Thursday, December 26, 2019
Advertising Industry. Case of Turkey - 2163 Words
ADVERTISING INDUSTRY Case of Turkey As well known from our History classes advertising dates back to the Christian Era when advertising methods were outside signs which were paintings on the walls of a buildings. Archaeologists have found signs in the ruins of ancient Rome and Pompeii which advertised travelers to go to a tavern situated in another town. In 1440’s invention of a movable-type of advertising or printing press took a big part in advertising development firstly in US. Although expensive due to undeveloped country and scare means of transportation and distribution and communication, advertising emerged due to certain types of manufactures, who thought of the idea of bypassing wholesalers, retailers and use of catalogs. Mail†¦show more content†¦According to Akan (2007), Turkey ranks as the 20th country in the world based on the size of its economy, with a GNI of 342 billion USD according to 2005 figures (World Bank, 2006). After a severe economic crisis in 2003 which shook all parts of the e conomy, the economy bounced back and the economic growth rates of 7.8% and 5.4% in GNI were realized in the consecutive years of 2002 and 2003. Following the economic liberalization policies starting in 1981, Turkey joined in customs union with European Union member states in 1996; and in December 2004 the European Council took the decision to open accession talks to Turkey as of 3 October 2005 (Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey website) which instigated a number of changes in the economic and legal structure. Per capita advertising spending is 15 USD in Turkey, which is considerably lower than the European Union average of 150 USD. Also, while advertising spending as a percentage of the GDP is about 1% for most countries around the world, it is as low as 0.45% in Turkey, according to 2005 statistics. Furthermore, the level of development is the most important factor underlying the level of advertising activity in a country, giving rise to an increase in trade with mor e product and brand alternatives, and larger firms with higher advertising budgets (Sà ¶nmez, 2006). Furthermore, Akan (2007) in her article mentions structural changes in advertising industry. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
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The uniquely structured California education system, which provides students with higher education and convenient transfer, attracts an increasing rate of†¦show more content†¦According to what Maxwell wrote, â€Å"Higher-education official note that students have endured tuition increase and program cuts during other lean times†Universities have difficulties in providing e nough classes for students due to the shortage in professors so that choosing suitable classes becomes increasingly tough. When most of the foreign students cannot attend the required classes, they have to take useless classes in order to reach the requirement banned by immigration legislation that foreign students have to take at least twelve units courses per semester. It is hard to believe that a university can be helpful in education if students cannot take classes they need or want. Also, fewer and fewer chances are provided for students to get into commendable universities since the cut in budget for universities leads to the enrollment decrease of universities. â€Å"UC leaders likely will follow in the fall 2004 with plans to freeze enrollment growth for freshmen, transfer students, and graduate students. That decision would block entry for an estimated five thousand eligible students†(Maxwell 208). Even though the California education system enables college students who did not get an offer from UC after high schools transfer to UC as long as they are qualified by required GPA, which is much easier way to get into their dream school, the budget cut makes universities accept fewer transfer students soShow MoreRelatedIllusion Or Dream : The American Dream1170 Words  | 5 PagesIllusion or Dream The American dream is a fluctuating ideology that motivated and took charge of many generations from the construction of this country. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
My Favorite Film free essay sample
My favorite film I have many hobbies such as sports, foods, games and especially movies. I like watching movie. I have a lot kinds of movie such as horror, romantic, war, historical, musician, etc. I always spent many leisure to watch all its. My habit is always looking for famous movies on the internet. Most favorite film what I like best is The Incredible Hulk. The Incredible Hulk is super hero film based Marvel Comic character The Hulk. Content the film is about The Hulk-The monster has terrible power. The Hulk is Dr. Bruce Banner (Edward Norton). He is scientist. One day, in the chemistry experiment, he effected by gamma ray ‘cause he wants to saves his colleague. So, he became a monster called The Hulk. It opened a heart-breaking long story. He cannot control The Hulk. He lost his girlfriend. Too many rascals look for him to take the secret. We will write a custom essay sample on My Favorite Film or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many leaders think The Hulk is profession of United States army. He must move and to be fighting with the monster inside him. The Incredible Hulk film is different other super hero film such as Iron man, Thor, Batman, Spider man, etc. It has more human culture than that. The hulk isn’t just a monster he’s also a green hero. He fights to save his girlfriend and the world. He has a heart. He is not haughty like Iron man. He’s stronger than the god like Thor. He doesn’t want to injury people but they afraid of him. They call him a monster. They keep away from him. He doesn’t belong to here. I love the Hulk. I don’t know why I like him. Maybe the story about him is very moving or he has the terrible power. This summer, the Hulk will come back in The Avenger film. It’s very interesting. You can see heroes in this movie such as Thor, Iron man, Captain America, Black Widow. Have you ever watched the Hulk? You should watch it.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review Essay Example
The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review Paper Essay on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword You will today become boring too Japanese literature? You Give already books about Japan? You are not averse to plunge into the exciting atmosphere of medieval Japan? I enjoy martial arts and fencing? We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The honor of the samurai. The way of the sword Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Are you crazy about adventure novels? you read out to the holes Scaramouche by Raphael Sabatini? you dureet, show you the book by Haruki Murakami? Then, urgently, headlong RUN head to the nearest store and buy, or immediately operate the Download Master ROCK !!! in the hour of the hare six in the morning the tenth day of the fourth IU syatsa 1149 litter which four porters were carrying on their shoulders, reached the foot of the mountain behind the temple Seiken-ji in the seaside town of Okitsu What is the history of Tadamori-but-Yoshi is painfully reminiscent of the unforgettable Scaramouche is a fact. there are uncle, have a favorite girl married off to a noble prince, a brother-priest who ran on and so on. e. If it would be possible to do a scene stencil, then I I would say that David Cheney used as the saying goes the whole hog. Single visible change this action transferred their French 18th century to Japan 12-century Despite the fact that Cheney is losing outright in all respects and as the narrator and his skill Sabatini, compare. it with such flair as the Eiji Yoshikawa, the author of books based on real historical events and characters, will outright ridicule, read Honor of the samurai is surprisingly easy and quite interesting. Even the fact that the plot does not leave any mysteries does not affect the reading. What can I say finally. The book is worth a look to spend her evening, relax and enjoy. And sometimes it happens that it is only on the books and is required.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Business Plan For Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Tourism Essay Essay Example
Business Plan For Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Tourism Essay Essay Example Business Plan For Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Tourism Essay Essay Business Plan For Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Tourism Essay Essay The concern program presents trekking in the Ruwenzori Mountain, comparatively a alone merchandise among East Africans important mountains. Ruwenzori Mountains besides known as the Mountains of the Moon is protected as Ruwenzori Mountains National Park ( RMNP ) , embracing outstanding attractive force from which the Park derived its name. Mount Ruwenzori known as the Mountain of the Moon is situated in Western portion of Uganda. It has hence, go a major travel focal point for touristry finish. Largely, becuase of its brilliant singularity as base from which to research the Ruwenzori Mountains ranges, experience. The olympian Ruwenzori Mountain boosting expedition hence, signifiers portion of Uganda s national touristry industry. It is surely a comfy mountain with in the National Park environment, and there is significant low-cost adjustment with comparatively good nutrient and no deficit of company from other travelers. The program further describes, to market boosting in the Ruwenzori as important merchandise for competition and selling scheme. It does, nevertheless, examine the concern environment in broader position taking into history the tendencies of developing a selling scheme. The SWOT Analysis ( see Appendix ) has been used as footing to develop concern Plan to be implemented as a tool to market trekking as merchandise to pull more tourers. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ruwenzori Mountain National Park The Ruwenzori Mountain National Park ( RMNP ) falls under Uganda Wildlife Authority ( UWA ) estates. The RMNP direction takes due committedness to beef up touristry publicity, selling, and development of the park in coaction with Uganda Tourism Board ( UTB ) . The RMNP respects touristry sector as an of import, and built-in facet for developmental schemes for the Country, with accent being directed to the economic benefits that are derived from touristry to relieve poorness among the local communities. However, the RMNP besides considers the impacts of touristry on the environment and societal facets every bit good. The direction of RMNP decided to originate development of concern program to market the oustanding beauty of the Ruwenzori Mountain landscape ( see Figure 1.1 ) . Often, the focal point of the concern will be directed to the niche market, because of the alone merchandising proposition ( USP ) of the merchandises encompassed within the RMNP ecosystem. In add-on, RMNP is besides inscribed on the United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) , and is among the recognized outstanding snow capped mountains scopes of the Moon in the part, by African criterions. The authorities of Uganda ( GoU ) supports the developement of touristry in the Country, apparent policies and substructure for touristry are have showed important betterment on touristry circuts. Uganda is exceptionally of import in footings of biodiversity, one time described by former British Premier Winston Churchil as The Pearl of Africa and is endowed with a assortment of ecosystems. Uganda is gifted by nature, allow entirely the RMNP, Winston Churchill in 1908 was struck by the natural beauty including the Ruwenzori the Mountains of the Moon. The diverse landscape ecosystems and clime that characterize Uganda have supported a diverseness of zoology and flora species. The RMNP stands out with beautiful distinguishable characteristics, considered uncomparable with mist shrouded extremums, which provide the most brilliant position of the national park ( Liniger, et al. , 1998 ) . Figure 1.1 Map of the Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Beginning: UWA-Quarterly Report ( 2009 ) In Table 1.1shows the RMNP has high biodiversity of species that are widely considered vulnerable and endemic to the Albertine Rift ( AR ) , and holds several endangered species endemic to the vicinity. Empirical grounds suggests that, the park has well high figure of workss and trees. The park is recognized for its vegetation, which has been described as the most beautiful in the World ( Liniger, et al. , 1998 ; Hockings, et al. , 2001 ; WRI, 2003 ) . Table 1.1 the preliminary informations of species in Ruwenzori Mountains Standards Mammals Birds Butterflies Reptiles Vulnerable 106 216 213 61 Endemic 15 89 68 36 Endangered 09 10 14 11 DEVELOPMENT OF PRODUCT AND SERVICES The development of the merchandises and associated services are organised through the Ruwenzori Mountaineering Service ( RMS ) tour company, that works in close concurrence with the RMNP to keep the substructure within the Mountains landscape such as huts and trails used for tourer. The RMNP direction proctors the environmental spacial force per unit areas of trekkers, and the park governments channels 20 % of the gate fee money into local community development enterprise. The RMNP and RMS shall supply stakeholders with more information particularly, the Private sector with market informations to market the Ruwenzori trekking touristry merchandises. Park direction and RMS shall implement the concern Plan as selling scheme to market its merchandises regional and international nich market. The selling section shall concentrate on trekking in the Ruwenzori Mountain extremums, visitants may besides detect the beauty of assorted flora types and sing birds on their manner. These merchandis es includes: Treking Trail Network There is good web of trails ( see Figure 1.2 ) below, and resting huts on the mountains. The extremums are by and large merely tackled by experient trekkers or tramps. Most visitants stick to the cringle trail, which takes about six to seven yearss. Ruwenzori Mountain is regarded as unique and tougher trek than the acclivities of mountain Kilimanjaro or mountain Kenya. Photo 1.2 boardwalks on the pes of RMNP chief entree point for boosting Beginning: UWA-Ruwenzori General Mamagement Plan ( 2006 ) Long trekking The trekking starts from the Park central office to the first hut, which takes about 5hours walk about 10km. The most longest and strenuous walk takes visitant through marshy countries and it takes about 7 hours from the first hut go throughing through elephantine lobelia species. Visitors so are encouraged to take apprehension or even remain for anight at the 2nd cantonment and bask the brilliant extremums of Ruwenzori. Generally, trekking takes between six to seven yearss ( see Table 1.2 ) below, and it includes portion of the Ruwenzori H2O falls every bit good. It is rather electrifying and rewarding experience but one, which must be planned to finish the circuit. Table 1.2 the Ruwenzori Mountains trekking Circut system N0.of Days Resting Holman hunts Altitude N0.of Hours Elevention Day 1 Nyakalengija Gate to Naybitaba 2600M 5Hrs 1,200M Day 2 Nyabitaba to John Matte 3,515M 7Hrs 9,15M Day 3 John Matte to Bujuku 4,075M 5Hrs 560M Day 4 Bujuku to Kitandara 4,050M 5Hrs 425M Day 5 Kitandara to Guy Yeoman 3,500M 7Hrs 300M Day 6 Guy Yeoman 2,600M 5Hrs Day 7 Nyabitaba to Park HQ s 3Hrs Extremums Visitors who wish to trek the glacial extremums are encouraged to come with or are provided with mounting ropes, an ice-axes, crampoons, mounting boots, snow goggles, a compass and altimeter on hire. Though RMS ushers are really experient, when it comes to taking trekkers to below the snow line. But with small cognition or they are non decently trained in alpine conditions, nevertheless their knowing with peaks locations. Figure 1.3 Lake Bujuku on Ruwenzori Mountain Altitude Sickness The height illness largely occurs when visitants have reached at the extremums ( see Lake Bujuku ) above, one of the important lakes on Ruwenzorit tucked at 4075m above sea degree. The ushers have been trained in First Aid and are really familiar to recognize height related symptoms. Finally, they advice the visitant or visitants to withdraw or name off the trekking. In this instance, should the illness become serious, the ushers may name for the chopper for deliverance. This chopper is based at the Park central offices specifically to react to exigency non merely for visitants, but besides for the general operation of the Park. The olympian Ruwenzori Mountains have high clime and visitant are advised to come with warm vesture s. The chief factor to see when be aftering a trip to trek Ruwenzori is upwind form, the best months for trekking scopes from May to September due to dry spelt and the wettest month April, June, and November severally ( UWA Annual Report, 2008-09 ) . Ruwenzori Mountain is regarded to be the legendary snow-capped mountains of the Moon. The typical glacial extremums are seeable, nevertheless, most trekkers rate Ruwenzori to be the most ambitious of all African Mountains. Short trekkes Ruwenzori Mountaineering Service besides can organize twenty-four hours shorter treks into the five recognized flora zones including the alpine. The visitants will bask sing magnetic birds and nature embedded with endemic species of workss ( see Photo 1.1 ) . Photograph 1.1 the Ugandas magnetic bird species Source: hypertext transfer protocol: // Costss Table 1.3 below reflects the fees for sing the Ruwenzori Mountain National Park. The bundle for trekking Ruwenzori Mountains for case four a yearss or seven yearss ( see Table 1.4 ) per individual including Park entry, and deliverance operation. These does non including the porters services, the visitants may wish to transport their baggage. Visitors in most instances are encouraged to negociate with the porters depending on the kgs and figure of yearss. Table 1.3 the Visitor Entrance Fees for Ruwenzori Mountain National Park Visitor Entrance Fees Non-Resident Foreign Resident East Africans Class-Category A Visitation Fee US $ Visitation Fee US $ Visitatio Fee Ush. Adult One day/Night $ 30 One day/Night $ 20 One day/Night Ush 500 Children ( 5-15 old ages ) One day/Night $ 15 One day/Night $ 10 One day/Night Ush 2,500 Child ( 0-5 old ages ) Free Free Free Table 1.4Visitor trekking fees for Ruwenzori Mountains Visitor Trekking Fees Central Circuit Trail Non-Resident Resident and East African Citizen Ugandan Citizen Class of ( Class ) Visitation Fee US $ Visitation FeeUS $ Visitation Fee US $ Adult 7 Days /6Nights US $ 780 US $ 705 US $ 400 The excess extra clip on the Mountain if desired by the Visitor Extra twenty-four hours ( Adult ) US $ 120 US $ 120 US $ 120 The Central Circuit including the celebrated Margherita Peak Adult US $ 990 US $ 870 US $ 470 Desire for other extra beautiful Extremums Extremums US $ 150 US $ 150 US $ 150 Infrastructure The public substructure such as roads and landing field is stipulation for easy motion of tourer to Ruwenzori Mountain for boosting and other touristic activities including traditional cultural entaintment. The RMNP and RMS shall supply improved handiness to hike touristry within the Ruwenzori. The adjustment installations exist within the National Park central office, this will represent improved visitants installations and services to be marketed and later pull more visitants to boost the Ruwenzori Mountain. Hiking as touristry merchandise, untapped shall be encouraged under this Business Plan. The merchandise has possible to vie with other states on the market, if marketed suitably. It will finally supply high bend over and accordingly offset production costs. The Business program will suit the reappraisal of monetary values to do the merchandise outstanding to rivals and measure visitant satisfaction as portion of the selling scheme. Description OF THE MARKET Market Segment Strategy The RMNP in partnership with RMS shall develop a diversified market cleavage scheme to capture aggresively the planetary market based on its uniques selling proportion. The planetary market shall include: International niche markets will concentrate on United Kingdom ( UK ) , United State of America ( USA ) , Canada Australia, Austria, New Zealand, European Union. Mainstream tourer including, the tourers to Tanzania and Kenya. Regional markets the East African members provinces and including South Africa, and Domestic markets will be Ugandan Citizens. Ultimately, class 3 and 4 are considered more robust in instance of safety jobs. The diversified scheme is aimed at associating boosting merchandises with market sections, tapping upper, in-between, and lower terminals of the markets. The backpackers and over Landers are frequently the touristry innovators. The RMNP shall promote this market section in peculiar as Backpackers constitute a strong beginning of income for mountain hike and visit to the local community to research cultural sites within Ruwenzori. Description OF Selling Scheme Distribution Strategy for Promotion The RMNP has been advancing itself through booklets distributed to assorted circuit companies, UWA, UTB, RMS, UTA, Uganda Community Tourism Association ( UCOTA ) , and through other protected countries within the state. The distribution reappraisal will concentrate on the visitants perceptual experience and degree of services provided by RMS. Additionally, RMS shall offer trekking as an sole merchandise, and attention must be exercised to manage visitants in professional and profitable mode. Consequently, the merchandise will be promoted strongly in the undermentioned market topographic points with more accent on market section and distribution of promotional stuffs every bit good: Locally In Uganda, UWA Headquarters and UTB shall work closely with East African Community ( EAC ) to market Ruwenzori boosting merchandise with engagement of the private sector UTA. The reappraisal of selling and distribution shall affect the invitation of the journalist and touristry travel authors to see Ruwenzori and papers hike as a merchandise for selling and publicity both at domestic, regional and international market. The RMS will besides set about selling and publicity locally and co-ordinate with single private sector operators as portion of the reappraisal scheme. Photo 1.2 Local community displays traditional dance for tourer Beginning: Photograph by John Regionally The EAC member provinces such as states like Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, and South Africa etc. Accessibility to Ruwenzori trekking is important. On the other manus to reexamine and research distribution points as bases for selling, and advancing Ruwenzori trekking expedition escapade. Materials like T-Shirts, posting cards and spines, brochures and information sheets, shall be made available in the regional states as platform for selling and publicity. International It includes America, Germany, Britain, Australia, France, and New Zealand, Austria, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Canda, and Belgium etc. The booklets, travel information, trade magazines ( Africa Geographic ) Ruwenzori guidebook and posting picturing hike will be distributed to the afore-mentioned states as selling nexus points and includes Television docudrama ( Discovery Channel from Britain ) and TV 5 Canal Horizon of France. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Management of the Business The state s National Tourism Policy ( NTP ) set to steer touristry development as vehicle for economic development and to better local community support through sustainable touristry enterprises. It besides seeks to market Uganda as a favoured tourer finish within East African Region ( EAR ) . As mentioned in the content, the authorities has provided an enabling environment including a contributing clime for selling and publicity of Uganda s natural beauty and Ruwenzori Mountain a merchandise to be exploited sustainably. The RMNP, shall actively in partnership with RMS, participate to protect the environment and concentrate on sustainable boosting touristry. It is envisaged that the parties shall play important function in back uping local communities environing the Park to enable them rend the benefit from boosting activity. The touristry development in the Mountain Ruwenzori National Park shall be advanced, whilst staying environmentally sustainable. A certain part of gross accruing from touristry development in RMNP shall be ploughed back towards the protection of natural resource base as pillar for touristry. The concern environment is significantly influenced by modern engineering associated with things like Internet, Fax and computerized systems for selling, all available in the state. The authoritative hotels in this respect are in topographic point to do touristry roar including banking installations and service. Kasese is possibly the most attractive town situated about 21 kilometers with first-class position of Ruwenzori Mountains. The visitants meaning to boost are every bit advised to purchase most of what they need either from Kampala or in Kasese town. Although, there are a figure of stores within Kasese town and at the Park central office. Technology wise, the town has rather a figure of Bankss installations and easy communicating to enable tourist entree or associate up with their households. Tourism concern roars in town since most of the hotels came up as a consequence of touristry development in the Ruwenzori Mountains. The vehicles for hire available within the town with professional registered Tour Guides Association of Uganda ( TGAU ) . Competitive advantage The potency of touristry in Ruwenzori Mountain is the good abandon coupled with presence of about three extremums and high height. With appropriate scheme for selling and publicity Ruwenzori Mountain stand in a better place to vie with other states in the part offering similar merchandises. The most profitable market section for this type of merchandise requires reexamining of the selling and publicity. The focal point will be photographic campaign and adventures tourers. These rivals include, but non limited to the followers: Mountains like Elgon and the Virungas in Uganda The Kilimanjaro Mountain in Tanzania. Mount Kenya in Kenya Product quality On this footing, the selling scheme will be based on merchandise quality, which will do Ruwenzori Mount market led straight linked to its merchandise which include ( see Photo 1.2 ) . Ruwenzori Mountain has high potency to pull tourer because of its added advantage of being the National Park and World Heritage Site recognised globally by UNESCO criterions. Von Hohnel Chameleon Photo 1.2 Ruwenzori dramatic Von Hohnel Chameleon Source: IMPLEMENTAION OF THE BUSINESS Plan Action Plan / Marketing Strategy The SWOT analysis and the important guiding aims ( see Appendix ) have been developed to impel the program, Ruwenzori Mountain has a really powerful and alone possible place amongst the current scope of touristry trekking finish points in Africa. The merchandise profile in Ruwenzori is diverse including bird watching the Ruwenzori turaco one of the Ruwenzori s dramatic birds found in montane wood. Arguably, the Marketing Manager ( MM ) UWA, Warden Tourism ( WT ) , and the Conservation Area Manager ( CAM ) RMNP will organize with relevant stakeholders to guarantee the execution of the Business program. Management Actions RMNP will no longer advance itself in isolation but will set up and beef up linkages with stakeholders like UTB, and Private sector UTA to advance Ruwenzori mountain attractive force as USP touristry merchandise. UWA and Private sector will originate regional touristry stakeholders to develop and show a coordinated selling scheme to advance and market Ruwenzori mountain trekking and related merchandises. Management Action Action Who Others involved Time period Precedence Develope pertnership with other touristry stakehoders Millimeter WT, UWA, RMS, UTB, UTA Year 1-2 High Develope coordinated scheme for selling and publicity WT CAM, MM, UTB RMS, UCOTA Year 1-2 High Promotional Material Ruwenzori guidebook and current cusps will be made widely available from touristry publicity or retail shows. The RMNP will bring forth a promotional postings. This postings will picture attractive forces such as the Ruwenzori hike to the extremums. It will be distributed as promotional stuff and will be sold to visitants at trade shows regionally and international. Sovenier Certificate A Certificate will be designed with Uganda Wildlife Authority logo and exposure of Ruwenzori Mountain. This certification will be issue to each visitant who hikes Ruwenzori Mountain. This is meant to promote more visitants to come for boosting as portion of selling and publicity scheme. East African usher books The East African guidebooks are of import beginning of information about saddle horse Ruwenzori hike and other regional touristry activities. RMNP will subject up-to-date information in good clip for inclusion in new editions as selling scheme. It is, nevertheless, imperative to ask for the research workers to Ruwenzori mountain touristry site. Information will include Camp installations services, which RMS hires out to tourist for mountain hike as selling scheme through media. Management Action Action Who Others involved Time period Precedence Develop and administer selling promotional stuffs ( Guide books, Bronchures, T-shirts ) Millimeter WT, UWA, UTB CAM, UTA Year 1-2 High Develop and administer posting map and cusps Millimeter WT, RMS, Year 2-3 Medium Develop Sovenier Certificates for visitants Cam UWA, UTB, RMS Year 1 High Maintain and update on a regular basis visitant orientation and reading stuffs WT MM, UTB, RMS Year 2-3 Medium Mass Media Uganda Wildlife Authority will utilize available mass media, both locally and nationally to advance and market Ruwenzori trekking merchandise to pull domestic market e.g. the usage of New vision, The Monitor New Paper, FM Radios, Uganda Television, Mobile Cinema shows in parts in Uganda aimed to tape domestic market. The Trade imperativeness organised by East African Community in Moshi Tanzania, The Magazines Nature and Eco-tourism and United Kingdom Daily Weekly Telegraphic. Filming Crews The cinematography groups will organize portion of the mark market, this program will concentrate at more particularly at international position as important country to be explored through marketing trekking as alone merchandise. The cinematography crew planned to under the Business program includes: St. Thomas Production, France ( Animals Like Us ) The Discovery Channel ( The Royal Tour ) and BBC Natural History Unit ( The Nile ) CNN shooting crew based in Washington D.C. These will enable amore comprehensive certification of the merchandise and hence sets it to be at better place to vie and even out viing other states of the similar merchandise in Africa. This certification would sale like hot bar at the markets and hence stimulates the addition of tourer to the Ruwenzori. Trade Fairs The mark for trade carnival is rather wide aimed at to capture the market at international, regional and domestic. This country is regarded as of high market section, which involves the followers: The British Bird Fair in London, United Kingdom Cultural Fair at Crested Crane Hotel Uganda Annual Domestic Tourism Exhibition Uganda Africa 2000 Tourism. Africa 2000 Tourism is largely organised in Kenya and Tanzania, where by most states in Africa take part in the trade just exhibition. This selling program will hold a broad range of mark publicity particularly the regional clients. The international trade carnival in United Kingdom hopes to aim the over Landers and backpackers. These classs of tourer bring in immense lamp amount of money to Ruwenzori. The ground is that most of their hike expedition last seven yearss, which is good scheme for RMS and the Park as good. Website scheme The Website signifiers speedy and more dependable scheme for marketing trekking in the Ruwenzori. It will necessitate registering with popular hunt engines such as Searchable database of African Conservation Foundation, Enter, and The trekking will so be incorporated in as portion of selling and section publicity. Management Action Action Who Others involved Time period Precedence Encourage Mass Media to advance and market trekking in Ruwenzori Mountains Cam RMS, UWA, UTB UCOTA Year 1 High Work with Filming Crews to publises Ruwenzori merchandises on planetary market Millimeter UT, UTA, UTB RMS, UCOTA Year 1-5 High Attend and take part in Trade Fairs to tape niche market through publicity Millimeter WT, CAM, UTB UTA, RMS Year 2-5 Medium Ensure to put in cyberspace installations Cam UWA, RMS, UTB Year 1-2 High Payment of Fees The fees for RMNP entryway and mountain trekking will so be combined as a individual payment. This enterprise will increase the popularity of RMNP to pull more gross. The rates will be adjusted significantly for foreign non-residents, foreign occupants, regional and local or domestic. Booking System The RMNP shall put in a computerized system with Internet service. This will enable Uganda Wildlife Authority central offices reserves office, tourers, and tour companies to book mountain hike and adjustment straight. This will cut down holds and information will flux promptly every bit good as feedback Management Action Action Who Others involved Time period Precedence Establish monitoring and rating system WT MM, RMS Year 3-4 High Analyse fees and adjust to pull visitants Cam MM, RMS, WT UWA, UTB, UTA Year 4 Medium Procure computersfor booking through cyberspace services and supply accurate information to visitants Millimeter WT, CAM, RMS Year 3-4 High Uganda Wildlife Authority in concurrence with support from private sector shall take the advantage of Uganda s foreign missions to backup Uganda Tourism Board publicity and selling attempts through supplying information to tourist seeking for visas to Uganda.The private sector, Uganda Tourism Association shall advance and market Ruwenzori boosting as sole merchandise to pull international and regional niche market in close linkage with Ruwenzori Mountain Service. Finance Budget estimation The costs of this selling and publicity operation would be as follows Description Dollars Travel costs ( regional A ; international ) trade shows 10.000 Selling costs . Television Discovery Channel ( The Royal Tour ) 4000 . Television St. Thomas Production, France ( Animals Like US ) 4000 . BBC Natural History Unit ( The Nile ) 4000 . Radio Uganda A ; FM Station 1500 . Cinemas in Kenya/Tanzania 1500 Subtotal 25.000 Tourism promotional stuff . Booklets and Certificates 5000 . Ruwenzori guidebooks A ; East African guidebook 5000 . New Papers, Magazine, Leaflets A ; Posters, Maps 5000 . Internet installing 5000 Subtotal 45.000 Tourism Directory 1.500 Computer Desktop ( 2 Unit of measurements ) 3.500 ( IBM ) Printer-Laser ( 2 Unit of measurements ) 2.000 Office stationary 8.500 Grand entire 60.500 Monitoring AND Evaluation The formation of maneuvering commission to supervise the public presentation of Business program to guarantee adherance to the action. The flow of tourist enlargement in size of the operation within the RMNP is a map of the future rating of the visitant denseness. Once the Business program has achieved its adulthood stage. Tourism promotional stuffs, which are being widely distributed for marketing the RMNP merchandises will be evaluated to set up the degree of their effectivity on market. The reserve costs as per centum of gross revenues originating out of engagement in touristry trade at regional and international degree. Visitors feedback signifiers can be analysed and hence signifier mechanism to find public presentation criterions of the Business program in respect to tourist flow. A questionnaire will be designed to step degrees of visitants satisfaction, gauge visitants perceptual experience in regard to trekking as important merchandise being marketed. It is besides imperative to supervise and measure, how successful or consequences achieved through selling by lucifer the degree of marketing with modern engineering. The relevancy of the Business program will be monitored during the execution stage and reexamine strategic aims and comparing them with consequences achieved. Mentions Hockings, M. , Stolton, S. , Dudley, N. , and Parrish, J. , 2001. The heightening our Heritage Tool kit: book 1.UNESCO and IUCN Website: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 23/11/09 ) Liniger, H. , Weingartner, R. , and Grosjean, M. , 1998. Mountains of the World: Water Tower for 21st Century.University of Bern, Switzerland Pp 45-75 UWA, 2009. Uganda Wildlife Authority ( UWA ) . Quarterly Report. Website: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 10/11/09 ) WRI, 2003. Earth tendencies, Country Profile: World Resource Institute ( WRI ) , Forests and Dry lands: Uganda. Website: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 01/12/09 ) . UWA, 2008-09. Uganda Wildlife Authority ( UWA ) . Annual Report. hypertext transfer protocol: // ( accessed on 10/11/09 ) UWA, 2006. Uganda Wildlife Authority Rwenzori General Management Plan.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
How to Conjugate the Verb Comprare in Italian
How to Conjugate the Verb Comprare in Italian Some definitions of â€Å"comprare†include, to buy, and to purchase. What to Know About â€Å"Comprare†: It’s a regular verb, so it follows the typical -are verb ending patternIt’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"comprare†.The participio passato is â€Å"comprato†.The gerund form is â€Å"comprando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo comprato†. Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io compro noi compriamo tu compri voi comprate lui, lei, Lei compra essi, Loro comprano Esempi Oggi compro un po’ di pane ed un etto di prosciutto. - Today I’m buying a bit of bread and an ounce of prosciutto. Il passato prossimo io ho comprato noi abbiamo comprato tu hai comprato voi avete comprato lui, lei, Lei, ha comprato essi, Loro hanno comprato Esempi Hai appena comprato un regalo per Stefano? - Have you already bought a gift for Stefano? L’imperfetto io compravo noi compravamo tu compravi voi compravate lui, lei, Lei comprava essi, Loro compravano Esempi Ogni sabato, compravo un gelato alla fragola. - Every Saturday, I bought a strawberry gelato. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo comprato noi avevamo comprato tu avevi comprato voi avevate comprato lui, lei, Lei aveva comprato essi, Loro avevano comprato Esempi Ti ricordi il libro di grammatica che avevi comprato due anni fa? L’ho ritrovato! - Do you remember the grammar that you bought two years ago? I found it! Il passato remoto io comprai noi comprammo tu comprasti voi compraste lui, lei, Lei compr essi, Loro comprarono Esempi Comprà ² delle bottiglie di vino. - He bought some bottles of wine. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi comprato noi avemmo comprato tu avesti comprato voi aveste comprato lui, lei, Lei ebbe comprato essi, Loro ebbero comprato TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io comprer noi compreremo tu comprerai voi comprerete lui, lei, Lei comprer essi, Loro compreranno Esempi Comprerà ² una casa in Toscana!  - I will buy a house in Tuscany. Il futuro anteriore io avr comprato noi avremo comprato tu avrai comprato voi avrete comprato lui, lei, Lei avr comprato essi, Loro avranno comprato Esempi Avr comprato una nuova macchina! - He must have bought a new car! Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io compri che noi compriamo che tu compri che voi compriate che lui, lei, Lei compri che essi, Loro comprino Esempi Preferisco che tu compri i girasoli invece dei mughetti. - I prefer that you buy the sunflowers instead of the lilies. Il passato io abbia comprato noi abbiamo comprato tu abbia comprato voi abbiate comprato lui, lei, Lei abbia comprato essi, Loro abbiano comprato Esempi Spero che abbiate comprato abbastanza vino per la festa. - I hope that you all bought enough wine for the party. L’imperfetto io comprassi noi comprassimo tu comprassi voi compraste lui, lei, Lei comprasse essi, Loro comprassero Esempi Era strano che lei non comprasse i libri per il corso. - It was strange that she didn’t buy the books for the course. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi comprato noi avessimo comprato tu avessi comprato voi aveste comprato lui, lei, Lei avesse comprato essi, Loro avessero comprato Esempi Pensavo che tu avessi gi comprato l’anello! - I thought you had already bought the ring! Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io comprerei noi compreremmo tu compreresti voi comprereste lui, lei, Lei comprerebbe essi, Loro comprerebbero Esempi: Comprerei tutto in questo negozio! - I would buy everything in this shop! Il passato io avrei comprato noi avremmo comprato tu avresti comprato voi avreste comprato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe comprato essi, Loro avrebbero comprato Se non ti dicevo che ero allergica,  avresti comprato le rose rosse vero? - If I didn’t tell you I was allergic, you would have bought the red roses, right?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Anthropology Test Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Anthropology Test - Assignment Example Question 2 Social stratification refers to the way in which society categorizes and arranges people according to specific features and factors. The unfair distribution and division of labor in a society that practice farming, has a direct effect on Social Stratification. Women are more prejudiced as they tasked with performing the majority of the work (Podolefsky et al, 2011) Part B Question 1 Immediate returns foragers believed in sharing in that hoarding were prohibited. They divided meat equally, breastfeed each other’s babies and moreover depended on each other for survival they had little privacy amongst themselves. The farming society practices opposite as each is entitled to what each rip after planting and every farmer carries his own burden. (Podolefsky et al, 2011) The pre agricultural period provided for sharing and ensured a social structure of human beings . the introduction of faming meant that the indigenous social nature of humans was changed to rather an individual context in which it affected the way of life including human sexuality(Podolefsky et al, 2011) Question 2 The author describes how culture and human differ in terms of ideologies in that the way of thinking while considering the human aspect is different form culture. As was the case for the aborigines where there eating culture prompted the Englishman to think they where starving and on the other hand the indigenous people considered them lazy and fat. The differences occur to the background origin of each set of groups.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Optional Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Optional - Essay Example China has become so popular that it is a subject of discussion in the social, economic and political debates. One of the subjects has pertained to the position of china in regard to sustainability. This paper seeks to evaluate the position of china in regard to energy and environmental sustainability. It had been initially argued that the world was transforming to the positive. Dramatic industrialization, urbanization and strive for economic stability among countries and regions were conspicuously cited as evidences of trending development. However, it was not until the recent decades that these perceptions shifted. This was majorly triggered concerns for the environment. The dominant view has been that sustainable development is never achievable without environmental conservation and management. Indeed, the same view has dominated the energy subject; that countries that are concerned about realizing sustainable development must not only diversify energy resources, but also limit dem and and consumption while pursuing green energy. Undoubtedly, this should also be considered as the premise of evaluating China’s economic development. In this evaluation, understanding the state of China’s energy consumption is crucial in understanding how critical the energy situation is. It is also pivotal in offering information about the future trend. The rest of the question only leads in comprehensive determination of the criticality of the energy demand and consumption, especially considering that energy issue cannot be addressed effectively explored when limited within the China’s border. If the situations happen to be critical and China’s policies are well informed by the decisions that reflect the criticality, the inference would be that China is fit to reach great heights of success. The Economic state of China, Energy demand and Consumption China has become so popular that it is a subject of discussion in the social, economic and political de bates. It was the center stage of the 2006 Davos Economic Forum discussions. Within that period, as significant as 50 percent of the global leaders visited china (Yin & David, 2006). Even as the West views China as an obstruction environmental sustainability, it may seem that China’s upward economic trend may be limited by the dynamics in the global energy supply and consumption. Accounting for a population of as significant as 1.4 billion people and realizing development at a rate of over 8 percent, as from 1970, the energy demand and consumption for China has been surging. This has been necessitated by the expansion of commercial, as well as industrial sectors. The impact of rising living standards of households on energy demand and consumption can also not be overlooked. In the last decade, China was considered as the second largest energy product consumer, coming after the United States of America. It has now overtaken United States (Swartz & Shai, 2010). The country cons umes over 1.7 billions of coal tonnage (Rubin, 2012). China accounted for as significant as 32 percent of the global cola consumption, 11 percent of hydro-electric power consumption, 8 percent of global oil consumption and 1 percent of the global gas consumption, in 2003. This energy consumption is obviously enormous. Even intriguing is the fact that the share of energy consumption
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Antebellum America Essay Example for Free
Antebellum America Essay Regions are specializing The period of time in America before the civil war proved to bring out the specialties in each region. The West brought America true farming and allowed livestock to succeed. The eastern part of America prevailed in industrialization, creating many cities and businesses. The southern part of the United States was the dominated by slavery, plantains, and growing cotton. America had many skills but these talents were not mixed well, and each region had its very own specialty. The west began expanding at an extremely fast rate, and the best use for the land as to provide food for America. Livestock began to take over the West, and helped providing America with many animals. The west looked to provide for America by growing plants, due to the very fertile soil. The west quickly became known as the nations breadbasket. The sold animals and crops to America, and this westward expansion developed a talent that America craved. The west played a role in the antebellum period of America, but didnt nearly touch the relationship issues between the east and south. The northeastern states of America were advancing in their talent of industry. Textile mills flourished and business became widely known in the east of the Unites States. The east contained eighty-one percent of Americas industrial capacity, and this specialization of industry continued in antebellum America. The big industry, business, and many opportunities brought many people to the north east. As a result, many families and people came to start a business of their own. The northeast gained many supporters due to its business attraction, an important factor in the nearby Civil War. This industry sparked a talent in America that only the east could accomplish.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Seven Essay -- Film Movie Movies
     For this report I choose the movie Seven. This movie was released back in 1995 and stars Morgan Freeman, Brad Pitt, Gweneth Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, John McGinley, and Kevin Spacy. Seven was directed by David Fincher and written by Andrew K. Walker.      The movie begins with the usual old cop, who is about to retire, and teams up with a young, ready to take on the world cop. The first act begins promisingly, with two cops being assigned to their first case together. One is white and the other is black and they have vastly different investigative styles. Each murder, being investigated by Lieutenant William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt), is based on one of the Seven Deadly Sins, which are Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Envy, Wrath, Pride and Lust. The detectives find an enormously fat man who is forced to eat himself to death-Gluttony. The detectives discover a high profile lawyer who is made to cut off a pound of flesh for Greed. They find hooker who has been killed by having sex with a man that we will just say?s wearing an apparatus on his body for Lust. A runway model is forced to choose death or disfigurement for Pride. Sloth was a man that had been tortured for a whole year. He had been barely kept alive and his hand had been cut off for his fingerprints. He is the only victim that does not die but is a complete vegetable in such a fragile state that he would be better off dead. For envy and wrath we will come back to in a bit. The kil...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Human Rights Essay
The issue regarding human rights’ violations became prominent for the first time after the Second World War. After the war the foundation of the United Nations acted as an impetus towards the initial development of the framework regarding the Human Rights. At first the crimes committed by the Nazi regime in its occupied countries had been in focus. Before that there have only been some limited attempts made regarding forbidding international slave trade and standardizing working conditions. The initial efforts made in this regard were in the form of declaration. Further progress was made in 1946 when the ECOSOC set up a Commission on Human Rights and later a Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights was formed. (Rittberger & Zangl, 2006) This was the beginning of the UN Human Rights regime. This paper will discuss the emergence and development of the UN Human Rights Regime. The paper will also discuss the overall performance of the UN Human Rights programme during the last 60 years, its achievements and failures, pros and cons as well as given an insight about the future prospects of the Human Rights regime in the 21st century. UN Human Rights Regime: The UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. This was the basis and foundation of the framework later developed for the protection of human rights in later years. Since it was an initial effort the Universal Declaration was a non-binding declaration, which means that non of the members of the United Nations were legally bounded, neither any body of the United Nations has been given the legal right to bound, judge or sanction any legal action against the members of the United States. Nevertheless, if any state violates human rights, then its exercise will no longer be considered an internal matter and it could be brought to the agenda of the principal organs of the UN. In this manner the sovereignty of the states over their citizens was restricted and the principal of non-interference in domestic affairs was not as valid as it has been in the past. (Rittberger & Zangl, 2006) Since the Declaration was non-binding, thus there was no legal framework, which could be enforced upon the member states at that time. In this sense the Human Rights regime was not properly functional because it has no legal authority over sovereign states. After the adoption of the declaration the second phase was the development of legally binding framework and codification of the human rights. It took almost 18 years for the member nations to agree on the International Covenant of Civil and Political rights and International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural rights, as they were formally adopted by the UN General assembly in 1966. But simple approval by the General Assembly was not enough, as the legal binding of these two codifications will come into effect only when a sufficient number of member states have ratified the codifications from their respective houses of legislatives. This also took more than 10 years and finally in 1976 both covenants were ratified by sufficient number of states. In the next 30 years the number of countries, which have ratified the covenant has reached to 154 for the first and 151 for the second covenant. (Rittberger & Zangl, 2006) In 1993 the first UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was appointed. The High Commissioner is appointed by the Secretary General He is responsible for working with all level of governments internationally in order to achieve the objective of protecting human rights across the globe. In a broader sense the High Commissioner has the responsibility to encourage and defend the human rights whether they are civil, political, economic, social or cultural. (United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the (OHCR), 2009) The United Nations human rights regime consists of several bodies and programmes like the Commission on Human Rights, the Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, as well as several treaty monitoring bodies like Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, Human Rights Committee, Committee against torture, Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination, Committee on the elimination of discrimination against women, and Committee on the rights of the Child. All these committees as well as the Commission of Human Rights and the Sub-Commission to Promote and Protect Human Rights are the subsidiaries of the UN General Assembly. There are also several Country and Thematic Special Rapporteurs, and working groups which work under the Commission of Human Rights. Another important organ of the Human Rights regime is the International Court of Justice. The era of the UNCHR can be divided into to parts, the first from its foundation to 1966 and the second from 1966 to 2006, when finally it was retired. During the first 20 years the UNCHR main operations were to draft the standards and prepare a number of international human rights instruments. During this period the UNCHR refrained from making judgement or allegations against any circumstances, which were considered strictly domestic affairs of that state, unless the Security Council deemed it as threat to peace when the matter comes forward on the Security Councils agenda. During this period the Commission did not directly dealt with human rights’ complains. Beginning with 1967 the UNCHR began to establish itself as a legal body and was authorised to deal with and investigate human rights violations and monitor compliance of international human rights law by the states. Later on the Commission broadened its domain to economic, social and cultural rights also. (Human Rights, 2009) The generalization and vagueness of the articles regarding human rights in the UN charter and the contradictory interpretation of these articles by many states has practically barred the UN to take any effective action in this regard. The same is the case of most of UN organs, which have the responsibility to monitor human rights abuse in the member states. There has been a general criticism on the effectiveness of the UNCHR and its subsidiaries. The main reason of the ineffectiveness was because of the absence of supranational authority, divisive power politics, and imposition of crippling by member states, which has plagued the ability of swift and effective UN actions in defence of human rights. (Human Rights, 2009) There are many cases in which major world powers deliberately thwarted the efforts made by the UN in order to protect their own political interests. Moreover the actual responsibility of promoting and protecting human rights rests in General Assembly and its subsidiary organs as mentioned above. Ironically neither the General Assembly nor its subsidiaries have any legal sanction over the member states. The only UN organ with this authority is the UN Security Council, which is not the most desirable and affective platform to solve human rights issues. This is because many permanent Security Council members like Russia and China have the worst human rights promotion or protection record and are mostly accused off human rights abuse within their jurisdiction. Therefore it is highly unlikely that they will allow the Security Council to pass any resolution against their or their allies interests. Opposition by China and Russia preventing the Security Council to take action against Serbian persecution of Albanians is an example. (Human Rights, 2009) On the contrary Security Council is sometimes accused off being manipulated by the world powers to pursue their own political agenda regardless of the human rights condition on the subject states. Held, McGrew, Goldblatt &Perraton, 2006) There have been many cases where the human rights violations were deliberately ignored by the political powers like in Sudan, where the Arab militia virtually annihilated the ethnic African population, or in Chechnya, where the Western countries did not dared to intervene fearing that it will infuriate Russia, or in Tibet, where China is responsible for alleged human rights violations like genocide, racial discrimination etc. Since all the subject states in these situations either have direct influence in the Security Council in the form of Veto power or they are close allies with those who have it is near impossible in the current circumstances that they will be held responsible for the human rights violations they have committed in the above mentioned regions. Another important part of the Human Rights regime are the NGOs. Many international human rights NGOs like the Human Rights Watch, the Amnesty International etc has done a great job in highlighting and bringing forward several human rights violations across the globe. These NGOs have a remarkable ability of social networking with their domestic counterparts in the subject state and with the help of these domestic movements and NGOs they not only dig out hidden or concealed human rights violations practiced by many authoritarian regimes in the region, but they have also help to defame, demonise and discredit such governments and state among the masses, thus making difficult for them to continue their practices. The New Developments in the 21st Century: The 21st century started with global events like the 9/11 which entirely changed the scenario and the circumstances in which the Human Rights Regime as to operate. During the War against terror the United States and her allies set aside all the international human rights laws and denied to give the detainees they have caught during the Afghan war the rights of detained military personnel according to the Geneva convention. They put them in an isolated facility in the Guantanamo Bay and barred them from any legal aid or proper hearing the courts. They were also allegedly tortured to the worst degree. The same happened when the U. S led coalition toppled Saddam and established a prison in Abu Ghuraib. The CIA has been accused of snatching the suspects from their homes across the globe and holding them in private prisons run by the CIA without any proper jurisdictions. Most of the people in these cases were not the real terrorist at all. All this deliberate negligence and violation of human rights by Western countries, particularly the United States who has championed themselves for the human rights in the last six decades has raised concern in the world about the future of the human rights regime. Most third world countries are now compelled to think about the double standards of the West regarding the human rights. They now think the international human rights law is only another continuation Western colonialism and the West has used it to achieve its own interests and punish those who stand against them. This has further discredited the UN Human Rights programme among the masses. (Archibugi, 2008) In March 2006 the General Assembly voted to replace the UNCHR with the UN Human Rights Council. The UNHRC is currently the highest UN body, which monitors, promotes human rights and prevents any human right abuse across the globe. It is an inter-governmental body within the UN System. The difficulties and disabilities, which had plagued the UNCHR in the last 60 years, still exist in this new regime. The council is merely acts as an advisor to the General Assembly, which can only advice the Security Council, where the Veto power acts as the primary obstacle in achieving the goals regarding the Human Rights. Moreover the United States has always reacted negatively regarding the Council. U. S. voted against it during the foundation resolution and still did not seek a seat in it. United States and many of its allies have raised concerns regarding the biased behaviour of the Council against Israel in particular. (Lazaroff & AP, 2007) The overall analysis of the last 60 years of the Human Rights regime exhibits that despite its certain weaknesses the UN Human Rights programme has done well to establish and promote human rights across the globe.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Role of Performance Appraisal to Motivate Employee
How to Use Performance Appraisals to Motivate Employees By Ken Lloyd from Performance Appraisals and Phrases For Dummies Motivation is the process that energizes employees and propels them to pursue their goals. Well-designed and well-executed performance appraisals have a strong motivational impact. Appraisals have the power to motivate employees because they provide a number of interconnected benefits: They demonstrate the need for improvement. If employees don’t have a clear understanding of how they’ve been performing, they can’t be motivated to make any improvements. They meet higher-level psychological needs.Researchers continue to find that recognition is one of the most powerful forms of motivation for large numbers of employees. Although you can find numerous possible sources of recognition on the job, performance appraisals are an opportunity for employees to receive formal, significant, and enduring recognition from their manager. They build a sense of personal value. When managers take the time and effort to carefully review, analyze, document, and discuss performance with employees, the underlying message to the employees is that they’re important and valuable, and this alone is quite rewarding, whether the feedback is positive or not.They enhance personal development. Performance evaluations are motivational for employees who are looking to enhance their personal learning, growth, and development. Appraisals are a highly valuable source of information, insights, and tools necessary for such progress. Performance appraisals are similarly motivational for employees whose needs are centered on achievement, goal attainment, and sensing personal effectiveness, respect, and trust. They turn employees around. When employees are performing poorly, performance appraisals can provide the wakeup call that they need to get refocused and reenergized.With performance appraisal, however, the purpose of the session is not strictly disc iplinary, so the employee is more likely to walk in with a more receptive and open mind. As a result, your comments regarding an employee’s questionable performance have an excellent chance of being heard and generating action as a result. They increase satisfaction. When performance appraisals meet the employees’ needs in such areas as gaining recognition, sensing achievement and competence, experiencing growth, and meeting objectives, they’re also contributing to the employees’ job satisfaction, and this is one of the most important elements at work today.When employees are satisfied, some of the most visible indicators are reduced turnover, absenteeism, and tardiness. On the flip side, when employees are subjected to a shoddy or even nonexistent performance appraisal system, the opportunities to fulfill these higher-level employee needs are substantially reduced. How to Use Performance Appraisals to Motivate Employees By Ken Lloyd from Performance Appr aisals and Phrases For Dummies http://www. dummies. com/how-to/content/how-to-use-performance-appraisals-to-motivate-empl. html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Brief Overview of The Freedmens Bureau
Brief Overview of The Freedmens Bureau The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, also known as the Freedmen’s Bureau was established in 1865 to assist newly freed African-Americans and displaced whites following the Civil War. The Freedmen’s Bureau provided freed African-Americans and whites with shelter, food, employment assistance, and education. The Freedmen’s Bureau is considered the first federal agency devoted to the social welfare of Americans. Why was the Freedmen's Bureau Established? In February of 1862, abolitionist and journalist George William Curtis wrote to the Treasury Department suggesting that a federal agency be established to help formerly enslaved people. The following month, Curtis published an editorial advocating for such an agency. As a result, abolitionists such as Francis Shaw began lobbying for such an agency. Both Shaw and Curtis assisted Senator Charles Sumner draft the Freedmen’s Bill- one of the first steps to establishing the Freedmen’s Bureau. Following the Civil War, the South was devastatedfarms, railroads, and roads had all been destroyed, and there were an estimated four million African-Americans who had been freed yet had no food or shelter. Many were also illiterate and wanted to attend school. Congress established the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. This agency was also known as the Freedmen’s Bureau in March 1865. Created as a temporary agency, the Freedmen’s Bureau was part of the War Department, which was headed by General Oliver Otis Howard. Providing assistance to both African-Americans and whites who were displaced following the Civil War, the Freedmen’s Bureau offered shelter, basic medical care, job assistance and educational services. Andrew Johnson's Opposition to the Freedmen's Bureau Just one year after its establishment, Congress passed another Freedmen’s Bureau Act. As a result, the Freedmen’s Bureau was not only going to present for another two years, but the U.S. Army was commanded to protect the civil rights of African-Americans in former Confederate states. However, former President Andrew Johnson vetoed the bill. Soon after Johnson sent Generals John Steedman and Joseph Fullerton to tour sites of the Freedmen’s Bureau. The purpose of the generals’ tour was to reveal that the Freedmen’s Bureau was unsuccessful. Nevertheless, many southern African-Americans supported the Freedmen’s Bureau because of the aid and protection provided. Congress passed the Freedmen’s Bureau Act for the second time in July of 1866. Although Johnson vetoed the act again, Congress overrode his action. As a result, the Freedmen’s Bureau Act became law. What Other Obstacles Did the Freedmen's Bureau Face? Despite the resources that the Freedmen’s Bureau was able to provide to newly freed African-Americans and displaced whites, the agency faced many problems. The Freedmen’s Bureau never received enough funding to provide for people in need. In addition, the Freedmen’s Bureau only had an estimated 900 agents throughout southern states. And in addition to the opposition that Johnson presented in the existence of the Freedmen’s Bureau, white southerners appealed to their political representatives at the local and state levels to end the work of the Freedmen’s Bureau. At the same time, many white northerners opposed the idea of providing relief solely to African-Americans following the Civil War. What Led to the Demise of the Freedmen's Bureau? In July of 1868, Congress passed a law that closed the Freedmen’s Bureau. By 1869, General Howard had ended most of the programs associated with the Freedmen’s Bureau. The only program that remained in operation was its educational services. The Freedmen’s Bureau closed completely in 1872. Following the closing of the Freedmen’s Bureau, editorialist George William Curtis wrote, No institution was ever more imperatively necessary, and none has been more useful. Additionally, Curtis agreed with the argument that the Freedmen’s Bureau had averted a â€Å"war of races,†which allowed the South to rebuild itself following the Civil War.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista
Protists Organisms in the Kingdom Protista Protists are organisms in the kingdom Protista. These organisms are eukaryotes, meaning they are made up of single or multiple cells which all contain a nucleus enclosed by a membrane. The protists are a diverse group of eukaryotes that cannot be classified as animals, plants, or fungi. Organisms in the Protista kingdom include amoebae, red algae, dinoflagellates, diatoms, euglena, and slime molds. How Protists Are Defined Protists are defined by how they obtain nutrition and how they move. Protists are typically divided into three categories, including animal-like protists, plant-like protists, and fungus-like protists. Protists vary in how they move, which can range from cilia, flagella, and pseudopodia. In other words, protists move by microscopic hair that flaps together, by a long tail that moves back and forth, or by extending its cell body, similar to an amoeba. Nutritionally, protists tend to gather energy in a variety of ways. They can either eat food and digest it inside of themselves, or they may digest outside of their bodies by secreting enzymes. Other protists, like algae, perform photosynthesis and absorb energy from sunlight to make glucose. Animal-Like Protists Some protists look like animals and are typically referred to as protozoa. Most of these types of protists are made up of a single cell and are similar to animals in nature because they are heterotrophs and able to move around. While they are not considered animals themselves, it is often thought that they may be a shared ancestor. Examples of animal-like protists include: Zooflagellates – flagellaSarcodines – extensions of cytoplasm (pseudopodia)Ciliates – ciliaSporozoans Plant-Like Protists There is also a large and diverse group of protists that are plant-like and known as algae. While some are single-celled, others like seaweed have multiple cells. For example, one type of protist in the marine environment is Irish moss, which is a species of red algae. More plant-like protists include: DinoflagellatesDiatomsEuglenoidsRed algaeGreen algaeBrown algae Fungus-Like Protists Lastly, there are funguss of fungus-like protists may include: DictyosteliomycotaMyxomycotaLabyrinthulomycotaOomycetes The Benefits to Our World Protists are important to the world in several ways. You may be surprised to learn that chalk is made from the fossil shells of protists, which is helpful in our classrooms and our childrens creativity and play. Additionally, protists produce oxygen which is helpful for the planet. Many protists have a high nutritional value which can help improve illnesses. Protists like protozoa are used in foods like sushi and are good for our water, as protozoa are used to prey on bacteria and help to clean water for us to use.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
THE COMPLEXITY OF MANAGEMENT Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
THE COMPLEXITY OF MANAGEMENT - Research Paper Example e the business to compete with its competitors and also deal with the other four factors of competitiveness as outlined by Michael Porter, which include threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products, threat of bargaining power of suppliers and the threat of bargaining power of customers. In management, the threat of bargaining power of the employees is also a relevant factor that any business executives must be able to strategically manage in order to secure the future of the business. Business management is therefore any process that is geared towards safeguarding the interests of the business (Stacey, 2000). This indicates that business management is a complex process and cannot be defined in one sentence. The processes of business management are many and varied and in most cases require a team of experts in various fields in order for it to be complete. However, the core functions of management are as follows; Like has been identified, management is a process that involves the present as well as the future. In this regard, forecasting becomes a very important part of business management. It is only by knowing or forecasting the future that the business managers can prepare for it. Any business that fails to forecast, or provides misinformed forecasts will have a troubled future and any problems in the future are likely to affect the organization in an adverse way thus making it hard for the business to be resilient against poor market conditions. This kind of scenario was seen in the previous global economic recessions, especially America where even big multinationals had to either close their doors of business or had to file for bankruptcy. Good business managers must take this function with seriousness in order for them to be able to navigate the business across all kinds of economic weather (Center for Complex Adaptive Agent Systems, 2007). They must carry out due diligence with regard to the future and anticipate any problems that may arise in the
Friday, November 1, 2019
International business paper exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
International business paper exam - Essay Example It is a capitalist world-economy because the accumulation of private capital, through exploitation in production and sale for profit in a market, is its driving force; it is "a system that operates on the primacy of the endless accumulation of capital via the eventual commodification of everything" (Wallerstein, 1998). A polity is a "system of creating value through the collective conferral of authority" (Meyer, 1980). Nation-states are, of course, the invention of early modern times, institutions produced by the rise of capitalism. Capitalism required a jettisoning of the feudal regime with its patchwork of autonomous sovereignty. Difference was absorbed into the homogeneity of the nation-state, producing a unified legal code that protected private property and the investment of the capitalist and allowed for the circulation of a single currency. This economic act was, of course, represented as the creation of a harmonious community of people with a common language and a coherent culture and worldview. World culture theory is a label for a particular interpretation of globalization that focuses on the way in which participants in the process become conscious of and give meaning to living in the world as a single place. In this account, globalization "refers both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole"; in other words, it covers the acceleration in concrete global interdependence and in consciousness of the global whole (Robertson, 1992). From economic point of view globalization theories are devided into two theories: neoclassical and Marxist. Reassessing economic theories of globalization. Attention to the economic processes that shape positionality alters our ideas about the spatial dynamics of globalization. Much of the received wisdom of how markets work, both in neoclassical and Marxist economic theory was developed under the assumption that economies have no spatial extent. This received wisdom can be questioned, however, because the production of positionality challenges some key theoretical claims emanating from economics: the stability of market-based equilibria, the possibility of regional economic equality, the social benefits of free trade or land markets, the likelihood that rational choices lead to expected outcomes, the stability of class alliances, and the theory of value (Harvey 1982; Sheppard and Barnes 1990). It follows that the contrasting grand narratives about globalization associated with these two economic theories, of globalization as modernization and globalization as polarization, respectively, are also questionable. The global capitalist economy is better conceived of as an out- of -equilibrium, complex and contested spatiotemporal system whose long-term outcomes are unknowable. 2. Differences in national business systems Initially differences in national business systems (NBS) could be explained by institutional differences. In order to be effective, business firms would not only have to behave rationally toward the market and be technologically efficient as organizations, they would simultaneously have to behave effectively toward the institutional context in which they operated. Thus, if the different European states constitute different formations of institutions, business firms will in effect organize differently
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The effectiveness of ( Career Development Plan) in an organization Essay - 1
The effectiveness of ( Career Development Plan) in an organization - Essay Example When they are able to do this, they accomplish two things: 1) they add their talent to the organization and help it move forward and 2) they stay with the organization over the long-term. Central to this discussion is that the organization stands to profit from the work of the leaders in their organizations. "They are the ones who will involve themselves in the making of the organization and they will work towards their won goals at the same time. Career development seems to be important to an organization but how important it is will be the topic of this research. Specifically, this research will explore wither the career development plan is an effective training method to use in an organization to affect the performance of the company. A secondary aspect of this research is to define how career development planning can help the organization. For the purpose of this research, a qualitative study will be conducted. The research will use telephone interviews and online questionnaires. The questionnaires will be designed to begin at the awareness level that trainees may have regarding a career development plan. From this information, the researcher wants to understand the level of satisfaction that the trainees have with their organizations career development plan. Also, trainees will be asked for feedback as to their suggestions for improvement of the plan. Trainees will receive online questionnaires. Telephone interviews will be conducted with managers and trainees. These questionnaires will focus on the areas that need improvement following the online questionnaire. The target group for the research is trainees at the company. They are trainees who have come to the company within the last three years. The sample size is 30, which keeps the sample small and allows the researcher to examine the responses in a more manageable way. The researcher is particularly interested in understanding how the trainees feel that are involved in this particular
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Global Food Production Challenges
Global Food Production Challenges Introduction It has been observed that In spite of the fact that the food production has increased almost twice in the last few decades, but there are people who are insecure of the food conditions and do not get enough nutritious food to eat (Wu et al. 2011). As per the world population data the people who do not get adequate nutritious food to eat has reached to the extent of 870 million in 2013 (FAO et al. 2013), also it has been stated that, by the end of 2050, food production globally has to increase by 70 to 100 percent so that the total world population can had nutritious food to eat. (Bruinsma, 2009; Parry and Hawkesford, 2010; Zhu et al., 2010) It is also necessary that preventive steps are to be taken so as to reduce the global warming and greenhouse effect and ozone depletion. Population History and growth As per the UN population prospects, the population of world is expected to grow by 34 percent from 6.8 billion to 9.1 billion in 2050, so this increase in the population is the main reason for increased demand of the food. Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat (2007) It has also been noted that China and India, are the worlds most populated countries, both are bhaving more than 1 billion inhabitants; each has sustained once a year gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate over 10 years ago that is among the worlds highest  9 percent for China and 7 percent for India. As per the National Defense Research Institute (2011) although the population of India is lesser than that of china, but at the present scenario population growth of India is 1.55 percent yearly more than double Chinas 0.66 percent. It has been estimated that by 2025, the total population of India will be equal to that of China thus making India most populous country in the world. Also it has been noted that the population of India will continue to increase till 2050, while the population of China is expected to peak at about 1.4 billion in 2026 and will de-grow after that . (Figure 1) Figure Total Population Sizes, China and India, 2000–2035 ( ). Global Food systems Global food systems consist of production and supply of foods and its consumption. Figure 2 describes the overview of this food system. On the basis of the national level, supply is basically a function of national production and imports minus exports. The difference between supply and consumption is the gap caused by losses in the food chain. Global food system Figure 2: Global food Production In the year 1961, FAO gave information on the annual market supply to all the countries in world, for the production of agricultural commodities. (Gerbens-Leenes, 2010). Global Food Consumption: Food consumption patterns are the repeated arrangements of consumption, characterized by types and quantities of food items and their combination in dishes and meals, (Gerbens-Leenes Nonverbal, 2010). Food consumption pattern is based on certain factors like availability, tradition, culture and income effects. Land degradation Land degradation is basically temporary or permanent decline in ecosystem function and productive capacity. It can be destruction or deterioration in health of terrestrial ecosystems, which affects the biodiversity, natural ecological processes and ecosystem resilience, it can also reduce the biological/economic productivity and complexity of croplands, pasture, woodland, forest, etc. This can result to numerous factors like anthropogenic (human-related) activities such as unsustainable land management practices and climatic variations. The accelerated degradation is normally linked with human alteration of the environment. Degradation process can be deforestation and desertification. There are different cause for the degradation of land and they are soil erosion by wind or water, natural conditions, topography, weather/climatic conditions, high intensity rainfall, natural hazards, unsustainable agricultural practices, habitat alteration. ( degradation module.pdf) Land desertification Desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems on a global scale. It is a biophysical edaphic, climatic and geographical feature of the region Ying zhong XIE, (2014). Desertification is basically the degradation of dry land ecosystems by variations in climate and human activities. Worldwide desertification has affected the life of millions of people who depend on the dry land ecosystem. It has been observed that the dry lands are because of the shortage of the water. Thus, desertification is one of the main environmental threat today and a barrier to basic human needs in dry lands. As per (Jason P, 2012) the pervasive but untested desertification redistribution is because of loss of grass cover, this can have global relevance for human-environmental systems which can be at risk due to current or potential desertification. Agriculture Disease Measurement of Disease and Its Effect on Yield Plant diseases are those that either kill the plant or reduce the ability of a plant to survive, produce flowers or fruit. They are caused by micro-organisms normally referred to as pathogens; which include fungi, bacteria and viruses, although it is very difficult to measure the severity of plant disease. There are certain diseases but major plants disease include in which the leaves are not shaped properly; the symptoms cannot be identified and they can be from a few isolated lesions to also collapsing of the entire plant. Moreover there is no relationship between measures of symptoms and the failure to reach achievable yields . Thus it has been observed that the measurement of yield is highly controversial. However, the relation of plant disease to yield is not be very clear and it will need some proper measurement. (annualreviews,2014) Global Water Crisis It has been noted that because of shortage of water supply there has been a decline in irrigation. Water is very important and is used for crop cultivation in all regions of the world.( Hanjara and Qureshi , 2010). There has been seen an increased competition for water resources among all the sectors, regions and countries. Moreover 40% of the populations in the world live in regions that directly compete for water resources. Water is very important for irrigation, drinking and for other things thus water is very important. A major concern to maintaining future water supplies is the continuing over-draft of surface and groundwater resources. As a result, there is decline in available surface water and groundwater for irrigation. It has been observed that climatic change has an impact on the global food security and change in water and food supply. Moreover this change in the Climate can affect the production of agriculture and food security by altering the distribution of rainfall, and also the availability of water, land, capital, biodiversity and terrestrial resources. Furthermore, this change in the climate will also have an adverse impact on food and crop productivity, which can affect food security ( Hanjara and Qureshi, 2010). It has also been seen that the global warming can increase yields which can be due to negative effect of fertilizer, by rising presence of carbon di oxide present in the atmosphere, but this can have a negative impact on poor countries. Greenhouse effect on Carbon dioxide An increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main reason for increase in the global warming. As per certain studies at the Carnegie Institution for Science, in some regions more than a quarter of the warming result from increased carbon dioxide it is due to its direct impact on vegetation. Thus this increase in temperature and also an increase in the carbon dioxide levels have a heat-trapping greenhouse gas. For scientists trying to predict global climate change in the coming century, the study underscores the importance of including plants in their climate models. Plants during the photosynthesis take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, but they also have some other effects, like change in the rate of evaporation from the land surface. Thus the effect of carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas have been well known as pointed out by Caldeira. Moreover there is no doubt that carbon dioxide decreases evaporative cooling by plants and that this decreased cooling adds to gl obal warming. Greenhouse effect of higher temperature The greenhouse effect is basically when the short-wave solar radiation heats the surface of the Earth, and this energy is radiated back through the Earths atmosphere as heat, radiations of wavelengths 5-30 µm is absorbed by water vapourand carbon dioxide, which in turn radiate it, thus heating the atmosphere and land and ocean surface. This happens on its own and is natural and this is what is the reason that keeps the Earth habitable. Greenhouse keeps the average surface temperature would be about minus 18 °C, which is same as on the moon. There is a difference of some 33 °C substantially to natural levels of water vapour (60%, or more including clouds) and carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. In respect to enhancing the greenhouse effect, the particular issue is focused in the 8-18 µm band where water vapour is a weak absorber of radiation and where the Earths thermal radiation is greatest. As methane is stronger greenhouse gas because it has more atoms in the molecule than CO2. The radioactive effect is caused by infrared absorption, and molecules with more atoms absorb more infrared energy. IR absorption is by the electrons that bond between atoms in a molecule and the way those atoms vibrate. Greenhouse effect to Climate variability This graph, based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric CO2has increased since the Industrial Revolution: ( Increase in Pests And Disease As per a report in the journal Science in June 2002, it says that there is an alarming increase in diseases, this can be due to change in climate. Accordingly, it has been pointed out by authors that a â€Å"Climate change is disrupting natural ecosystems in a way that is making life better for infectious diseases.†Rising Sea Levels It has been proved that water expands on heating, and so sea levels are also expected to rise due to the global warming and greenhouse effect and the possible climatic change. Thus rising sea levels will also because of the polar caps as they are melting because of the global warming. This rising sea level is already having a negative effect on many small islands. The World Watch Institute has reported that the Earth’s ice cover is melting in more places and at higher rates. (March 6, 2000). This can also have an impact on many coastlines and small countries, and a large population of people of humanity lives near the coasts or by major rivers. ( The relationship of Green house and Ozone Depletion The ozone layer is very important as it protects the environment from the harmful rays of the sunlight. Thus ozone shield is important as it forms a barrier and protects plant and animal life on land from the suns ultraviolet rays, which may cause skin cancer, cataracts, and damage to the immune system. Ozone layer depletion can also alter the DNA living creature on the earth. Thus ozone layer is very important for the life in the earth. Shindell, et. al. wrote inNature, that Greenhouse gases warm the Earths surface but cool the stratosphere radiative, and therefore affect ozone depletion. Moreover by the end of 2019, Shindell, et al. expects that the ozone layer may reduce by two-thirds in the Arctic poles. Not only this, the severity and duration of the ozone hole in the Antarctic are also likely to increase, this may be because of greenhouse-gas-induced stratospheric cooling over the coming decades. As reported by NASA researchers and also by European, Japanese, and Canadian scientists, there is a connection between global warming, a cooling stratosphere, and depletion of stratospheric ozone. The report also says that the ozone layer is having a stabilizing effect on the Antarctic poles, whereas ozone levels in the Arctic circle are still falling. Conclusion: As per (Bruinsma 2011), there has to be an increase in total global food production by at least 70 to 100 percent by the end of the year 2050. It’s only then we can adequately feed a global population of nine billion people at that time. It has been already seen that China and India, the worlds most populated nations, and both the country has more than 1 billion inhabitants; each has sustained once a year gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate over 10 years ago that is among the worlds highest 9 percent for China and 7 percent for India, moreover it has been estimated that by the year 2025, Indias total population will be equal to China’s population, thus making India the worlds most populated country. In the year 1961, the information available on the annual market supply for almost all countries in world and production of agricultural commodities. In the western world, agriculture, transport and protect food in the technological development at the end of the 19th ce ntury led to the expansion of the food industry and food preparation shifted from households to industry, so stimulating the nutrition transition. Worldwide it has been noted that water shortage reflects the per capita decline and also in irrigation for the production of food. Also because of the population increase and also increased pollution the Ozone layer is getting depleted and is causing global warming and which will be the major cause of plant and human disease. So it is needed that the pollution should be as low as possible. It is also needed in future that the global food production should be increased by adopting new and innovative and mechanized method for production and cultivation of the crop. References: Caribben Youth environment Network (NO) Land degradation [online].Bridgetown:Carribbean YEN [Accessed at 28 October 2014] . Available at: degradation module.pdf >. Carnegie Institute. (2010) Carbon dioxides effects on plants increase global warming, study finds. [online] . Washington : Carnegie Institute .[Accessed 27 October 2014]. Available at:> . 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