compete for the resources available like food and locations (Mellars 103). However, the highly specialized morphology of the Neandertals began working to their disadvantage due the climatic changes. There is no conclusive evidence to ascertain whether modern man was more evolve than the neandertals at this point in history. However, the discovery of cultural items associated with early modern man suggest that indeed, neandertals were less evolved in comparison (Hardy 35). Since both the neandertals and modern man shared diets, the competition for food grew fierce with time. Eventually, the neandertals were pushed towards harsh and less fertile environment which heralded their demise. It should be noted that modern man and neandertals were very similar. Research by Currat pointed out that modern man and neandertals had similar cultures (p. 15129). For instance, both were cognizant of the significance of death and tools of trade were inherited. Although they both had had significant morphological differences, their genetic distinction could still allow for mating to produce offspring that was viable. The possibility of interbreeding between modern man and neandertals may offer insight into the similar traits between the two (Weaver et al 464) . The gene of microcephalin is archeologically attributed to neandertal man. This trait was absent in modern man genome up to approximately one million years ago. Its presence in anatomically modern man thus points out to interbreeding with the neandertals. The gene that allowed for more brain development and intelligence was critical for the existence and survival of modern man (Ponced 1365). This gene was rapidly propagated through the modern man by positive selection and it is now present in a majority of the world population. Thus, it is evident that neandertals passed on some superior genes of brain development to modern man which contributed significantly to their evolution. The intelligence gene was advantageous to the progress and survival of anatomically modern man in a dynamic world. According to Blow et al, further research into the DNA of Neandertals has indicated compellingly that in deed anatomically modern man and neandertals interbred (1367). This conclusion was reached after the study found out that modern man had a gene that helped to develop resistance to virus that was previously found in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
360 Degree Feedback Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
360 Degree Feedback - Case Study Example This is so because unlike traditional review process, 360 degree feedback involves the ratings and comments of not only immediate supervisors and bosses, but also peers, colleagues, subordinates and even some outsiders. Thus, the person getting rated might feel uncomfortable or not ready to accept feedback from so many people or employees falling below him in the hierarchy level. Thus, 360 degree feedback first needs to be aligned with that of the corporate strategy and specific objective needs to be specified for its implementation. Whatever has been specified above is missing from Landon’s initiative of 360 degree feedback. Sam Glass, who is one of the supervisors and person responsible for looking after 360 degree feedback process is himself unsure of the fact that whether it is used as a performance appraisal tool or for chalking out future compensation plan. Following it, it cannot be denied that even more unawareness will be spread amongst the employees of Landon regardi ng the purpose and benefits of 360 degree feedback process. As already mentioned by Alex in the opening paragraphs, this tool was suggested by the Vice-President of Avant-Garde’s Consumer Products Division. Thus, no evidence of this tool being aligned to corporate strategy or specific objectives charted out is visible. ... Numerous modifications and changes are required in the way Landon is proceeding with its 360 degree feedback process. First and foremost, it needs to state in clear terms what actually it wants to achieve with this tool- just evaluating the performance of its employees or devising compensation, training and development plans based on feedbacks received. One thing important to note here is this tool cannot be used for a single problem employee. Also, it should not be used at times when the organization or one of its departments are going a change or revamping in any way. This might be one of the reasons why Alex is uncomfortable with this system of feedback because he was made responsible to restructure the marketing of two product lines. Definitely he might have used some measures or actions which brought out his tough, uncaring and ambitious personality traits which get accounted for in the feedback and can face repercussion for those temporary actions and behavior. Secondly, organi zation wide communication has to be undertaken by Landon to ensure that each and every member of the organization knows and understand well the concept. Employees cannot connect with this form of rating unless and until they perceive security and benefits for them. Raters should be chosen keeping in mind the surrounding network of the person being rated. Regular query handling session should also be incorporated by Landon to make sure that employees are positive towards this concept and do not feel that organization is using this tool as a means to kick them off their jobs. Question 2 360 degree feedback is a tool to modify behaviors of employees and align them with that of the corporate mission and strategy. The 360 degree feedback tool comprises of data and comments from
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 26
History - Essay Example This essay focuses on the emergence of classical era across Eurasia through its impact on the social and cultural practices. The document provides or demonstrates the emergence of different cultures that characterize Eurasian people. In addition, the document responds to issues concerning the differences and similarities of cultures across Europe and south East Asia. According to the reading, the emergency of classical age is based on the findings of great scholars that were embraced across Asia and Europe. For instance, Greek is known to have been the home to great scholars such as Socrates. On the other hand, the emergence of Chinese culture is based on the teachings of Confucius (551- 479 B.C.E) (Strayer 217). Their disciples carried teachings of great scholars and philosophers across generations and this become the basis of classical civilization. It is believed that classical scholars were more than just truth-seekers to their societies. In some civilizations such as those in the Far East, philosophers took the positions of God. The link between philosophy and religion is also a significant aspect of classical civilization. Although the question of origin of humanity and life characterized other ancient civilizations, it became a significant issue during the classical era. This aspect made classical civilization to be chartered by search for truth. Among the most outstanding religious teachings were Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucius. In addition, scholars of classical civilization represented a religious faith or a school of thoughts. Although the quest for knowledge was a significant aspect of classical civilization, people also developed the desire for material prosperity. Expansion of territories was a significant aspect of the era. Integration of communities was the main element applied in expansion of territories that spread across Europe and south East Asia. This indicated the need
Monday, September 23, 2019
International Marketing Strategies of Pepsi and Apple Inc Essay - 7
International Marketing Strategies of Pepsi and Apple Inc - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that PepsiCo and Apple Inc are two renowned international companies making a name while employing international marketing activity across the world. These companies have instituted what is vital to marketing in the international context. They employed the essential activities for them to be able to surpass a very tough competition in their industry around the world. Apple Inc has become popular with its capacity to innovate not just in marketing activities, but almost all components of its operation. PepsiCo, on the other hand, has become trendy with its ability to initiate the high level of market performance with a purpose, allowing it to rank next to Coca-Cola. Â Â Â These two companies are therefore mostly studied because of their innovative approach and contribution to modern marketing techniques, allowing them to employ marketing strategies that at some point are cut above the other while adhering to the basics. They eventually do not just settle for less, but above all are market leaders willing to substantially innovate and create a difference in their respective industry.PepsiCo, for instance, has become the wide competitor of Coca-Cola, and in this situation, it is necessary for the firm not only to contend but create its brand as something worthy to be considered unique and one of a kind in its industry. On the other hand, Apple Inc is experiencing the same scenario, because of the linked many players in its industry. It is going to be hard for the company to compete in an industry where there are relevant key players mushrooming and aiming to get a substantial market share and a sustainable competitive advantage. However, Apple Inc has eventually proven its worth, allowing it to be as one of the top key players in its industry. In 2012, the firm was voted as the winner of the 2012 CMO Survey Award for Marketing Excellence.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Essay
2 to 3 page Bible College Administrative Report to be done in APA Format - Essay Example Although established only in 1992, it has a combined instructional history of 130 years (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 5). RMC offers 2 one-year certificates on Christian Discipleship, 3 two-year diplomas (Christian Leadership, Global Studies & Theatre Arts), a three-year degree on Religious Studies, and 4 four-year degree programs on Human Services, Leadership Development, Music & Theology (Rocky Mountain College, 2009a, p. 22). Founded in 1992 through the cooperation of Lithuanian, Canadian and American foundations, LCC is based in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Its aim is to produce Christian professionals who will actively participate in community projects (LCC, 2009a). LCC offers four undergraduate courses (Business Administration, English Language and Literature, Psychology and Theology) and a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) (LCC, 2009c). Although LCC operates in several countries as a nonprofit organization, it is generally governed by an independent Board of Directors, which is composed of members from North America and Lithuania (LCC, 2009b). It can be seen through the chart above how bible colleges, depending on their size and the breadth of the courses they offer, differ when it comes to governance and organizational structure. While their similarities are obvious, their differences are indistinct and needs a closer look. It must be noted, however, that the exact nature of two out of the three Christian Colleges studied here do not present complete data regarding the hierarchy of power and accountability. Thus, this comparative analysis is based on the available data and the inferences that can be drawn from them. Liberty University is governed primarily by the Chancellor and the President of the Board of Trustees, which is the same person. He is also the son of the founder and the President of the Board of Trustees Committees. Even though managing this large
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Essay Example for Free
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Essay The strength of these companies had been growing strong but had a slight decline in recent years. SWOT for the Industry Strength: Product Expansion – many new products have been developed Distribution Channels – Can use convenience stores, grocery stores Able to deliver with carbonated soft drinks Weakness: Price is high compared to soft drinks Unhealthy ingredients Caffeine is not regulated – like in soft drink industry Opportunity: Consumer demand Supplier Channels – ingredients, cans, labels Product Innovation – provides differentiation. Brand Loyalty – taste, image, energy boosting Brand building skills needed 2 oz. energy shots Threat: Economy Scientific evidence that some products are not healthy Effect people with heart arrhythmias and insomnia Mix with alcohol Relaxed Drink Niche – abuse with prescription cough syrup As we look at this SWOT analysis of the alternative beverage industry we notice that there are some opportunities that they have created and are able to use in the future. Consumers’ choices are changing from the standard soft drink to alternative beverages. The key is to be sustainable by building up these products. The main opportunity to help with sustainability is to build brand loyalty. Try building up the knowledge and uses of your brands will help you gain the skills needed to continue building the brand. Porter’s five-forces model reveals that the overall alternative beverage industry attractiveness is high. Some beverage companies, such as PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, have mastered the art of brand building in the alternative beverage market and have been rewarded with rapid growth rates. The rising population of health conscious consumers is increasingly leaning towards alternative beverages that are believed to offer greater health benefits. The strongest competitive force, or most important to strategy formulation, is the threat of entry of new competitors. Competitive pressure from rival sellers is high in the alternative beverage industry. The number of brands competing in sports drinks, energy drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverage segments of the alternative beverage industry continue to grow each year. Both large and small vendors are launching new products and fighting for minimal retail shelf space. More and more consumers are moving away from traditional soft drinks to healthier alternative drinks. Demand is expected to grow worldwide as consumer purchasing power increases. Another strong competitive force is buyer bargaining power. Convenience stores and grocery stores have substantial leverage in negotiating pricing and slotting fees with alternative beverage producers due to the large quantity of their purchase. Newer brands are very vulnerable to buyer power because of limited space on store shelves. Top brands like Red Bull are almost always guaranteed space. This competitive force does not affect Coca-Cola or PepsiCo as much due to the variety of beverages the stores want to offer to the customer. As a result of this certain appeal, the two companies’ alternative beverage brands can almost always be found shelf space in grocery/convenience stores. Distributors, like restaurants, have less ability to negotiate for deep pricing discounts because of quantity limitations.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Theories and relevant models about branding
Theories and relevant models about branding In this chapter, concepts, theories and relevant models about branding, brand perception and customer buying behaviour will be discussed in detail. An individual who buys products for personal use and not for manufacture or resale is said to be a consumer. A consumer is someone who can make the decision whether or not to purchase an item at the store, which can be influenced by marketing and advertisements. Each and every consumer is influenced by their own brand perception and buying decisions which depends on various number of factors. 2.2 Branding Brand is the image that consumers have in mind (Aaker, 1991). It is also the unique characteristics that have been developed all the time in order to differentiate actual products from the competitors (Murphy, 1990). In addition, The American Association defines a brand as a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. A brand is thus a product or service that adds dimensions that differentiate it in some way from other products or services designed to satisfy the same need. These differences may be functional, rational, or emotional or intangible related to what the brand represents. Brand concepts must address customer interests and lifestyles. Factors that affect its brand image and brand perception among marketing communication program that implementing to the public to create brand perception, brand characteristic, brand image and bran d equity. De Chernatony and McDonald (1992) define a brand as an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely. There have been two basic values identified by de Chernatony (1999) that contribute towards the brand premium. One is the functional value such as the price, technology, design and store layout. This functional value is a distinct attribute that a customer adds to the brand and distinguishes the brand from the rest. The second form of added value comes from emotional value. This value is derived from notions like advertising, internal branding, translating the retail brand into consumer taste, and even the shopping experience itself at the retail outlet. 2.3 Brand Perception Perception is how we see ourselves and the world we live in. However, what ends up being stored inside us doesnt always get there in a direct manner. Often our mental makeup results from information that has been consciously or subconsciously filtered as we experience it, a process we refer to as a perceptual filter. To us this is our reality, though it does not mean it is an accurate reflection on what is real. Thus, perception is the way we filter stimuli (e.g., someone talking to us, reading a newspaper story) and then make sense out of it. Perception has several steps. Exposure sensing a stimuli (e.g. seeing an ad) Attention an effort to recognize the nature of a stimuli (e.g. recognizing it is an ad) Awareness assigning meaning to a stimuli (e.g., humorous ad for particular product) Retention adding the meaning to ones internal makeup (i.e., product has fun ads) Brand perception is consumers ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand recall refers to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from the memory (Keller, 1993). According to the improvement of measurement for brand equity, consumer-based brand equity was described for four dimensions; brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty (Pappu, et al, 2005). Brand awareness was defined as the consumers ability to identify or recognize the brand (Rossiter and Percy, 1987). It refers to the strength of a brand presence in consumers minds. Brand awareness has several levels starting from the less recognition of the brand to dominance (Aaker, 1991). Perceived quality was evaluated and decided by consumers. Perceived quality is another valuation of brand to push the customer to buy products. Brand building has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another. The earliest signs of branding in Europe were the medieval guilds requirement that craftspeople put trademarks on their products to protect themselves and consumers against inferior quality. In the fine arts, branding began with artists signing their works. Brands today play a number of important roles that improve consumers lives and enhance the financial value of firms (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand awareness and brand perceived quality as the significant factors to create and maintain brand equity. There are positive relationship among brand awareness, perceive quality and brand equity (Aker, 1996, Buzzell Gate, 1987). The marketing program has effect to improve the perceive quality of brand for different customers. Brand perception is consumers ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand recall refers to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from the memory (Keller, 1993). According to the improvement of measurement for brand equity, consumer-based brand equity was described for four dimensions; brand awareness, brand association, perceived quality, and brand loyalty (Pappu, et al, 2005). Brand awareness was defined as the consumers ability to identify or recognize the brand (Rossiter and Percy, 1987). It refers to the strength of a brand presence in consumers minds. Brand awareness has several levels starting from the less recognition of the brand to dominance (Aaker, 1991). Perceived quality was evaluated and decided by consumers. Perceived quality is another valuation of brand to push the customer to buy products. Brand building has been around for centuries as a means to distinguish the goods of one producer from those of another. The earliest signs of branding in Europe were the medieval guilds requirement that craftspeople put trademarks on their products to protect themselves and consumers against inferior quality. In the fine arts, branding began with artists signing their works. Brands today play a number of important roles that improve consumers lives and enhance the financial value of firms (Kotler Lane, 2006). Brand awareness and brand perceived quality as the significant factors to create and maintain brand equity. There are positive relationship among brand awareness, perceive quality and brand equity (Aker, 1996, Buzzell Gate,1987). The marketing program has effect to improve the perceive quality of brand for different customers. 2.4 Brand Equity Source: Aaker, 1991 Brand equity is the added value endowed to products and services. Aaker (1991) defined the brand equity as a set of brand assts and liabilities linked to brand that adds or detracts the product or service value based on the customers perspectives. This value may be reflected in how consumers think, feel and act with respect to the brand that consumers had perceive from marketing programs. Brand equity is an important intangible asset that has psychological and financial value to the firm. The value of brand equity depends on the number of same people who buy regularly (Aaker, 1996). The brand loyalty, brand awareness, and brand perceived quality are necessary to maintain the brand equity (Motameni Shahrokhi, 1998). There are two different perspectives of brand equity; financial and customer based. The first perspective evaluates the asset value of a brand name that creates to the business (Farquhar et al, 1991). Brand equity increased the discounted future cash flows and revenue comparing to the same product did not have the brand name (Motameni Shahrkhi, 1998). According to the second perspective, the premise of customer-based brand equity models is that the power of brand lies in what customers have responded, seen, read, heard, learned, thought and felt about the brand over time. In other words, the power of brand lies in the minds of existing or potential customers and what they have experienced directly and indirectly about the brand. The customer-based brand equity finally drives the financial return to the company (Lassar et al, 1995). The valuation of brand has been studied for different approaches, for example, marketing, premium pricing market value, customer factors, replacement cost perspective. According to the valuation based on consumer factors, the measurement of customers preference and attitude can be used to evaluate the brand equity (Aaker, 1991 and Kapferer, 1992). 2.5 Marketing Communication The marketing communication is considered as the strategic activities for brand managers to build and maintain the brand image of targeted customers (Duncan Mulhern, 2004). It is a significant driver of competitive advantage to create the ability of companies to attract, retain, and leverage customers (Kitchen, Joanne, Tao, 2004). Duncan (2002) explained that marketing communication is a process for managing the customer relationship that affects brand value lastly. Marketing communication programs are not only above the line activities such as advertising and sales promotions but also below the line activities such as public relations. Regarding recent concept of marketing communication, two-way communication as well as one way communication is a key determinant of brand strategies to stimulus the brand orientation process (Aaker, 1996 and Urde, 1994). 2.6 Consumer Behaviour Schiffinan and Kanuk (2004) define Consumer Behaviour as the behaviour that customers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Consumer buying behaviour incorporates the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining, using and disposing of economic goods and services including the decision process that precede and determine these acts (Huctings 1995). image0.jpg Source: (, accessed on 20 /10/10 at 8.40pm) Lamb, Hair and McDartiel (1992) note that consumer behaviour is a study of the processes the consumer uses to make purchase decisions as well as the use and disposal of the purchased goods and services. It also includes the analysis of factors that influences purchase decisions and goods usage. Further more consumer behaviour is a process and purchase is only one step in that process. Santon,Etzel and Walker (1994) states that consumers are complex in nature and keep changing constantly. So it is a must for the marketers to constantly improve their understanding of consumers and understand what influences the needs of the consumers. In short, the understanding of the buying behavior of existing and potential customers is imperative for marketers (Lancaster 1998). It is also needed for the competitive survival. When the consumer is viewed in the proper perspective, the outcomes could be quite positive for the manufacturer. Lamb,Hair and McDaniel (1992),claim that the knowledge of consumer behavior reduces uncertainty when creating the marketing mix. The field of customer behavior covers a lot of ground: It is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires (Michael, 2003). Earlier, the field was referred to as buyer behavior, which emphasized o n interaction between consumers and producers at the time of purchase. Now marketers feel that consumer behavior is not merely a consumer handing over money in return for a service or good, but it is an ongoing process. The exchange of a transaction in which two or more organizations or people give and receive something of value is an integral part of marketing. 2.7 Consumer Decision Making Mahatoo (1985) defines Consumer Behavior decision making process consisting of a number of steps that begin before the purchase and reaches beyond the buying act. He suggests that marketers have to go beyond the various influences on buyers and develop an understanding of how consumers actually make their buying decisions .The ability to create a good service and to persuade the market to buy this offering instead of its competitors offering depends upon the insight into the consumer purchase decision on the understanding of how the target customers arrive at their purchase decisions. Price is one of the dominating factors when it comes to making a purchase decision. It generally plays a vital role in determining consumers brand choice while selecting a product. Consumers look into the price while taking a buying decision and check whether it is within their affordable limits. This helps them to maximize their immediate utility that they gain from the purchase. The consumers give relative importance to both price and quality, so while choosing a brand they make a choice consistent with the relative importance attached to both attributes (Nor Khasimah Alimana and Md Nor Othman, 2007). It is also known that consumers look upon the additional services and freebies which come along with the product rather than looking on the price factor. Customers were believed to put different weights on every factor when it comes to the evaluation process. Analysis shows that customers who had experienced bad customer service tend to consider more thoroughly all aspects of the serv ice when it comes to choice of product (Tor W. Andreassen and Line L. Olsen, 2008). According to Kotler (2003), there are five roles people play during a purchase. They are Initiator: It is the person who gives the idea of buying the product or service. Influencer: It is the person who reviews or influences the decision. Decider: It is the person who makes the buying decision: what to buy, how to buy, when to buy and where to buy. Buyer: It is the person who actually makes the purchase. User: It is the person who consumes or uses the product or service. 2.8 Buying Behavior Buying behavior is a process in which consumers decide and act accordingly to buy certain products for their use. There are certain aspects which we need to understand. Why do consumers buy what they buy? What are the key factors for influencing consumers to buy the products? What are the changing trends in the society? Consumer buying behavior refers to what consumers buy at a certain point of time which involves their decision making. So it is important for any firm to keenly analyze on consumer buying behaviors as it has a great impact on the firms marketing strategy. It also plays a key role in the success of the firm. It is important for any firm to create a marketing mix that satisfies the customers. 2.9 Types of Consumer Buying Behavior There are few types of buying behaviors based on the type of products which needs to be purchased. Complex buying behavior is where an individual seeks lot of information about a high value branded product before purchasing it. Habitual buying behavior is where the individual buys the product out of habit. Variety seeking buying behavior is where the individual likes to shop around and experiment different products. Consumer buying behavior is determined by level of involvement in the purchase decision (Renjith, June 2004). According to Mahatoo (1985), the nature of the decision process varies depending upon the product and the consumer. The marketers need to determine the kind of decision making behavior that is involved with the particular product in order to understand the behavior of the consumer. Howard (1989) classifies consumer buying decision into three broad categories: Routine Response Programmed Behavior- A consumer generally uses a routine response behavior while frequently buying the low cost goods or services. These goods and services can be called low involvement products as the consumer spends little time on decision making and purchases easily. The consumer is familiar with different brands in this product category, but usually sticks on to one brand. The consumer usually skips many steps in the decision process as he buys the product out of habit. Limited Decision Making Buying product occasionally. When you need to obtain information about an unfamiliar brand in a product category. Requires a moderate amount of time for information gathering as it is compared with various brands. Acquiring information about an unfamiliar product category is called as limited decision making. Examples: books, clothes and cosmetics. Extensive Decision Making Consumers usually spend much time on extensive decision making with high involvement when they purchase an unfamiliar expensive product. This is the most complex type of consumer decision making as the consumers need a great deal of information to compare it with its alternate brands. Examples: cars, computers. Complex buying behavior involves three steps: The consumer develops belief about the product. The consumer develops attitude about the product. The consumer makes a thoughtful choice. Consumers usually engage in complex buying behavior when they are highly involved in a purchase, which usually happens when the product is expensive, risky, and highly self expressive. Many products do not carry features unless the buyer does some research. The marketer of a high involvement product must understand consumers information- gathering and evaluation process. According to this the marketer needs to develop strategies which will assess the buyer in learning about the products attributes and their importance. The marketer also needs to differentiate the brand features, motivate store keepers, and use proper print media to describe the brand and the buyers interaction to influence the brand choice. Dissonance-Reducing buyer behaviour According to Herbert (1965), the consumer sometimes gets highly involved in a purchase but see little differences in brands. The high involvement is due to the fact that the purchase is expensive, infrequent and risky. For this type of purchase the consumer will shop around to learn more about the product but purchase it quickly responding to the primary factors like price or convenience. After the purchase, the consumer might experience dissonance by hearing favourable things about other brands or noticing certain disquieting features. Now the consumer will alert the informants who support his or her decisions. For example, here, the consumer acted first then acquired new beliefs and ended up with a set of attitudes. Marketing communication should supply beliefs and evaluations that help the customer feel good about the brand of his choice. Variety-Seeking Buying Behaviour Henry (1987) states that some buying situations are characterised by low involvement but significant brand differences. Usually consumers do lot of brand switching. Take for example, cookies. The consumer has some knowledge about cookies, chooses them without much evaluation and evaluates the product during consumption. But next time the consumer may reach for another brand according to his taste. Brand switching occurs for the sake of variety rather than dissatisfaction. 3.10 Buying Decision Process The consumers engage in a decision process to deal with the marketing environment and make purchases. The consumer goes through a series of logical stages to arrive at the decision when he faces a problem which could be resolved through a purchase. A typical buying process consists of five stages. (Micheal and Elnora, 2000). 2.10.1 Problem Recognition The purchase process starts where the buyer recognises a problem or need. The need maybe triggered by internal or external stimuli. Marketers need to identify the circumstances that trigger a particular need (Micheal, 2003). People have unsatisfied needs and wants that create tension or discomfort, which can be satisfied by acquiring and consuming goods and services. Hence, the process of deciding what to buy begins when there is a need and it can be satisfied through consumption. Mahatoo (1985), states that when the consumer becomes aware of a discrepancy between the existing state and a desired state, a need is aroused. The existing state is the total situation of a consumer, the current needs, attitudes, motives. The desired state is the situation after the kinds of changes the consumer wishes. Both these states are the functions of consumers motivation, personality and past experience of cultural and social influences. Evans and Burman (1984), defines a stimulus as a cure intended to motivate a person to act. It can be social, commercial or non commercial. Need recognition shows a persons readiness to act by becoming aware of a need but does not guarantee that the decision making process will continue. Kotler (2003), suggests that by gathering information from a number of consumers marketers can identify the most frequent stimuli that triggers an interest in a product category, thereby developing marketing strategies that would create a spark in consumers interest. 2.10.2 Information Search When a consumer needs to gain knowledge about a product or service, he or she would be aroused to search for more information in the product category. Consumer information sources fall under four groups: Personal sources: Family, friends, neighbours Commercial sources: Advertising, sales person, dealers, display boards Public sources: Mass media, consumer-rating organizations Experimental sources: Handling, examining, using the product. The relative amount and influences of these information sources vary with product category and consumer characteristics (Peter, Daniel and Nancy, 1986). Customer decisions are based on a combination of past experiences and marketing information. Past experience is considered as an internal source of information. Greater the past experience, lesser the external information the consumer is likely to seek to make a decision. Baker (2000), states that if there is a sufficiently high level of involvement with the problem, the consumers are likely to engage in a complex and extensive information search. If the involvement level is low, they are likely to use a very simple information search. Kotler (2003), states that by gathering information the consumer learns about competing brands and their features. There will be lot of brands available to the consumer in a product category, in which only a few brands the consumer would be aware of (awareness set). Among these brands, few brands will meet consumers initial buying criteria (consideration set). As the consumer gathers more information only a few brands would remain (choice set). All the brands in the choice set might be acceptable. 2.10.3 Evaluation of Alternatives There is no single evaluation process used by all customers or by one customer in all buying situations. The consumers view each product as a bundle of attributes with varying abilities of delivering the benefits needed to satisfy them. The attributes of interest to buyers vary by product. Consumers will pay most attention to attributes that deliver benefits (Mary, James and John, 1997). Once a choice set has been identified, the consumer evaluates them before making a decision. The evaluation involves establishing some criteria against which each alternative is compared. The criteria that consumers use in the evaluation results from their past experience and feelings towards various brands as well as the opinions of family, friends, etc. (Stanton, Etzel and Walker, 1994). The product related attributes such as quality, durability, price, design, etc. Influence the buying decision of a consumer. A way to narrow down the products in the choice set is to pick an attribute and then excl ude all products in the set that does not possess that attribute (Lamb and McDaniel, 1992). Thus the choice which possesses all the required product related attributes can be selected. 2.10.4 Purchase Decision From the evaluation process discussed about, consumer will reach their final purchase decision which is made up of five purchase sub decisions: Brand decision, Vendor decision, Quantity decision, Timing decision and Payment method decision (Joseph and Howard, 1987). After evaluation, the first thing in mind would be to purchase the product or not. If the decision is to buy, a series of related decisions must be made regarding the features, where and when to make the actual transaction, how to take delivery, a mode of payment and other issues. So a decision to purchase starts an entirely new series of decisions that may be time consuming and difficult. Selecting a source from which a purchase can be made is also a buying decision (Stanton, Etzel and Walker, 1994). A consumers decision to modify, postpone or avoid a purchase decision is heavily influenced by risk. The amount of risk varies with the extent of money at stake, the amount of attribute uncertainty and amount of self confide nce. Marketers must understand the factors that create a feeling of risk in the consumer, thereby providing information and support to reduce the risk (Kotler, 2003). 2.10.5 Post Purchase Behaviour Every customer after buying a product will experience either satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Hence the marketers job does not end when the product is bought; it must be monitored for post purchase satisfaction and post purchase actions. A very important stage of the consumers decision is the impact of current decisions on the future purchasing behaviour. Mahatoo (1985) says that three general outcomes are possible. They are: Satisfaction Satisfaction occurs when a product performs according to expectations. The brand chosen has served to fulfil the customers needs and thus reinforces the response of purchasing the brand, which also means that beliefs and attributes about the brand are positively influenced and the likelihood of repurchase is increased. Dissatisfaction Dissatisfaction occurs in the reverse situation, when the products performance is not up to the expectation it leads to negative belief and attributes about the brand. A dissatisfied customer is not likely to recommend the product to others. The results of satisfaction and dissatisfaction are recorded in long term memory and become inputs to the internal search of the firm. So the marketers must be careful in satisfying the needs and expectations of the customers. Cognitive Dissonance: Cognitive dissonance occurs when the consumer experiences a feeling of doubt or psychological discomfort about the choice made. It is often felt right after the purchase when the consumer begins to have second thoughts about the product chosen. Dissonance is more likely to occur in complex decision making with high involvement purchases. Dissonance can come from a personal source from advertisement or from experience with the product. Post purchase evaluation is important to marketers because positive evaluation increases the probability of repeat purchases and brand loyalty. Negative or doubtful thoughts increase the probability that different alternatives will be considered next time when the need arises (Husted, Varble and Lowry, 1989). 2.11 Factors influencing the behaviour of buyers Source: ( accessed on 20/10/10 at 9.15pm) Consumer behaviour is affected by many uncontrollable factors. Culture is one of the factors that influence behaviour. Culture can be defined as our attitudes and beliefs. It is developed along with age in the society. For an individual growing up, a child is influenced by their parents, brothers and sisters. They learn about their religion and culture which helps them to develop opinions, attitudes and beliefs (Richard, 1976). These factors will influence a buying behaviour of the consumer, other factors like friends or people they look up may also influence their choices of purchasing a particular product. Culture is the most basic cause of a persons wants and behaviour.  Culture is learned from family, church, school, peers, colleagues. It reflects basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviours. Cultural shifts create opportunities for new products or may otherwise influence consumer behaviour. Peoples social status plays an important role in the consumer buying behaviour. Social class distinctions allow companies to position their products to appeal to certain social classes. The easiest example is automobiles. Marketing for Mercedes Benz is completely different from the marketing campaign from Honda or Toyota because they target individuals from the upper class. Another powerful and easy factor that companies manipulate in their marketing efforts is the social factor. To be part of a group, or represent a certain lifestyle, you must have certain possessions. Personal and Psychological factors are very specific realms and the target market segment becomes even smaller. That means even less amount of people can use these products. This reflects in higher prices to account for the decrease in volume 2.12 Models of Consumer Behaviour The various models of consumer behaviour as per (Ramasamy and Namakumari, 1990) are stated as follows 2.12.1 The Economic Model According to the economic model of buyer behaviour, the buyer is a rational man and his buying decisions are totally governed by the concept of utility. If the customer has certain amount of purchasing power, a set of needs to be met and a set of products in a very rational manner with the intentions of maximising the utility or benefits. 2.12.2 The Learning Model According to the learning model, buying behaviour can be influenced by manipulating the drivers, stimuli and responses of the buyers. The model rests on mans ability at learning, forgetting and discriminating. 2.12.3 The Psychoanalytical Model According to this model the individual consumer has a complex set of deep stated motives that drive him towards certain buying decisions. The buyer has a private world with all his hidden fears, suppressed desires and totally subjective longings. His buying action can be influenced by appealing to these desires and longings. 2.12.4 The Sociological Model According to the sociological model, the individual buyer is influenced by society, by inmate groups as well as social classes. His buying decisions are not totally governed by utility, he has a desire to emulate, follow, and fit in with his immediate environment. Several of his buying decisions may be governed by societal compulsions. 2.12.5 The Nicosia Model Efforts have been made by marketing scholars to build buyer behaviour models from the marketing mans point of view. The Nicosia model and the Howard and Sheth model are two important models. Both of them belong to the category called the systems model where the human being is analysed as the system with stimuli as the input to the system and behaviour as the output of the system. The Nicosia model tries to establish the link between a firm and its customers, how the activities of the firm influences the consumer and results in the buying decision. The information from the firm influences the consumer towar
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Future of World Population :: Papers
The Present and Future The growth of the world's population is a problem that many people see as being addressed at some point in the future. While we live in a country that is reaping the benefits of a superpower, most of the United States is disconnected from the problems of population growth. In this paper, I intend to address three major issues. How long will we be able to support our planets food needs? How can we deal with population growth in the present day? And How come certain areas tend to have larger population growth than other areas? But first in this paper, I will see how the theories of sociologists and demographers fit into the Earth's population problem. THEORIES MARX 1818-1883 Karl Marx viewed a capitalist society as an economic system that was bound to fail. In Marx's opinion this eminent failure was based in the design of the system. According to Marx, In the capitalist economy there are two major groups; the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie are t hose who own the means of production, have the power. The proletariat are those that work for the bourgeoisie and are at their mercy. At the economy develops, the gap between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat grows wider and eventually all the capital is controlled by a small percentage of the population and the proletariat is forced into poverty. To someone with little or no sociological background, the above paragraph has nothing to do with population as a social problem. But if you fit population into Marx's description of the capitalist system, it is more relevant than at first glance. The best way to make this point clear is to provide two hypothetical situations. Family X is a middle class family that is doing well financially and they tend to have more children than if they are not making so much money. But as the bourgeoisie gains more and more control, families like X have their income driven down and ultimately have fewer children. Families must have enough money, food, etc. to survive. If they don't have these goods and they can't control their wages, they must control they must control an aspect of their lives that would allow them to survive, whether or not to have children. Family Z is an extremely wealthy family that more or less monopolizes an aspect of their economy. As the economy progresses, family Z is able to drive down the wages of their workers thereby increasing their profit.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Governmental Purpose :: essays research papers
Webster’s dictionary defines government as authoritative direction or control. However, many believe there is a more philosophical approach to the purpose of government. Thomas Jefferson wrote that "The essential principles of our Government...form the bright constellation which has gone before us and guided our steps through an age of revolution and reformation.†In this he refers to the creation of our democratic nation as a guide through the perils of our past. Government is often thought of as simply the ruling of our nation, but it is much more than that. It has provided us with a nation proud of its commitment to justice and freedom. Although leaders may have the authority to impose penalty and law through their political power, in a democracy the people are allowed to be actively involved in the government. John Locke defined political power as â€Å"†¦a right of making laws, with penalties of death, and consequently all less penalties for the regulating and preserving of property, and of employing the force of the community in the execution of such laws, and in the defense of the commonwealth from foreign injury, and all this only for the public good.†Political power is most often only deemed to be in the interest of the citizens, such as in countries like China, where government officials claim to know what the people want; however, may not make decisions according to their will. The more preferable form of democracy is a representative one, in which the politicians compete for votes in organized elections. Yet, in any commonwealth the want is a central power that works for the people. When government is applied in a positive sense, justice is served and democracy is in its purest form. It is the goal of government to lead our country in a fashion that does not provide a monopoly of power or authority to any single group or individual. John Locke believed in â€Å"A state†¦of equality, wherein all the power and jurisdiction is reciprocal, no one having more than another.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Classification: Help For Mental Disorders Essay -- essays research pap
     There are many different things that are the cause of mental disorders. Alcoholism, brain tumors, strokes, and damage to the brain are a few causes of mental disorders. Mental disorders can also result from birth. There are many health care services for mental disorders. Three occupations that help the symptoms of mental health are psychiatrist, neurologist, and a clinical psychologist. Each of these occupations, psychiatrist, neurologist, and a clinical psychologist, treat mental health symptoms differently, have different requirements of education, and are authorized to different rights concerning the patient.      A psychiatrist is one occupation that helps deal with mental health problems. A psychiatrist deals with mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders of the mind. This person has completed years of medical school, one year of internship, and has passed a state license exam. Since psychiatrists are physicians, they can prescribe medicines to treat conditions. Some of the types of disorders that a psychologist treats are: clinical depressions, manic depressions, psychotic, schizophrenia, MPD (multiple personality disorder), and post-traumatic stress disorder.      A neurologist is another occupation that deals with mental health. A neurologist is a physician who specializes in organic disorders of the brain and nervous system. This person has a degree in medicine, postgraduate training and experience in this field, certification as a specialist, and a state li...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Business Law: Exemption Clause
An exemption is a clause in a contract that exempts or removes liability from one or both parties in certain circumstances. Exemption clauses are used frequently in business organization contract. These clauses apportion risk between the parties concerned and the law upholds them, assuming the parties negotiated them while drafting the contract 2. The two ways in which exemption clauses can be incorporated in a contract are: (1) Incorporation by notice and (2) Incorporation by signature. 3.I would first ask X if he was notified of the hotel’s policy while, he was checking in. If He was informed of a policy to secure valuables at the front desk, then he was responsible for his losses and Y had no obligation to reimburse him for his losses. However, if he was not informed of Y’s policy on securing valuables while checking in then he was entitled to be reimburses by Y. He is entitled for reimbursement because the notice in the room did not form part of the contract between himself and Y.He became aware of this policy after the contract was made and therefore it cannot form part of the contract. Y is therefore responsible for replacing his valuables. 4. Tim went to Danto Auto Rental to rent a minivan for his family trip in Maxboro Estate. He was notify that the Danto Auto Rental is not responsible for any damages inflicted to any occupant of the minivan cause by mechanical problems or any vehicle accident. Tim signed the document exempting Danto Auto Rental from liability case by mechanical problems or any vehicle accident.For an exemption to be upheld there must be sufficient notice of the exemption or the exemption must be incorporated by signature. This means that the exemption must be in a contract signed by both parties or a party must be made aware of the exemption clause in reasonable time or at the time of the contract. In this case the contract was made when Tim sign the rental documents. 5. An exemption clause must satisfy both the common la w and statutory criteria. The courts in recent cases have, however, tended to concentrate on the statutory criteria. . Misrepresentation is: A statement of fact made by one party to contract (the representor) to the other (the representee) which, while not forming a term of the contract, is one of the reasons that induces the representee to enter into the contract. 7. In a misrepresentation case, for the courts to make its decision, it generally looks for the following two things in the representor’s statement: (1) Statement of fact and (2) Inducement. 8. In a case of Tim v Roy – T Company build concrete houses with plycemet backing instead of blocks.The marketing department of the company, market the houses as fully concrete. R purchase one of the houses from T Company at the cost you would pay for a fully concrete house. After living in the house for a month R found out that the house was not fully concrete. The plaintiff sued on grounds that he bought the house from the company because he thought the company was building fully concrete houses and he was deceived when they did not. In this case the information given by the Marketing department was of a fraudulent one therefore it was a fraudulent misrepresentation.When proving a fraudulent misrepresentation the plaintiff have to prove that the representor acted in a fraudulent manner or that they made the statement knowingly or without belief it was true or recklessly. All of the above was proven. Tanya’s Boutique v. Andrea Collins – In this case, Tanya gave wrong information concerning the originality and make of the dresses she sold in her boutique. This information was given based on facts that she got from the Dictoria Secret weekly which have a reputation from outstanding information on quality dresses. Andrea later found out that the dresses she bought was a knock-off and not an original.She returned the dresses and requested that her money be return. Tanya refused to return the money. In the case, the misrepresentation by Tanya could be classified, as innocent misrepresentation because she believed the dresses were original. Therefore, her burden had been discharge and her representation could be classified as innocent misrepresentation. 9. (a)(b)(c) Type of MisrepresentationRemedies Available 1FraudulentRescission & damages 2Negligent (common law)Damages only 3Negligent (representor must show reasonable grounds to believe in the truth of the statement)Rescission & damages 4InnocentRecession & Indemnity 0. 1. Indemnity – Compensation for wrong done, or trouble, expense or loss incurred. An undertaking usually by deed to indemnify another. An indemnity can only claimed for loss arising from the entering into the contract and not for any consequential loss, which can only be claimed as damages. 2. Damages – The pecuniary satisfaction awarded by a judge or jury in a civil action for the wrong suffered by the plaintiff. (Exemplary damages; n ominal damages) Damages can be assessed either on a reliance basis or on an expectation basis. 3.Rescission – Putting a contract to an end or voiding a contract usually caused by some type of misrepresentation. It is an equitable remedy and therefore discretionary. It can be loss because of reaffirmation, lapse of time; restitution is no longer possible and a third party has gained an interest. Rescission can be lost where the subject matter of the contract cannot be restored to the representor, and where a third party has gained an interest in the goods. 4. Onus – Burden of proof 5. Contra Proferentem rule – States that any doubt or ambiguity in the wording of a clause will be construed against the person seeking to rely on it.
Being Honest The Night The Day
Being honest can seem very hard to do, but will make things very easier in the end. Babbles Nicole proves this very effectively and makes It very evident by the end of her short story. She shows that lying only causes stress, trouble and places a very large wedge between friendships. It's generally assumed that being honest the first time around will prevent that. Lying causes stress, trouble and separates friends, being honest at first will prevent that and make you a better person for the future because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.KOOK and Bendable, two main character of Absinthe's short story, become curious one day before school and decide to start a lab experiment of their own with the schools stuff. Upon doing this, they break a thermometer and decide to hide It from their teacher, Mr.. ABA. Once discovered, Mr.. ABA gave all the kids in the class a chance to be honest so they could avoid punishment, but to no avail. â€Å"Since no one has owned up; I'm afraid I shall detain you all for an hour aftershock†(Nicole 3). Mr..ABA wants to teach the kids honest and is using peer pressure to do so. With KOOK knowing this, he begins to feel the unbearable pressure of those around him and wants to confess of his crimes to relieve the burden that's been haunting him. ABA, decides to do a Bible and Key ritual to catch the liar, he selects Kook to hold the bible for him because of his honest face, and this Just petrifies Kook even more. â€Å"Trembling and shivering as if ice-cold water had been thrown over him†(Nicole 5).This causes Kook to have a reality check in his head because he was selected to hold the bible and he as a arson doesn't really seem like he can go on much longer keeping up that lie. Lying not only causes stress, but self-inflicted mental wounds to the liar as well. Not only does lying cause stress and pain In the liar, but It can also cause pain and stress among others as well. The kids in the c lassroom begin discussing amongst themselves trying to determine and deduce the culprit from among them.They begin to suspect a kid named Bass and begin to ridicule him because of it. â€Å"Someone threw and book at Bass and said â€Å"Confess†¦ Yes, He must've done it†(Nicole 7). Bass immediately became the prime target of the other students because he was early to the class that day, and although not said, It might be because of his Armenian ethnicity as well. Even the teacher will show some prejudice later on. Anyway, after constant ridicule from the students, Bass gets a Cut across his forehead from all the thrown objects mixed in with all the yelling and taunts. A small cut had appeared on his temple, he was bleeding â€Å"now they will hate me even more†Base is in tears because he already has trouble fitting in amongst the kids, but now that they think he s responsible for them missing the game, the will dislike him for even more than Just his Armenian he ritage. So not only does It hurt the liar, but It affects others In negative ways as well. Lying is a big wedge between friendships as well. Kook is the more mature of the two, whilst Bendable is a child. Bendable wants to just lie and forget about the incident but Kook has other ideas in mind and it begins to tear them apart. . 0 need to shout, old man. After all, it was your idea†m{o started the argument, don't be childish†(Nicole 8). Kook wants to tell the truth because he's beginning to realize It's the right thing to do and Bendable objects strongly. KOOK begins to progress morals. When KOOK informs Bendable of his intentions to tell the truth, Bendable threatens him like a child. â€Å"He told Bendable that he was going to confess Bendable had said threateningly that he better not mention his name†(Nicole 8). KOOK is not only learning honesty is better, but it is beginning his progression into the future but Bendable wants to hide like a coward.This pries apart KOOK and Bendable even more ND thus shows that honest is better than lying than being a child about life because you will never progress into the mature future. Lying causes trouble, stress and pain in the liar and in others. Being honest will prevent most of those negative outlets and will even further you as a person much more than you would think as shown in Babyish Insole's As the Night the Day. KOOK realized honesty is best and progressed into his mature future and away from childish Bendable because an ounce of prevention is always worth more than a pound of cure.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Autobiographical Essay on “the Life as a Small Business Thinkerâ€Â
I was born in 1978, and started my life-education when I was at 5 years of age in a USM kindergarten, Penang. I grew up in Penang, had an ordinary secondary education in two schools (SMKA Almashoor and St. George’s Girls School), which I find two different cultures in both schools. While in an Islamic school, we were thought all the essential Islamic values which (I think) made the most of who I am today. Meanwhile being in St’ George’s Girls School, a multi-cultural school, has developed me into a self-confident woman and motivated in life and what I do.Most of this essay is a series of vignettes from my professional life, in chronological order. This is the story of my life, with an elaboration of what I think is the point of it all; my personal assessment of what I did and why I became a marketer. At the age of 34, I was beginning to re-think all the decisions that I’ve made through my life and all the â€Å"what ifs†question that was not answer able up till now. For weeks, I have been contemplating and have faint urges to pursue more in life, and get hold of one most important thing in my life: graduate with a MBA in my hand!When I enrolled to UiTM, the decision to major in broadcasting was something I did not take lightly. I was sure of the decision I made without knowing the after-crisis that I might face later on. I spent 4 years of my life majoring in Broadcasting, and was enjoying college life as much as I could. I was always fascinated by the world of broadcasting and all its stories. It’s impossible for me to pin-point when I first became interested with broadcasting as it has been there for as long I can remember.I was lucky enough to land a 6 months practical at a production house that had given me exciting insights in the world of broadcasting. I remember going back to class from the 6 exciting months feeling enthusiastic about life, work and all the people that I have met in the industry. The months of ha rdworking, fast-paced industry were what I longed for. At this point, my post-graduation plan was to work in a tv station (or small market station at least). I was expecting a low salary and ungodly hours, but I was looking at the experience as an extension of my education.I remember when I completed my paper during my finals, my head was racing with so-called future plans, and I could remember that faint twinge of excitement as I flip through the newspapers looking for jobs in tv station. I also remember the journey to several tv stations that I went for interviews that turned me down as I had no relevant experience for the job. I figured quickly, the jobs available to me were limited, because I was lack of experience, and I was young. After weeks of searching, and drilling interview sessions, I finally land a marketing job at Seniko Sdn Bhd. an IT company in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. I took the job instantly, as I thought, I must have done something right to market myself that the Man ager offered me the post immediately. My first job in a way has changed my outlook and way of life. It was really the key that made me start to grow as a person, and expanded my responsibilities extensively. The first job was always the hardest to cope with, until I realized many things in life is implied through my first marketing job.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Hydro One – Essay
Hydro one helps it to analyze the risks and opportunities in an integrated manner to improve the allocation of resources. It also enables it to prepare for the changing corporate governance requirements, deregulation of markets and future risks Like OLL spill etc. The process of ERM at Hydro one involves the identification of 50-70 business risks which are then reduced to ten most significant risks through interviews and focus groups.Voting is accomplished using the Delphi Method to quickly identify and prioritize risks based on the ignited and probability in order to focus on major risks. Five point risk tolerance scale from Minor to worst case Is used to estimate the Impact of a risk on the corporate objectives and five point probability rating scale is used to estimate the probability of the risk materializing. Each investment program is evaluated in terms of the cost and severity of the risk It attempts to mitigate.Capital expenditures are allocated to the prioritize investment projects according to the greatest overall risk reduction per dollar spent (Bang for the buck index). Overall risk score is assigned to each combination of impact and probability assessment. It is a rational and better- coordinated process for allocating capital as: 1 . It improves the capital expenditure process and can help the firm select an optimal portfolio of projects. 2. It enables the firm to delegate the responsibility to manage the risk to the risk owner while making risk awareness an indispensable part of company culture. . The company credit rating given by S&P, Moody improved resulting in lower credit costs for the many as the company exhibited Improvements in efficiency. 4. The process takes Into account the benefits of risk reduction In a wide gamut of risk categories (regulatory, financial, reliability, safety, reputation) and assesses the qualitative impact of various risks also. 5. It helps the company achieve an optimum balance between business risks and returns.T hus, the ERM implementation process makes use of a variety of tools and techniques, including the â€Å"Delphi Method,†risk trends, risk maps, risk tolerances, risk refills, and risk rankings etc. It has succeeded In overcoming most of the issues as follows: * The use of Delphi method facilitates open discussions and causes managers to shed their rigid views and develop a common understanding of the risks. They are able to concur on the corporate plan for proportioning action and the resources to manage such risks. The attention of top management is secured by espousing that risk management Is everyone's responsibility, from the Board of Directors to individual employees. The classification of risks enables the managerial attention to be concentrated on high risk factors. * As risks are continuously evolving and the magnitude and probability of a certain risk is affected by the Internal controls (mitigation efforts In the past) as well as the external changes In the environm ent. Thus, monitoring and reporting are fundamental to effective management of business risks.Hydro one engaged in extensive reviews and 1 OFF Incorporated outside views In ten corporate rills prattle Walt ten Nell AT attaches room other sources like workshops, media scans along with structured interviews with the top 40 to 50 executives together. * Regulatory compliance is ensured through a separate classification of regulatory risks and potential loss of credibility. Thus, the risk based investment planning system has yielded many benefits for the firm, but as the risks faced by the firm are changing, the company continuously needs to incorporate those risks in its ERM system in order to succeed in achieving its strategy.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Petro-Canada's Total Compensation Strategy and Program Research Paper - 3
Petro-Canada's Total Compensation Strategy and Program - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that Petro-Canada is a public organization producing oil and gas organization and taking part in all of the upstream and downstream operations. The company is known for exploring for and producing energy not only locally but also internationally. It has as many as 1,323 retail outlets which supply petroleum products and services across the nation. Headquarter of the company is located at the in downtown Calgary in Alberta. In the year 2008, the total revenue of the company was $27,785,000, while its employee strength was 6,088. The oil and gas industry in Canada happens to be highly competitive having strong competitors like Encana etc. The objective to increase strength and emerge as a larger oil and gas company the company decided to merge with Suncor in the year 2009. However, now it operates as a subsidiary of the parent company, Suncor Energy. The cash compensation received by an Applications analyst I in Petro-Canada is CDN$75,000-85,000 (Tang, 2010). Thi s is a much higher amount as compared to the average market rate which is $50,795. Thus it can be said that the company has a lead policy in this regard. Apart from having an attractive salary the company also has a scheme of sharing profits with employees which happens at the end of each fiscal year. The amount of the profits shared with the workers depends on the performance of the company at that financial year. As per the rules of the company an Application Analyst I is able to earn an amount of 10% of his base pay as profit sharing. In this way, an employee could earn as high as 15% to 20% when the company has a successful performance in a year.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Safe evacuation from multi tenanted buildings Essay
Safe evacuation from multi tenanted buildings - Essay Example This will minimize the risk of fire accidents. The probability of fire accidents can be reduced only if the normal people are taught to use the fire extinguishers. If an efficient method is used to educate people regarding the fire accidents, it would reduce the number of fire accidents. People must also be taught to safeguard themselves from such accidents. Fire accidents generally occur at multistoried buildings and residential apartments. People find it still more difficult to evacuate themselves from such fire accidents. Since the number of people will be more in such accidents, evacuation procedure is certainly difficult. Evacuations from multi tenanted buildings are also equally difficult. In this case, safe evacuation is more important. (Dennett, 2004).Safe evacuation can be done only if the people are well informed about the consequences of the fire accident. They must be careful enough to safeguard themselves in such situations. Any minor mistake might cost a life and people must be efficient enough to handle these situations. Safe Evacuation Self evacuating equipments also form a part of the safe evacuation program. Safe evacuation equipment lends a helping hand at times of fire accidents. By using these equipments, the severance of the fire accidents can be reduced to a certain extent. ... The safety exit must be clearly specified and people must have an access to the exit routes. They must be taught not to use elevators and during a fire accident. Self evacuation is more dangerous in case of severe fire accidents were the fire has spread to all parts of the building. In such situation, they must incorporate any method to get out of the building. The primary task is to use the available fire extinguishers to minimize the spread of fire. If it does not work in an effective manner, then they must try to come out of the building. The situation becomes tough if disabled people also reside in the same building. In this case, wheel chairs and other mobility equipments must be used to save them. People must be confident enough to handle the situation, since even a minor issue might lead to a severe problem. (Grant, 1994). Before implementing any of these self evacuation operations, the residents must intimate the fire and rescue service to help them in case of any emergency. This would enable them to help the people who are caught up in the upper floors of the building. Safe Evacuation Procedures Multi tenanted buildings are more prone to fire accidents. Since the numbers of housing units are more, the possibilities of fire accidents are more. The severity of fire accident might also be more, since the number of people to be evacuated will eventually be more when compared to other buildings. (Kramer, 2009).The initial step in the self evacuation procedure is to use the fire alarm system immediately. In case a fire identified, the residents must intimate the fire service. Once this is done, they must seek the help of other residents to move out of the building. Evacuation Plan An evacuation plan must
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